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Training & skills development in the South African audiovisual industry Kevan Jones CTS.

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1 Training & skills development in the South African audiovisual industry Kevan Jones CTS

2 with special thanks to In celebration of

3 Network, discover, learn and do business

4 What is SACIA? Certain issues can be resolved more effectively communities work together to address a common Certain issues can be resolved more effectively when communities work together to address a common need …but there has to be more

5 Founding members

6 Reciprical membership benefits

7 Change is inevitable Change is inevitable. In a progressive country change is constant. Change is inevitable. In a progressive country change is constant. Benjamin Disraeli

8 Change is constant “If anything is certain, it is that change is certain. The world we are planning for today will not exist in this form tomorrow.” “If anything is certain, it is that change is certain. The world we are planning for today will not exist in this form tomorrow.” Philip Crosby

9 Change exists in the AV business as well

10 Different & changing needs Apply international standards Apply international standards Provide appropriate training and skills development programmes Provide appropriate training and skills development programmes Structured certification programme that’s recognised both locally and internationally Structured certification programme that’s recognised both locally and internationally

11 Bringing our worlds closer together Capturing/Augmenting Visual & Audio Information & Environments Audiovisual Networked Infrastructures Broadband Backbones Information Technology

12 5 BIG growth drivers Conferencing AV – IT integration Digital signage & content High definition 16:9 widescreen

13 Change is accelerating The global AV marketplace has never been stronger. The demand for streaming media, webcasting, digital signal processing, wireless applications and AV-related software has increased dramatically worldwide Randal Lemke - InfoComm

14 Markets face tough times Labour unrest Labour unrest Tough global economy Tough global economy Brain drain continues Brain drain continues Balance of payments at 8% Balance of payments at 8% Inequality of wealth Inequality of wealth

15 Regulatory environment Legislation requires workplace skills development programme Legislation requires workplace skills development programme 1% skills development levy 1% skills development levy BEE credentials BEE credentials

16 International standards InfoComm is an ANSI – ISO accredited standards developer for the audiovisual industry InfoComm is an ANSI – ISO accredited standards developer for the audiovisual industry

17 World Standards Day 14 October 2009 32 nd General Assembly held in Cape Town 16-18 September 2009

18 Standards build confidence “Standards build confidence” was the key message at the opening of the 32nd General Assembly of ISO, the International Organization for Standardization – the world’s largest developer of International Standards – in Cape Town, South Africa. Tshediso Matona SA Trade & Industry

19 Financial crisis hits “A major imperative is the need to promote good business and governance practice, as well as the need for better risk management. Standards provide the confidence essential to economic development.” Alan Morrison ISO President

20 Training to suit the market Web-based learning Web-based learning Classroom-based Classroom-based Dedicated Academy instructors Dedicated Academy instructors Books, manuals and support material Books, manuals and support material Appropriate training and skills development programmes Appropriate training and skills development programmes

21 More than 10 thousand Certified Technology Specialists worldwide ISO – ANSI registered ISO – ANSI registered Specialised for specific disciplines Specialised for specific disciplines

22 An association of men … who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations, to a town meeting or vestry. Thomas Jefferson

23 Primary objectives Encourage new members to join our founding group and participate in the development of an industry Association that delivers real value to all participants Generate greater support for local training

24 Thanks for joining us Kevan Jones 082-555-5556

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