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Huntsville City Schools TOWN HALL MEETING July 23, 2013 HCS Leadership Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Huntsville City Schools TOWN HALL MEETING July 23, 2013 HCS Leadership Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Huntsville City Schools TOWN HALL MEETING July 23, 2013 HCS Leadership Team

2 District Overview Expanded Pre-K Program:  We have 38 Pre-K programs, 23 classrooms are locally funded;  We have 38 Pre-K programs, 23 classrooms are locally funded; Dawson, MLK, and Lakewood have multiple Pre-K classrooms  60% of at-risk students now have the opportunity to attend a high-quality Pre-K program Formative Assessments:  Setting high expectations for student achievement  Using real-time data to guide decisions & instruction to ensure all of our students are college & career ready  Bringing formative assessments online this year in all grades and subjects to augment our STAR formative assessments for reading and math District-Wide Talent Management & Development:  Staffing effort focused upon providing every classroom highly effective teachers - teacher performance is reviewed every year for probationary teachers and for tenured teachers as requested by principals – the review is conducted using multiple measures of teacher effectiveness  Implemented Summer Learning Labs for Teachers  Provided 30 Days of Embedded Professional Development in Every School

3 District Overview System Wide Digital Conversion:  All students and core classrooms have learning technology to include I-Pads or Laptops and Active Boards Breakfast in the Classroom:  Expanded from two schools to thirteen schools - breakfast participation rates have tripled - a  Expanded from two schools to thirteen schools - breakfast participation rates have tripled - all priority schools have breakfast in the classroom programs to aid student learning, reduce absenteeism, and improve school culture.


5 The Huntsville City Schools’ Child Nutrition Program was recently certified by the Alabama State Department of Education as meeting all requirements of the “Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act” of 2010. (HHFKA)

6 This means that our Child Nutrition Program is meeting all State and Federal Regulations in regards to serving healthy nutritious meals. It is important to the district because certification allows us to receive an extra 6 cents for every lunch we serve, which equates to about $15,000 per month.

7 BREAKFAST IN THE CLASSROOM (BIC) The impact of the Breakfast in the Classroom Program over time.

8 Comparison of Breakfast Participation rates for the Title 1 Schools Davis Hills Middle 58 % 99 % Ed White 35 % 78 % Highlands 38 % 86 % Lakewood 46 % 98 % McDonnell 38 % 87 % Montview 48 % 85 % Morris 49 % 88 % MLK 44 % 86 % Rolling Hills 49 % 93 % Ridgecrest 34 % 90 % University Place 50 % 85 % James Dawson 41 % 84 % Westlawn 46 % 83 % School Year 2010-2011 School Year 2012-2013 Congratulations to M.L.K. Elementary for winning the 2013 USDA “Best Practices Award”. There are only 120 “Best Practices Awards” given out each year in the entire country. The award will be formally presented to the school this November. Fantastic job by all!!!

9 We started a Summer Feeding Program in June where we provided a free hot breakfast, lunch, and supper to any child ages 18 and under. This program was available in 12 different schools. How did our Summer Feeding Program compare to other school districts in Alabama?

10 According to Danielle Turk of the Alabama State Department of Education, Huntsville City Schools served a total of 71,089 total meals during the month of June. To put that into perspective, the school district that finished second to us in June only served 38,217 total meals. We will finish the program this Friday with a final total between 97,000 and 100,00 meals!

11 What new programs will Child Nutrition be implementing this upcoming school year? We will be starting a “Breakfast in the Classroom Program” in both Butler High and Johnson High School beginning this school year. I want to personally thank both new Principals for their willingness to try something new and to thank them both for putting the needs of their students first.

12 Huntsville City Schools Enrollment & Facilities Planning 12

13 Provide diverse, equitable schools that afford every student access to effective, personalized instruction in safe and orderly educational centers of excellence by: Building new schools that consolidate student bodies within feeder patterns that achieve a consistent student progression from Pre-K to 12 th grade. Locating and right-sizing new schools so as to accommodate enrollments within communities with a focus upon maintaining local elementary schools and improving the programmatic efficiency and offerings of secondary schools serving local elementary schools. Improving the location and condition of magnet schools to align programs, and foster enrollment and achievement growth.

14 Complete $194 million in New School Construction by 2016 to Deliver: Complete $194 million in New School Construction by 2016 to Deliver: o Two High Schools o One Freshman Academy o One Junior High School o One P-8 School o Two Elementary Schools Replace 1.8 million square feet of Old Schools with 1.1 million square feet of New Schools Replace 1.8 million square feet of Old Schools with 1.1 million square feet of New Schools Completion of the Construction Program will Reduce Our Total Maintenance Backlog by 35 Percent Completion of the Construction Program will Reduce Our Total Maintenance Backlog by 35 Percent Under the Court Approved Plan We Will Build Seven New Schools, Substantially Reduce our Maintenance Backlog, and Reduce Excess Space Under Our Court Approved Plan, We Will:

15 Schools Consolidated Since July 2011: Schools Consolidated Since July 2011: o Chapman Elementary and Middle Schools o Mountain Gap Elementary and Middle Schools o Whitesburg Elementary and Middle Schools o Providence Middle School and Williams Middle School Schools Retired Since July 2011: Schools Retired Since July 2011: o Seldon Center o Homebound School Schools Retiring 2013 to 2014: Schools Retiring 2013 to 2014: o Ed White Middle School o University Place Elementary School Repurposed Schools: Repurposed Schools: Terry Heights Pending Demolition for Construction of New Elementary School Terry Heights Pending Demolition for Construction of New Elementary School HCT will be Repurposed for Use by City and School System Utility Services HCT will be Repurposed for Use by City and School System Utility Services Since 2011 We Have Taken Steps to Align Enrollments and Facilities

16 Schools Sold As of June 2013: Schools Sold As of June 2013: Lincoln Elementary Lincoln Elementary University Place Elementary University Place Elementary Homebound School Homebound School Schools Under Agreement for Sale/Transfer to Huntsville City: Schools Under Agreement for Sale/Transfer to Huntsville City: Grissom High School Grissom High School Johnson High School Johnson High School East Clinton Elementary East Clinton Elementary Schools Pending Disposition: Schools Pending Disposition: West Huntsville Elementary West Huntsville Elementary Academy for Academics and Arts (Cavalry Hill Campus) Academy for Academics and Arts (Cavalry Hill Campus) Seldon Center Seldon Center Stone Middle School Stone Middle School We Have Sold or Reached Agreements to Sell Six Schools So As to Reduced Excess Capacity While Adding Value to Local Communities

17 By the Close of 2018, All of Our Students Will Attend New High Schools, and We Will Have Retired Our Oldest, Least Equitable, and Least Efficient Capacity Provide All Students with Equitable Learning Environments from Programming to Commissioning Provide All Students with Equitable Learning Environments from Programming to Commissioning Relocate 27% of Huntsville City Schools’ Students from Obsolete or Overcrowded Facilities to New Schools Relocate 27% of Huntsville City Schools’ Students from Obsolete or Overcrowded Facilities to New Schools Retire 700,000+ ft 2 (20+%) of the System’s Current Building Capacity that has a Weighted Average age of 48 years Retire 700,000+ ft 2 (20+%) of the System’s Current Building Capacity that has a Weighted Average age of 48 years Reduce the Average Age of School Facility Square Footage from 43 Years to 24 Years Reduce the Average Age of School Facility Square Footage from 43 Years to 24 Years Achieve a Recurring Annual Operating Savings of $5 million Achieve a Recurring Annual Operating Savings of $5 million Reduce our Maintenance Backlog by 35 Percent Reduce our Maintenance Backlog by 35 Percent Completion of Our Plan Will:

18 James I. Dawson Elementary School 18

19 Dawson Elementary What we are doing to bring about academic improvement: Year 2 Implementation of the School Improvement Grant (SIG)—Receive funds to improve student achievement Extended Learning Time for students; and extra 30 minutes a day for instruction Embedded Coaching and Collaboration—Weekly Team Support Meetings; Faculty Seminars; and Data Meetings Technology Initiative-Wi-fi Cards; laptops for 3 rd -5 th graders; and iPads in K-2 grades External Monitoring by an outside provider, Solution Tree Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan from The Education Company-- Grant Personnel Support--Transformation Specialist; other instructional coaches who provide support to the teachers and students—TOSA and Instructional Technologists District Support: On-going Professional Development for teachers with the Pearson Consultants Monthly trainings for Reading Coaches and Curriculum Specialists Support from district level Curriculum Specialists

20 Goals for 2013-2014 Increase student achievement at Dawson 25% growth in Math…More growth than any school in the district 8% growth in Reading Improve Student Attendance and maintain a 95% attendance average for the year Build leadership capacity among the Dawson Staff---We will have two more years of grant support. Establish a Professional Learning Community; allow teachers to learn from each other thru collaboration, classroom observations, and on-going professional development Resources Needed: Funding for TFAs…Outstanding TFA---Carter Lorant; Total of 8 TFAs at Dawson Digital Signage—Digital TVs throughout the school to broadcast announcements, school news and upcoming events Discretionary funds for the Principals’ Books to support various school activities (field trips, supplies, books, incentives)

21 Lakewood Elementary School 21

22 Lakewood Elementary School We are: Providing specific Professional development from Pearson to help with the core instruction in the class. The teachers are being coached by some of the best educators in the U.S. to improve instruction in the classroom. Providing a Pre-K program that helps prepare students in our community for school Using data to guide our instruction in the classroom. Teachers are looking at data on a weekly basis to help understand what the students need and to develop lesson plans. Hiring intervention tutors to work with students who are having problems in reading and math. They are giving the students an extra dose of instruction to improve their proficiency. Monitoring teachers to ensure that they are implementing the PD that they are receiving in the classroom. The school system has provided 30 days of professional development. Educators are working side-by-side with teachers to provide best practices on improving instruction utilizing digital resources.

23 Goals For 2013-2014: Increase the number of students proficient in reading and math Improve students’ attendance Implement the Leader in Me to develop student leaders and improve parental involvement. Resource needs: Lighthouse School Initiative - Seeking community support over the next two years ($5,000 per year) Monetary Support for Intervention Tutors ($5,000)

24 Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School 24

25 25

26 26

27 Morris Elementary School 27

28 28 Morris Elementary Success in Academics High expectations for students and teachers 30 days of professional development for reading and math Use of the STAR data to guide instruction Student learning progressions and monitoring Provide intervention Key Resources provided by the district: Teacher On Special Assignment Breakfast in the Classroom Morning Tutors

29 29 Morris Goals and Support Goals  Become stronger professional learning communities in grade levels to implement needed strategies for reading, writing, and math  Discipline/Classroom Management  *Leader in Me book study implementing 7 habits of effective people  Build Community/PTA Support the District is providing :  An extra 1 st grade class to reduce the class size: $60,000  An additional P. E. teacher to help with discipline problems in P. E. : $60,000  IXL math program for the district Community Support Needed:  Funding for the teachers above  Full time Circle Project Social Worker who impacts Morris, Westlawn and Butler students *Thanks to Commissioner Bob Harrison

30 Chapman Middle School 30

31 x Chapman Middle School Staffing Changes resulting in low ACS (23) 2 New TFA Teachers 2 Additional Units (Bolster Arts and Honors) 3 Teachers from Providence Culture PBS (Positive Behavior Support) The Leader in Me (7 Habits) Academic Changes Offer 25% more honors classes 75% of the 6 th Grade will have one or more honors classes 31

32 Chapman Middle School 2013-2014 Focus Attendance School-Wide Focus and Call to Action Information Campaign Reading and Math Improvement The Big 4 (CM, Planning, Inst., Assessment) Pearson Tier II and Tier III interventions 60% or better growth - Cut gap in half Discipline Reduce Discipline Referrals by 70% Needs (More TFA) Community Support of The Leader In Me 32

33 Davis Hills Middle School 33

34 Davis Hills Middle School Improvement Efforts  Implementation of new Literacy Plan  Data Driven Scheduling - double dose of reading and math instruction daily  Mentoring Program – KN eighbors I nvesting in G reat H orizons for T errific S tudents (KNIGHTS)  Differentiation - Individualized Instructional programs  Increased professional development for teachers – embedded coaching  Additional support through External providers/consultants: Behavior Management & Curriculum Development  Honors classes in all grades(Reading, Math) District Support  Additional Units – Title I & General Funds (Math & English Teachers)  District Curriculum Support  Culture – Improved Facilities & Unified Uniform Policies  Professional Development Digital Curriculum Strategic Teaching Laying the Foundation Administrative Support

35 Davis Hills Middle School 2013-2014 Goals  Increase reading proficiency by 20%. +12% - 2012-2013 SY  Increase math proficiency by 20%. +36% - 2012-2013 SY  Reduce discipline infractions by 20% -39-49% 2012-2013 SY Support Needed  Additional Teacher Unit (Teach for America)  Increase Library collection of non-fiction text ($5000- $10,000)  Expand Student Celebrations ($3000)

36 Westlawn Middle School 36

37 Westlawn: Meeting Our Academic Goals Steps Toward Academic Success: 1. Be a “Change Agent” for Positive School Culture and Climate Maintain an Academic Focus Develop Collective Commitment and Buy-In from Everyone Goal-Setting and Celebrations for Student Growth Workshops for Parents 2. Use the Additional Hour To Support Student Achievement Daily Professional Development for Teachers Support for Students in Need of Acceleration, Remediation and English As a Second Language 3. Provide Additional Student Support Teacher On Special Assignment (TOSA) –Funded by SIG Grant Social Worker - Funded by SIG Grant Project Lead the Way Teacher –Funded by SIG Grant Parent Educator- Funded by SIG Grant English as Second Language Teacher – Funded by SIG Grant Math and Reading Intervention Teachers – Funded by Title I Full Time Nurse – Funded by HCS Two Guidance Counselors –Funded by HCS Goals for 2013-14  Increase Number of Proficient Students on STAR Math and Reading by 20%  Add One Additional Advanced Class Per Core Subject Area in Each Grade Level in order to Accelerate the Instruction and Increase the Number of Advanced Students by 50%  Decrease the Number of In-School Suspension and Out of School Suspensions by 50%

38 Help to Sustain Progress Community Support Needed #1 Funding for One Teach for America Teacher (TFA) Freddie Stokes Social Studies Teacher 2 nd year TFA assigned to Westlawn Middle School #2 Additional School Needs Provide Shuttle Bus Tokens for Parent Involvement Activities ($2400) Purchase Chairs, Music Stands and Keyboard for Choir and Band ($5000) Thanks for District Level Support!  Help to Improve the School’s Culture and Climate by Upgrading the Physical Plant  Provide Support for the Components of the School Improvement Grant (SIG)  Additional 30 Days with Pearson to Support the 1 to 1 Digital Initiative Thanks for District Level Support!  Help to Improve the School’s Culture and Climate by Upgrading the Physical Plant  Provide Support for the Components of the School Improvement Grant (SIG)  Additional 30 Days with Pearson to Support the 1 to 1 Digital Initiative Thanks for District Level Support!  Help to Improve the School’s Culture and Climate by Upgrading the Physical Plant  Provide Support for the Components of the School Improvement Grant (SIG)  Additional 30 Days with Pearson to Support the 1 to 1 Digital Initiative

39 Butler High School 39

40 Butler’s Academic Improvements 2013-14 School Year TOSA-Teacher on Special Assignment to support academics and discipline Nine additional teacher units in English, Math, Science and Social Studies Modified English Block-all 9 th graders students will receive additional 52 minutes of reading, writing, informational text, ACT prep, small group instruction Social worker to assist w/ attendance-other needs of students. Education Company and Solution Tree PD to leadership and faculty behavior management Boys and Girls Club – TEEN CENTER Passport to manhood, power hour, Be-Great graduate, Robo Tech, Money Matters, Career Launch Transportation To assist with attendance issues

41 Goals 1.Improve Graduation Rate by 30%-2015 2.Improve Attendance by the end of the 2013- 14 school year 3.Improve disciplinary incidents by 50% 2013- 14 school year Support Needed : Parental Support TFA- Gabby Kroon $36,000

42 J.O. Johnson High School 42

43 Academic Improvement Strategies: Why is Johnson a Priority School? -Student Deficiencies in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics -Culture, Acceptance of Mediocrity -Low Expectations, Low Morale District Action Steps In Place -New administrative team -Faculty of 45 teachers, 47% Retained, 53% transferred out -Additional teachers in core academic subject areas (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) -Remodel building, decrease instructional space appropriate for enrollment, administrative self-sufficiency J.O.Johnson High School

44 1. Graduation Rate Fewer retentions, failures, reflective grading Emphasize college and career readiness, improve ACT 2. Improve Test Scores, Emphasis on Literacy, Mindset Shift, Emphasize Academic Growth 3. Build Faculty Capacity JOJ Vision for Growth and Improvement JOJ Goals, Removed from “The List” Shifting Culture to High Expectations Fresh Start, Revise Policies and Procedures (dress code, arrival and departure, attendance, etc.), Breakfast in the Classroom, New Instructional Approach (Reading, Writing, and discussion everyday and every period), Literacy Based, Consistent School Instructional Model, Build Faculty Capacity, Ongoing Professional Development, Data Led Decisions, Grow Teacher Leaders, Double in English / Reading for 9 th and 10, Common Planning, NACEE Partnership, Intolerance of Mediocrity Community Support Needed: 1.Adopt a TFA 2.Funding for Exposures to Colleges and Universities ($10,000) 3.Funding for Student Recognition ($3000.00)

45 JOJ Vision for Growth and Improvement Community Support Needed: 1.Adopt a TFA 2.Funding for Exposures to Colleges and Universities ($10,000) 3.Funding for Student Recognition ($3000.00)

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