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WHERE WE GO FROM HERE Road Map for Our Grad Workshop Project.

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1 WHERE WE GO FROM HERE Road Map for Our Grad Workshop Project

2 Team Members Roles  InDesign – JP & Katy  Collector (Project Manager) – Dustin  Write/Edit – Kyle, Nick, Bre (asst. editor)  SketchUp & Massing – Justin  Site Plans – Joey  Illustrate – Ben & Katy  Pictures – Nate & Vincent, Everybody

3 Our Deliverable  We decided as a class (7.6.10) that it would be a bound report with a Powerpoint/PDF presentation.  InDesign formatting will be designed by JP & Katy. Once editors have the written material gathered & edited they will hand the material off to JP & Katy to be placed in InDesign  Writers/Editors will be Nick & Kyle – They will take everyone’s written portions & give them one voice.  Assistant editor - Bre

4 Section 1: Statement of purpose, Historical context, and current NWQ Master Plan  Tasks Due Tuesday 7.13.10 1. Statement of Purpose (NATE) - Take everyone’s statement of purpose that was handed in and condense this down into a 1-3 paragraphs. Email to editors (Nick, Kyle, or Bre when done) 2. Historical Context (NICK & BRE) - Write the historical context section for the document. Luckily, Kathleen has done a lot of this work for us in her presentation about the Plat of Zion. 1. This section will need to include: a written portion (1-2 pgs apprx.) that will include info gathered from Kathleens presentation, historical photos, and any relevant historical info. that we have found. 2. Topics to focus on in this section: concept of community building and what that looks like, the vision of a mixed demographic of homes, people, work, etc. 3. Kathleen will be a great source to guide this section since she has so much knowledge about it. 3. Current NWQ Master Plan (KYLE) 1. This section will be broken down into 2 parts. The first part being the good things that we think the current plan does a good job of addressing. The second part being the deficiencies that we see within the plan. 2. If you have not done so by now please email Kyle your comments so he can have time to complete this before Tuesday.

5 Section 2: Market Demand  KYLE & CLASS  Tasks Comments due to Kyle ASAP. Narrative written by Tuesday 7.13.10  Write 2 sections of the report that address what has changed since the NWQMP was created and what are the current market trend for SLC saying. This has the potential to be 4-6 pages. Pam Perlich & A. Nelson have been identified as great resources to help with this portion of the report. This section will be an overview of the Wasatch 2040 plan, Harris Study, Wasatch front Development Trend, and the Environmental Studies that we have access to via the cities website. If you find other relevant studies feel free to include them if they back up our proposal. Narrative given to editors for a collective voice. Hand off to JP or Katy to place in InDesign. Include Transportation WHAT PEOPLE WANT!!! USE LOCAL INFORMATION & WHAT WE HAVE

6 Section 2: Market Demand Cont.  Future Projections included in this section can cover:  new city initiatives and infrastructure upgrades  Socio Economic write up about growth rates, land value, population demographics (this could have some charts, graphs, tables ect.)  Built Environment Map – Upcoming/future projects in the area  Transportation Maps/graphic – New projects & future travel models  Conclusion – For each individual site.

7 Section 3: Site Analysis, Recommendations (Alternative Plan) This will be our largest and most involved section and is the heart of the project. This section will focus on our 4 chosen infill sites. Each site will include a minimum of:  Site Inventory & Analysis Maps  Narrative  Master plan with supportive graphics.  Best management practices & a tool kit that outlines how each master plan will function and be implemented

8 Section 3: Collector  Collectors (DUSTIN) – Any maps, graphics, data, written material, etc. will be emailed or given directly to Dustin.  Dustin is the PM & will be in charge of making sure all material is handed in on time & given to the editors.

9 Section 3: Site Inventory & Analysis  Each Sites Inventory and Analysis will include: 1. Image outlining project area – Thanks to JOEY these have already been created for each site! 2. Relevant History of the area –this will be primarily written material but could have a few historic photos of the area. NICK & BRE 3. Maps/Graphic showing current Conditions. Along with each graphic there needs to be narrative. 1. Current Site Photos and/or film – VINCENT & NATE 2. Transportation – On top of an aerial photo identify UTA routes, bike routes/trails, bus routes, & walkability of the site. JP & JOEY 3. Socio-Economic – Map showing land ownership (Joey has pretty much completed this you can just take his map and focus in on each project site). We still need tables/graphs that represent the demographics in each area (employment, age, real estate values, crime rates, etc.) 4. Public Services– Show where public utilities exist (water, sewer, etc.), locate schools, fire & police departments, medical facilities, affordable housing. 5. Built Environment – Identify registered historic buildings, label surrounding typologies, need a write up about the current zoning/land-use in the project area. 6. Natural Environment - Show any contaminated areas within the site, liquefaction zones, identify existing parks. 7. * We still need someone to volunteer to make maps for # 3-6

10 Section 3: Recommendations  Each Sites Recommendations will include: 1. Proposed Master Plan for each site. BEN, KATY, JP, & JUSTIN 2. Supportive graphics that represent the master plan design. This could be Sketchup models, perspectives, elevations, sections, etc. 3. Narrative about the proposed development 4. Narrative outlining Best Management Practices & a tool box for how the design should be implemented. KATY & BEN

11 Deadlines  July 13 – Section 1 and 2 completed  July 20 – All of Section 3 completed  July 27 –Document finalized & powerpoint completed. Review as a class. Practice presentation as a group in class.  Date & time of our presentation. TBD by Kathleen  Remember to hand in all of your material ASAP so things can be edited & put in the report before each deadline!

12 Come to Class Tuesday 7.13.10 with all of your completed tasks so we can keep moving forward! Thanks guys!

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