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REACHING YOUR PREVENTION OBJECTIVES: Supporting NLAAD June 28, 2012 Please call in for audio U.S. & Canada: 1-866-740-1260 Access Code: 2011408.

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Presentation on theme: "REACHING YOUR PREVENTION OBJECTIVES: Supporting NLAAD June 28, 2012 Please call in for audio U.S. & Canada: 1-866-740-1260 Access Code: 2011408."— Presentation transcript:

1 REACHING YOUR PREVENTION OBJECTIVES: Supporting NLAAD June 28, 2012 Please call in for audio U.S. & Canada: 1-866-740-1260 Access Code: 2011408

2 House Keeping Presentation ≈ 45 min Q & A ≈ 15 min Use the chat feature to ask questions. This Webinar will be recorded and posted on our websites. &

3 Funded by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide FREE trainings and one-on-one technical assistance for Health Departments on: (1) Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs) and Public Health Strategies (2) Monitoring and Evaluation.

4 Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) for Community Based Organizations Comunidades Saludables Ahora Healthy Communities Now (CSA) is a capacity building program designed to increase access to and utilization of HIV prevention services among Latinos/Hispanics nationally through the implementation and dissemination of community mobilization models. Mobilizing Emerging Latino Populations Latino Religious Leadership (LRLP) National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) Hispanic Healthcare Worker Mobilization



7 High Impact HIV Prevention FOA / RFPs New requirements Implementation Components

8 New Directions New Strategies Components FOA/RFPNHAS

9 New Directions New Strategies Expanded Testing Condom Distributions Community Mobilization Social Marketing Removal of Structural Barriers High Impact Peer Support

10 Why Should My Jurisdiction Get Involved? High Impact Prevention & NHAS

11 Why Get Involved? O Need to do expanded testing O Aligns with NHAS O Community Mobilization O Media and Social Marketing

12 Challenges O Structural Barriers O Time O Cost $ O Specific population

13 Opportunities O Access to Latino Community O Implementation of Jurisdictional Plan O Alignment O NHAS O HIHP O 12-1201 O Maximize $

14 O Expanded HIV Testing O Reduction of structural barriers O Provision of culturally competent services O Community Mobilization O Social Marketing Activities

15 What is…. ?

16 The National Latino AIDS Awareness Day O 2003 –The Latino Commission and the Hispanic Federation O Today spearheaded by the Latino Commission O Nat’l Community mobilization and social marketing campaign O October 15 th - last day of Hispanic Heritage Month. O Increases visibility- HIV testing, prevention and education!

17 NLAAD O NLAAD is dedicated to addressing the health challenges and promoting healthy Latino communities. Hispanics United to End AIDS! Get tested for HIV ¡Hispanos Unidos para Derrotar al SIDA! Hazte la Prueba del VIH

18 How NLAAD Can Help YOU!

19 NLAAD CAMPAIGN TOOLKIT O Welcome letter O Folder O Posters O CD of informational resource documents Resource documents O “How to…” documents O Fact sheets on HIV/AIDS risk factors and at-risk populations in the Latino community O Sample documents and resources


21 Community mobilization model O Builds coalitions O Encourages developing a plan to mobilize leadership support for HIV prevention services O Promotes partnership, collaboration, participation and equity

22 Community mobilization model O Identifies resources in the community O Uses social marketing strategies for behavior change O Utilizes strategies for working with the media

23 Social Media & NLAAD O Social media- leveraging resources O Greater community reach O Reshapes the way we deliver HIV prevention and health communication messages. Follow us! @NLAAD Friend us! NationalLatino Aids Awareness Day

24 Media & NLAAD O Washington Hispanic O LA Times O El Diario O Fox5 Good Day NY O POZ O Many, many more….

25 This is how you join…. O Register at O Request Campaign toolkits O Request CBA support O Collaborate with local partners

26 How partnerships are fostered: COMMUNITY BUY-IN O The NLAAD network provides input for all NLAAD campaign materials O NLAAD members - use all campaign messages and tailor them for their needs O Network Conference calls O Technical assistance and Capacity Building O Website –

27 PAST NLAAD EVENTS Cultural Celebration Health Fair

28 PAST NLAAD EVENTS An article published in a local newspaper 5K race sponsored by the American Red Cross and Coca-Cola

29 PAST NLAAD EVENTS Media coverage Play about a Latino Family affected by HIV/AIDS

30 PAST NLAAD EVENTS Miss Universe gets publicly tested Press Conference – City Hall NYC

31 CBA for Community Mobilization & NLAAD O Needs Assessments O Skills Building (Group trainings) O Technical Consultations (Coaching sessions) O Technology Transfers (tools/materials) O Technical Services (evaluation, data analysis)

32 CBA for Health Departments & NLAAD O Peer-to-Peer O Build collaborations O Evaluating activities O Technology Transfers (tools/materials) O Technical Services (evaluation, data analysis)

33 Muchas Gracias

34 What QUESTIONS do you have?

35 The Latino Commission on AIDS Phone: 212-675-3288 E-mail: 35 Shared Action and Shared Action HD Phone: 213.201.1641 Email:

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