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By: Joanne Huynh. Planet’s Symbol Origin  Roman mythology  God of agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Joanne Huynh. Planet’s Symbol Origin  Roman mythology  God of agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Joanne Huynh

2 Planet’s Symbol

3 Origin  Roman mythology  God of agriculture

4 Discovery Of Saturn  Who: Galileo  How: Through a telescope  When: 1610

5 Distances  Saturn is the 6 th planet from the sun  It’s 1,429,400,000 km from the sun  1.67 billion km from Earth

6 Planet Measurements  Mass: 5.6832x10 26 kg  Volume: 8,2713x10 14 km 3  Density: 0.687 g/cm 3  Gravity: 10.4 m/s 2  Saturn would float on water because it’s less dense than water.

7 Orbit and Rotation  It takes 29.46 Earth years for Saturn to orbit the Sun  To rotate on it’s axis in one day it takes Saturn 10.2 Earth hours

8 Composition of the Atmosphere  Made of mostly hydrogen and helium 75% Hydrogen 25% Helium  Thick atmosphere

9 Temperature  Saturn’s temperature range is -290 oF  It would be freezing compared to Earth  Compared to Florida it would be extremely cold

10 Composition/Appearance  Saturn is a gas giant, and it’s composition is similar to Jupiter’s  It’s mainly 75% hydrogen, and 25% helium  There are traces of water, methane, ammonia, and rock on the planet  Saturn is almost as big as Jupiter in size. It has 8 rings around it, and it appears to be striped with a yellowish tan. Saturn can be seen with a naked eye.

11 Weather On Saturn  Fog and wind occur on Saturn  The winds blow 1,100 mph (500 meters per second)  The clouds in the atmosphere are cold, thick, and in a uniform shape

12 Rings  Saturn has 8 divisions of rings  The rings are made of ice chunks and rocks  It was discovered by Galileo in 1910 with a 20-power telescope  The color of the rings are tannish gray and white

13 Moons  There are 53 moons on Saturn and 9 being confirmed  Saturn’s moons might be able to support life  The moons’ of Saturn were discovered in the 1600s

14 Forms of Water on Saturn  Water ice  Rain  Ice atmosphere

15 What would happen if a human traveled to Saturn?  You’d weight about 7lbs heavier  You’d float around Saturn  No long term survival, because Saturn does not support life

16 Something Special  Since 2004, 5 missions were taken place on Saturn  They’ve been researching about the moons and rings on Saturn

17 Bibliography  Nine Planet., Copyright  Solar System Exploration., Copyright 2013  All About Astronomy., Copyright 2010  Solar System Symbols., Copyright 2012  Saturn - Astronomy For Kids., Copyright 2013  Saturns Symbol. COuc2efjW_Y/USFsqVDRRqI/AAAAAAAAAls/2k7QTJGey9o/s1600/Saturns_symbol.png COuc2efjW_Y/USFsqVDRRqI/AAAAAAAAAls/2k7QTJGey9o/s1600/Saturns_symbol.png  Galileo Galilei.  Saturn,  Saturn Earth Size Comparison.,_Earth_size_comparison.jpg,_Earth_size_comparison.jpg  Saturn Planets Background Pictures Photo. planets-backgrounds-pictures-photo.png planets-backgrounds-pictures-photo.png  Colorrings Cassini Big.  32384-thumb-600x387-126494.  Saturn Inside Rings. inside_rings.jpg inside_rings.jpg  Saturn Storms.  Rings.  Main Flash Image.  Saturn And Sun.  Saturn Big.

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