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Special Education Process What are the steps if your child is suspected of having a disability? Mary K. Antonucci EDU 621.

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2 Special Education Process What are the steps if your child is suspected of having a disability? Mary K. Antonucci EDU 621

3  Do you suspect your child has a disability that is affecting his ability to make progress?  Begin by Speaking with you child’s teacher to decide on classroom accommodations.  If there is continuing difficulty with school work, you may make a referral for a special education evaluation at any time. Click below for more information Overview of Questions

4 Special Education Laws and Principles -Parent and Student Participation -FAPE- Free and Appropriate Education Appropriate Evaluation -Individualized Education Program -Least Restrictive Environment -Procedural Safeguards

5 School District Obligations In conjunction with teachers and district personnel, the IEP team will consider your child’s needs and the services necessary to learn the material covered. We all work in unison

6 The team includes: -Parent/ Special Education Teacher -Regular Education Teacher -District Representative -Person Qualified to Interpret Evaluation Results -Other Individuals or Agencies Invited by the Parent of the School district or who have special Expertise of Knowledge of your Child.

7  What is Free and Appropriate Education?- FAPE ensures all students with disabilities receive an appropriate public education at no expense to the family. FAPE differs for each student because of needs. FAPE guarantees that for students who are found eligible for special education, school district must be prepared to provide services according to the IEP beginning no later than his 3 rd birthday. He may continue services until his 22 nd birthday or until he receives a standard diploma, whichever comes first. F.A.P.E.

8 Appropriate Evaluation Types of Assessments- Health Assessment Psychological Assessment Educational Assessment Home Assessment Need more information about testing? Click below and listen to the two audios provided.

9 Individualized Education Plan- IEP  Definition- outlines specific learning needs, based upon professional evaluation and identifies supports that are needed to assist the child to meet his goals.  Overview- Components  - Student Vision  Participation in goal curriculum  Other educational needs  IDEA federal law- students should participate in general curriculum.

10  Annual goals- broad generalized  statements- who, what, where  how, when?  Measurable Annual Goals- broken  down into benchmarks.  Objectives- smaller steps child needs  to make to reach annual goal  Common goals- psychomotor,  cognitive, affective  Objectives- 4 main things- audience,  behavior, condition, degree. Goals and Objectives

11  After the goals and objectives have been set in place, It is the district’s responsibility and the parent’s responsibility to be available for an annual review of goals. Hopefully, the child has met adequate progress and new goals will be constructed. Team members that may be in attendance are:  Special Education Teacher  General Education Teacher  Anyone who provides services to your child Click below to find out more information about and IEP meeting. Annual IEP Meeting

12  Student may not require special education, but may eligible for a service under Section 504. If appropriate the child may be evaluated in :  Health  Vision  Hearing  Social and Emotional Status  General Intelligence  Academic performance  Communication Status  Motor Abilities Related Services

13  Related services that may be corrective include- speech and language pathology and audiology  Interpreting services  Psychological services  Physical and occupational therapy  Counseling  Mobility services  Social work services in schools  Parent training Indirect Services

14  Play or sports and leisure activities included for ASD autism spectrum students.  Social interaction among peers including spontaneous, less structure nature of play. Opportunities for concepts that the child may have difficulty attaining in larger group settings. Recreational Therapy

15 Decision based on child’s IEP.  Eligibility factors include:  Regression  Degree of progress  Interfering behaviors  Special Circumstances  Ask for school copy- review child’s objectives  Send letter to school  Talk with people who know your child  What services are available that will support him? Extended School Year

16  Changes to IDEA 2004  Parents have rights to agree or disagree with proposals. They may interject their own proposals.  Safeguards include:  Timelines to be adhered to  Parent refusal  Written Consent  Decisions on IEP  Right to independent evaluation  Access to student records Safeguards

17 Let’s Recap: Click below for a review of the special education referral process.

18 Works Cited (2013, Feb. 27). www.friendshipcircle.o. (2103, Feb. 25). (2013, Feb.). www.microsoftcliparet. (2013, Feb. 22). (2013, Mar. 1). (2013, Feb. 27). Overview_Sped_Process.pdf (2013, Feb. 25). / www.wves. _handbookdmQ. (2013). Special Education Law Notes- EDU 621 Winter 2013 Works Cited

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