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Planning the Expedition

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1 Planning the Expedition
Lewis and Clark: Planning the Expedition Guided Highlighted Reading For : Vocabulary Summary "Lewis & Clark." EdGate connecting Publishers and Educators to what works. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 May <

2 Planning the Expedition Copyright 2000 Smithsonian Institution and, Inc.
In 1803, when Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States, the U.S. purchased the Louisiana Territory from France. This was a huge tract of over 800,000 square miles, taking in nearly the entire mid-section of North America from present-day Texas and Louisiana up to Montana and North Dakota. This almost doubled the size of the new country. Much of the new territory was unexplored. Jefferson decided to send an expedition up the Missouri River to its source in the western mountains and beyond to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson hoped that the expedition would be able to find the elusive Northwest Passage, a water route across the country, which would be a great boon to commerce. So in that same year, Jefferson commissioned the Corps of Discovery under the command of his trusted private secretary, Meriwether Lewis. Besides seeking the Northwest Passage, Lewis was to map the new territory, assess its natural resources, and make contact with its inhabitants, befriending them if possible. Lewis recruited his friend William Clark to share equally in the command of the expedition, as well as a force of over 40 men. The members of the Corps of Discovery were soldiers, but their purpose was peaceful – exploration, diplomacy, and science. Lewis was commissioned as a Captain of the Army of the United States, Clark as a Lieutenant (although this inferior rank was kept secret from the men, and Clark was always called "Captain").

3 Vocabulary Prompt #1 In the title, highlight the word that means an excursion, journey or voyage. Prompt #2 In line 1, highlight the word that means “to have bought”. Prompt #3 In line 2, highlight the word that means “an expanse or area of land”. Prompt #4 In line 5, highlight the word that means “ not looked at closely or discovered”. Prompt #5 In line 6, highlight the word that means “ any place or thing from which something comes”. Prompt #6 In line 7, highlight the word that means “ tricky, slippery, puzzling”. Prompt #7 In line 8, highlight which word means “ a blessing or benefit”. Prompt #8 In line 8, highlight which word means “ buying and selling things between countries or people.”. Prompt #9 In line 9, highlight the word that describes how Jefferson formed the Corps of Discovery. Prompt #10 In line 11, highlight the word that means “to estimate”. Prompt #11 In line 12, highlight the word that describes the people Lewis and Clark might meet.” Prompt #12 In line 15, highlight the word that describes the work between countries. Prompt #13 In line 15, highlight the word describing how Lewis became a Captain. Prompt #14 In line #16, highlight the word that means “less than or not as good as”.

4 Planning the Expedition Copyright 2000 Smithsonian Institution and, Inc.
In 1803, when Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States, the U.S. purchased the Louisiana Territory from France. This was a huge tract of over 800,000 square miles, taking in nearly the entire mid-section of North America from present-day Texas and Louisiana up to Montana and North Dakota. This almost doubled the size of the new country. Much of the new territory was unexplored. Jefferson decided to send an expedition up the Missouri River to its source in the western mountains and beyond to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson hoped that the expedition would be able to find the elusive Northwest Passage, a water route across the country, which would be a great boon to commerce. So in that same year, Jefferson commissioned the Corps of Discovery under the command of his trusted private secretary, Meriwether Lewis. Besides seeking the Northwest Passage, Lewis was to map the new territory, assess its natural resources, and make contact with its inhabitants, befriending them if possible. Lewis recruited his friend William Clark to share equally in the command of the expedition, as well as a force of over 40 men. The members of the Corps of Discovery were soldiers, but their purpose was peaceful – exploration, diplomacy, and science. Lewis was commissioned as a Captain of the Army of the United States, Clark as a Lieutenant (although this inferior rank was kept secret from the men, and Clark was always called "Captain").

5 GHR for Summary – Planning the Expedition
Prompt # In line 1, highlight the name of the man who was president in 1803. Prompt # In lines 2 and 3, highlight the name of what the United States purchased and who sold it . Prompt # In line 4, highlight how much the purchase increased the size of the United States. Prompt # In lines 5 and 6, highlight what President Jefferson decided to do. Prompt # In line 7, highlight what Jefferson hoped the expedition would find. Prompt # In line 9, highlight what Jefferson commissioned. Prompt # In line 10, highlight the name of the man Jefferson chose to be in command. Prompt # In lines 11 and 12, highlight what Lewis was to do. Prompt # In line 12, highlight the name of the man chosen to share equal command with Lewis. Prompt # In line 13, highlight the number of men in the Corps of Discovery. Prompt # In lines 14 and 15, highlight their purpose. Prompt # In lines 15 and 16, highlight the military ranks/titles for both Lewis and Clark.

6 Planning the Expedition Copyright 2000 Smithsonian Institution and, Inc.
In 1803, when Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States, the U.S. purchased the Louisiana Territory from France. This was a huge tract of over 800,000 square miles, taking in nearly the entire mid-section of North America from present-day Texas and Louisiana up to Montana and North Dakota. This almost doubled the size of the new country. Much of the new territory was unexplored. Jefferson decided to send an expedition up the Missouri River to its source in the western mountains and beyond to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson hoped that the expedition would be able to find the elusive Northwest Passage, a water route across the country, which would be a great boon to commerce. So in that same year, Jefferson commissioned the Corps of Discovery under the command of his trusted private secretary, Meriwether Lewis. Besides seeking the Northwest Passage, Lewis was to map the new territory, assess its natural resources, and make contact with its inhabitants, befriending them if possible. Lewis recruited his friend William Clark to share equally in the command of the expedition, as well as a force of over 40 men. The members of the Corps of Discovery were soldiers, but their purpose was peaceful – exploration, diplomacy, and science. Lewis was commissioned as a Captain of the Army of the United States, Clark as a Lieutenant (although this inferior rank was kept secret from the men, and Clark was always called "Captain").

7 Now it is your turn to write a summary of what you have read and highlighted. In 1-4 lines, write a summary of the main information from what you have just read and highlighted. You may go back to the text to help you. Use the lines on the back side of the text to write your summary. When you are finished, share your summary with a partner.

8 Multiple-choice Quiz Lewis and Clark: Planning the Expedition
Who was President of the United States in 1803? a. Dwight Eisenhower b. Barack Obama c. Thomas Jefferson d. George Bush With which country did the United States make negotiate Louisiana Purchase? a. Serbia b. Germany c. Spain d. France How much did the Louisiana Purchase increase the size of the United States? a. very little b. doubled c. about a quarter more d. none Who were the two men the President commissioned to lead the journey west? a. Tom and Harry b. George and Pete c. Lewis and Clark d. Hoover and Roosevelt What was one of the original purposes of this trip? a. to find gold b. to find the Northwest Passage c. to build new cities d. to build roads 6. Which of the following were they to do on this trip? a. map new territory b. assess natural resources c. make contact with the inhabitants d. all of the above How many men were in the Corps of Discovery force? a. 20 b. 100 c. 60 d. 40

9 Multiple-choice Quiz Lewis and Clark: Planning the Expedition
Who was President of the United States in 1803? a. Dwight Eisenhower b. Barack Obama c. Thomas Jefferson d. George Bush With which country did the United States negotiate the Louisiana Purchase? a. Serbia b. Germany c. Spain d. France How much did the Louisiana Purchase increase the size of the United States? a. very little b. doubled c. about a quarter more d. none Who were the two men the President commissioned to lead the journey west? a. Tom and Harry b. George and Pete c. Lewis and Clark d. Hoover and Roosevelt What was one of the original purposes of this trip? a. to find gold b. to find the Northwest Passage c. to build new cities d. to build roads 6. Which of the following were they to do on this trip? a. map new territory b. assess natural resources c. make contact with the inhabitants d. all of the above How many men were in the Corps of Discovery force? a. 20 b. 100 c. 60 d. 40

10 “Lewis and Clark: Planning The Expedition”
For discussion… “Lewis and Clark: Planning The Expedition” Why was President Jefferson’s decision to purchase all that land from France wise or not so wise? How would learning about the inhabitants, natural resources, and mapping be important parts of Lewis and Clark’s journey? Why do you think President Jefferson decided to send soldiers on a “peaceful” mission to explore the new territory? If Lewis and Clark did not find the Northwest Passage, what do you think they found that was at least as important if not more important?

11 undiscovered estimate origin(where it comes from) occupants
Your name: ______________________________________________ Planning the Expedition Cloze to Assess Vocabulary Understanding Directions: Write the word or phrase from the following list that is the best or correct synonym or phrase for each of the italicized words or phrases in the blank. Make sure the synonym makes sense, and read the sentence, substituting the synonym for the italicized word or phrase. undiscovered estimate origin(where it comes from) occupants puzzling relations (between countries) benefit mediocre bought trade(buying and selling) expanse of land appointed(twice) In 1803, when Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States, the U.S. purchased _______________the Louisiana Territory from France. This was a huge tract _________________of over 800,000 square miles, taking in nearly the entire mid-section of North America from present-day Texas and Louisiana up to Montana and North Dakota. This almost doubled the size of the new country. Much of the new territory was unexplored________________. Jefferson decided to send an expedition up the Missouri River to its source_____________ in the western mountains and beyond to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson hoped that the expedition would be able to find the elusive____________________ Northwest Passage, a water route across the country, which would be a great boon_________________ to commerce___________________. So in that same year, Jefferson commissioned______________________ the Corps of Discovery under the command of his trusted private secretary, Meriwether Lewis. Besides seeking the Northwest Passage, Lewis was to map the new territory, assess____________________ its natural resources, and make contact with its inhabitants___________________, befriending them if possible. Lewis recruited his friend William Clark to share equally in the command of the expedition, as well as a force of over 40 men. The members of the Corps of Discovery were soldiers, but their purpose was peaceful – exploration, diplomacy__________________, and science. Lewis was commissioned________________ as a Captain of the Army of the United States, Clark as a Lieutenant (although this inferior____________________ rank was kept secret from the men, and Clark was always called "Captain").

12 undiscovered estimate origin(where it comes from) occupants
Your name: ______________________________________________ Planning the Expedition Cloze to Assess Vocabulary Understanding Directions: Write the word or phrase from the following list that is the best or correct synonym or phrase for each of the italicized words or phrases in the blank. Make sure the synonym makes sense, and read the sentence, substituting the synonym for the italicized word or phrase. undiscovered estimate origin(where it comes from) occupants puzzling relations between countries benefit mediocre bought trade(buying and selling) expanse of land appointed(twice) In 1803, when Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States, the U.S. purchased bought the Louisiana Territory from France. This was a huge tract expanse of land of over 800,000 square miles, taking in nearly the entire mid-section of North America from present-day Texas and Louisiana up to Montana and North Dakota. This almost doubled the size of the new country. Much of the new territory was unexplored undiscovered. Jefferson decided to send an expedition up the Missouri River to its source origin in the western mountains and beyond to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson hoped that the expedition would be able to find the elusive puzzling Northwest Passage, a water route across the country, which would be a great boon benefit to commerce trade . So in that same year, Jefferson commissioned appointed the Corps of Discovery under the command of his trusted private secretary, Meriwether Lewis. Besides seeking the Northwest Passage, Lewis was to map the new territory, assess estimate its natural resources, and make contact with its inhabitants occupants, befriending them if possible. Lewis recruited his friend William Clark to share equally in the command of the expedition, as well as a force of over 40 men. The members of the Corps of Discovery were soldiers, but their purpose was peaceful – exploration, diplomacy relations between countries and science. Lewis was Commissioned appointed as a Captain of the Army of the United States, Clark as a Lieutenant (although this Inferior mediocre rank was kept secret from the men, and Clark was always called "Captain").

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