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Education Market. 19,000 school systems (Approx.) Conservatively,105,000 classrooms $667 Billion spent on elementary & secondary education in 2008-2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Education Market. 19,000 school systems (Approx.) Conservatively,105,000 classrooms $667 Billion spent on elementary & secondary education in 2008-2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Market

2 19,000 school systems (Approx.) Conservatively,105,000 classrooms $667 Billion spent on elementary & secondary education in 2008-2009 school year –$62 Billion forecasted for IT spending alone in 2013 –LCDs and Interactive Whiteboards are key strategies for schools (even being mandated in some curriculum—Project Lead the Way)

3 The Educational Market 4 Key Players – 1 Right Decision...

4 You have 4 key influencers/decision-makers that must be leveraged to make the sale –The architect/engineer who specifies the cable –The integrator who designs the Audio/Visual system –The distributor who sells RapidRun –The school who ultimately purchases the product


6 Understanding the Education Market RapidRun is the right solution for schools as they deploy Audio/Visual technology in the classroom, conference rooms, or digital signage. Why is RapidRun the most complete Audio/Visual Installation System? Time-saving, flexible RapidRun: –Ends field terminating hassles – no more time-consuming and inconsistent crimping, splicing or soldering –Connects in less than a minute – thanks to color-coded connectors requiring no tools –Reconnects for upgrades just as easily – no need to pull new cable or incurring added expense –Plus, RapidRun also offers a better ROI (return on investment). EXAMPLE: One RapidRun customer tells us he is already seeing a substantial difference in efficiency. Before RapidRun, his school system’s 8,000+ classrooms required an average of 2 hours per classroom to install Audio/Video cabling. But RapidRun has cut the average installation time down to 30 minutes per classroom. A huge savings when working with tight budgets!

7 The Right Decision for Schools Share with Integrators why RapidRun is the complete solution for schools On your 1st call - Build Awareness! Once you have interest, educating Resellers on the education market is key Share with Resellers That: –It is not a “Turn & Burn” Sale –The sales cycle takes a little longer but can reap larger profits –It can be Re-occurring Revenue –It is a huge opportunity with 19,000 school systems in the U.S.

8 What to Say to the Integrator- One Example Hello my name is (Representative Name), and I am with (Company). I am hoping you can help me out. As the manufacturer of RapidRun, the most complete Audio/Video system requested by schools, we are trying to determine how well integrators are prepared when architects and schools specify RapidRun. Have you heard of RapidRun?

9 Why Rapid Run? Schools –Concerned with ever changing Audio/Video systems technology –Efficiency and huge savings –Because of its easy-to-upgrade format, more schools than ever are choosing RapidRun Architects –The modular interconnect system for A/V cabling that can support multiple signals over a single cable – including composite video, S- video, component video, and HDMI or DVI video.

10 Why Rapid Run? Integrators –Ends field terminating hassles – no more time-consuming and inconsistent crimping, splicing or soldering –Connects in less than a minute – thanks to color-coded connectors requiring no tools –Reconnects for upgrades just as easily – no pulling new cable or incurring added expense –Plus, RapidRun offers a better return on investment.. Distributors –Award winning product –Product growth over 300% –Dependable manufacture

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