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What are Delta Participants Learning about the Practice of Teaching? NSF Supplement Pillar Study CIRTL Network Meeting – Project Update (10/21/10) Chris.

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Presentation on theme: "What are Delta Participants Learning about the Practice of Teaching? NSF Supplement Pillar Study CIRTL Network Meeting – Project Update (10/21/10) Chris."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are Delta Participants Learning about the Practice of Teaching? NSF Supplement Pillar Study CIRTL Network Meeting – Project Update (10/21/10) Chris Pfund & Brian Manske University of Wisconsin-Madison

2 Research Data CC DCC InEd ETT IMD ISIF Courses n = 21 CCLE EL Intern Programs n = 20 CC= The College Classroom, DCC = Diversity in the College Classroom, InEd = Informal Education, ETT = Effective Teaching with Technology, IMD = Instructional Materials Development, ISIF = International Students, International Faculty; CCLE = Creating a Collaborative Learning Environment, EL = Expeditions in Learning, Intern = Internship Seminar Participants n = 312 SatisfactionLearningApplicationParticipation Final Evaluations

3 Final Evaluation Questions 1.What major concepts* are you taking away from this course, program or activity that will affect your practice as an educator? If possible, please give 23 specific examples. 2.Suppose that you were preparing to teach some scientific concept from your discipline (e.g., the nitrogen cycle, amplitude, statistical significance, human development in early childhood). Describe the steps that you would take to do so, based on what youve learned in this course, program or activity. *Please note: Questions did NOT specifically ask participants to name or describe the pillars

4 Study Objectives Identify the teaching and learning themes present in participant responses to the two final evaluation questions Examine the occurrence of pillar language and concepts within these themes

5 Coding Bins w/ Example

6 WORDLE ( Words removed for readability: teaching, students, learning, class, concept, different

7 Theme Prevalence by Respondent

8 Pillar Related Themes 020406080100120140160180 Learning Goals & Outcomes Assessment & Evaluation Teaching-as-Research (by name) Learning Style Inclusive Teaching Diverse Students Learning-through-Diversity (by name) Group Work Community Learning Community (by name) LC LtD TAR

9 Discussion Questions 1.What do we expect Delta Program (and CIRTL Network Program) participants to say about their teaching practice? What would be a satisfactory answer? What themes/ elements would it include? 2.Do we expect CIRTL Network participants to integrate the pillars into descriptions of their teaching practice? A.By name? B.Conceptually? C.To what level of detail? 3.If we expect integration of the pillars and/or pillar- related concepts across the CIRTL Network, what participant outcomes will indicate success? 4.To what extent does common language matter in the CIRTL Network community?

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