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INVENTORY (STOCK). WHY IS STOCK SO IMPORTANT? t It is the lifeblood of a trading business. t It is what a business buys to sell to make a profit. t It.

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Presentation on theme: "INVENTORY (STOCK). WHY IS STOCK SO IMPORTANT? t It is the lifeblood of a trading business. t It is what a business buys to sell to make a profit. t It."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHY IS STOCK SO IMPORTANT? t It is the lifeblood of a trading business. t It is what a business buys to sell to make a profit. t It is the stock (inventory) that provides the profit to a trading business. –Manage it well … and you are on the road to success. –Fail to manage – you are history!

3 Three Most Important things!! Management of: t Stock t Debtors t Creditors t How are these three related?

4 The Cycle Buy Stock from A Creditor Sell Stock To a Debtor Collect Cash From a Debtor Pay the Creditor

5 Buy Stock Buy on Credit. Be absolutely sure of the credit term. Buy stock that sells fast (high turnover) Buy only enough – Not too much or too less.

6 Buy Stock Sell Stock Selling stock on credit increases sales. Make credit checks Follow credit terms strictly. Follow up on defaulters.

7 Buy Stock Sell Stock Collect Cash If Selling on Credit: You must collect cash from debtors before you payment is due to the creditors.

8 Buy Stock Sell Stock Collect Cash Pay Cash Pay Cash to the Creditor Keep the profit Gross Profit

9 Buy Stock Sell Stock Collect Cash Pay Cash Buy more Stock Gross Profit

10 Controlling Inventory t List 10 items that would ensure the most effective return on inventory. –That is, what you must do to ensure the best use of the stock?

11 t Rotate Stock (old ones in front, new ones at back) t Set Minimum and Maximum levels t Remove slow moving lines. t Monitor products for obsolescence t Monitor selling prices t Monitor seasonal products t Buy cheap but quality products t Security t Storage and handling (wastage)

12 Stock Turnover Andrew and Clarence At any point in time there is one TV in their store. (The average stock is one – valued $100) They buy another TV as soon as the current one is sold. They repeat the cycle through out the year.

13 Andrew t Sold 365 TV in 2002. t How many times did he buy & sell in that year? t What was his stock turnover in 2002? t What was the average Stock in his business on any one day? t What was the Cost of Sales for 2002. t Calculate: COS  Average Stock =

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