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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20091 Cyber Security and Reliability Standards Regis F. Binder Director, Division of Logistics & Security Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20091 Cyber Security and Reliability Standards Regis F. Binder Director, Division of Logistics & Security Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20091 Cyber Security and Reliability Standards Regis F. Binder Director, Division of Logistics & Security Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

2 June 20092 The views expressed in this presentation do not represent the views of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or of the United States Disclaimer

3 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20093 Increased Cyber Security Concerns Automation & Data Gathering Connectivity of Control Systems –To Corporate Computers –To Vendors Use of Wireless Communications Interest of –Nation States – the equalizer –Hackers –Criminals –To Internet –To Remote Maintenance

4 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20094 Cyber Security and Reliability Standards Historically – Voluntary Standards Urgent Action Standard 1200 –Voluntary –Adopted by NERC Summit 2003 –Replaced by CIP-002-1 thru CIP-009-1, June 2006

5 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20095 Enforcement of Reliability Standards Western Electricity Coordinating Council Midwest Reliability Organization Southwest Power Pool Regional Entity Texas Regional Entity Northeast Power Coordinating Council Reliability First Corp SERC Reliability Corp. Florida Reliability Coordinating Council NERC has regional delegation agreements with 8 Regional Entities

6 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20096

7 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20097 Standards Development Process Standard Authorization Request Drafting Team Formed Proposed Standard Developed Comments Solicited Ballot –Quorum: 75% of Ballot Pool –Approval: 2/3 of Weighted Segment Votes Re-ballot? Board of Trustees Approval FERC & Canadian Approvals (w/ Public Comments)

8 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20098 Canada & Mexico 7 Canadian Provinces Interconnect With U.S.A. Different Laws – Information Protection NERC Works With Provinces to: –Establish Standards –Enforce Standards Mexico – Northwest Corner of Mexico

9 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 20099 Users, Owners & Operators of BPS NERC Compliance Registry Region FRCC MRO NPCC RFC SERC SPP TRE WECC TOTAL # of Registered Entities 70 117 268 357 226 115 216 473 1842

10 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200910 FERC Concerns With Reliability Standards Development Process Emergency & Security Issues Process is: –Public –Slow –Uncertain on Outcome

11 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200911 Areas Addressed by CIP Standards Identification of critical assets & critical cyber assets –Generating stations –Transmission stations –Control Centers

12 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200912 CIP Standards Continued I. Management involvement Security of sensitive information Cyber security training Personnel risk

13 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200913 CIP Standards Continued II. Physical security of critical cyber assets Change control Access control Electronic security perimeters

14 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200914 CIP Standards Continued III. Incident response Recovery plans

15 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200915 Critical Assets Facilities, systems, and equipment which, if destroyed, degraded, or otherwise rendered unavailable, would affect the reliability or operability of the Bulk Electric System. NERC April 7, 2009 Letter to Industry –Self-certification compliance survey –Results “raise concern” about identifying Critical Assets and Critical Cyber Assets –63% of Transmission Owners had at least one Critical Asset –Only 29% of Generation Owners and Generation Operators had at least one

16 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200916 FERC Approval of CIP Standards Order No. 706 January 18, 2008 Required many modifications –Critical Asset identification – required a wide-area oversight –Exceptions to Compliance – required oversight & approval mechanism –Reasonable Business Judgment language – required removal –Defense in Depth –Revoke Access Authorization

17 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200917 Order No. 706 Modifications Phase I (Version 2 of CIP Standards) Low-hanging fruit Reasonable Business Judgment language removed Approved by Ballot Body & NERC BoT Filed with FERC May 22 Expect two more phases

18 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200918 Compliance & Enforcement Regional Entities are front line Ways of monitoring –Compliance Audits –Self-Certifications –Spot Checking –Compliance Violation Investigations –Complaints Nuclear Stations – Order No. 706 - B –Self-Reporting –Periodic Data Submittals –Exception Reporting

19 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200919 Enforcement Actions Mitigation Plan Remedial Action Directive Sanctions –Monetary –Other FERC Oversight FERC Can Originate

20 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission June 200920 Smart Grid A smarter grid would permit two-way communication between the electric system and a much larger number of devices located outside of controlled utility environments Interoperability standards and protocols leave no gaps in cyber or physical security

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