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Bell work 1. Take out a sheet of notebook paper and put your name on top. 2. On the next line, write today’s date. 3. On the next line (or lines), copy.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work 1. Take out a sheet of notebook paper and put your name on top. 2. On the next line, write today’s date. 3. On the next line (or lines), copy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work 1. Take out a sheet of notebook paper and put your name on top. 2. On the next line, write today’s date. 3. On the next line (or lines), copy today’s bell work questions (below). 4. After writing the questions, write your answer in complete sentences. 5. After we review the answer to today’s question, correct your answer if needed, and place your bell work into your folder. We will use the same sheet of paper all week. All bell work from this week must be on one sheet of paper. Bell work will be collected on Friday. What is a cell?

2 Date1/27/14SubjectZoology Learning Goal Explain the role of cell membranes as a highly selective barrier (passive and active transport). Bell work What is a cell? Objective Differentiate types of movement across plasma membranes. Agenda Introduce homework Transport across plasma membranes PPT Reading Notes (pg 10- 18) Foldable: term, definition, picture Endocytosis activity Essential Question What features of molecules determine how they are transported through cells? Vocabulary diffusion, osmosis, active transport, passive transport Ticket Out: Activity results Homework: Article review: The Origin of Eukaryotic Cells, Due Friday 1/31

3 Bell work  What is a cell? The simplest organization of matter that exhibits all of the properties of life

4 If you were absent on Friday  I emailed to you what you missed.  Make sure that you have completed all of the bell work.  All assignments from when you were here, including completed bell work come in to me today.  You have 5 days to turn in assignments from the day that you were absent. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport4

5 Homework  The Origin of Eukaryotic Cells  Read the article  Summary Article review worksheet format is on Moodle Article review worksheet format is on Moodle Use your own paper Use your own paper 3 vocabulary terms – defined 3 vocabulary terms – defined Article summary – who, what, where, when, how, why – as appropriate Article summary – who, what, where, when, how, why – as appropriate Conclusion – what was the point? Conclusion – what was the point?

6 What Are Cells?

7 Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Prokaryote – lack nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles Eukaryote – has membrane-bound nucleus containing the DNA, as well as many other structures called organelles.

8 Why are most cells small? 1 – The ratio of the volume of the cells nucleus to the volume of its cytoplasm must not be so small that the nucleus cannot control the cytoplasm. 2 – As the radius of a cell lengthens, the cell volume increases more rapidly than cell surface area. –The cell would need more nutrients and would have more waste to get rid of. –If the volume increases too much there wouldn’t be enough surface area of the cell membrane to allow for that exchange of nutrients and wastes

9 The relationship between surface area and volume: As the radius of the sphere increases, it’s volume increases more rapidly than its surface area.


11 Diffusion

12 Molecules move _______“where there’s _______” ____“where there’s _______” Animatioin from: FROM to A LOT NOT

13 DIFFUSION across a space Happens anytime there is a __________ in concentration in one place compared to another = ________________________ DIFFERENCE Concentration gradient

14 DIFFUSION across a SPACE Molecules move automatically _______ the concentration gradient _______ an area of _______ concentration ____ an area of ________ concentration EXAMPLES Higher Lower Blue dye in beaker demo, Someone making popcorn/grilling out Strong perfume, Bad smell in room DOWN from to

15 DIFFUSION across a space Diffusion continues until the concentration is ________________ in space = ________________________ Equilibrium equal everywhere

16 Molecules need to move across membranes in cells Image modiified from:

17 Diffusion can happen ________ a _____________ in a cell, too …as long as membrane will let the molecule _________________ across membrane pass through

18 DIFFUSION automatically moves oxygen from HIGHER concentration (in lungs) to a LOWER concentration (in blood) CELL EXAMPLE: CO 2 automatically moves from where there is a HIGHER concentration (in blood) to where there is a lower concentration (in lungs)

19 PROBLEM for CELLS? Diffusion only moves molecules from high concentration to low concentration.

20 What if cell needs to move a molecule _________ the CONCENTRATION GRADIENT? _______________ Cell example: Want to put MORE glucose into mitochondria when there is already glucose in there (LOWER  HIGHER) Image from: AGAINST

21 PROBLEM for Cells? Cell membranes are SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE Video from:

22 What if a cell needs to move _____ or ______ molecules that can’t get through the membrane? LARGEPOLAR

23 PROBLEM for CELLS? Diffusion happens very slowly

24 What if cell needs to move molecules really _______? (can’t wait for it to diffuse) Cell example: Movement of Na + & K + ions required to send nerve signals FAST

25 Cells need a ____ to ____ molecules across cell membranes that _______ across by ___________ WAY HELP can’t go themselves

26 Kidspiration by: Riedell


28 __________________________________ ___________________________________ _______________________________ Kinds of ________ Transport Diffusion Channels Facilitated Diffusion Carriers PASSIVE

29 DIFFUSION across a membrane Happens anytime there is a __________ in _____________ on one side of the membrane compared to the other DIFFERENCE concentration

30 DIFFUSION No energy required = _______ Moves _______ concentration gradient from ___________________ Works for any molecules that can pass through the membrane Example of molecules that move this way in cells: ________ & ____________ PASSIVE OXYGEN Carbon dioxide HIGHER to LOWER DOWN

31 FACILITATED DIFFUSION uses _______________ to help molecules across 2 kinds of proteins help: _________ & ____________ Carriers Channels Animations from: membrane proteins

32 Facilitated Diffusion with CARRIER PROTEINS Animation from: Carrier protein grabs molecule, _________, and flips across to other side like a revolving door changes shape

33 FACILITATED DIFFUSION with CHANNELS Membrane proteins create a tunnel through which molecules can pass _______________ allow________ ions to get past the ____________ center ION CHANNELS charged hydrophobic

34 FACILITATED DIFFUSION with CHANNELS ________ proteins allow ________ _________ molecules to get past the __________ middle of cell membrane. Aquaporin polar hydrophobic WATER

35 FACILITATED DIFFUSION with CHANNELS The movement of water molecules across a cell membrane is called ______________ OSMOSIS

36 ALL KINDS OF FACILITATED DIFFUSION No energy required = _____________ Moves ________ concentration gradient from ________________________ ___________________ help molecules get across membrane PASSIVE Membrane proteins HIGHER to LOWER DOWN


38 Kidspiration by: Riedell

39 ________________________________________ __________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________ Kinds of ________Transport PUMPS Sodium-Potassium Proton ACTIVE Vesicles Endocytosis Exocytosis


41 Na + and K + PUMP Animation from:

42 SODIUM-POTASSIUM PUMP ___________ transport (requires energy from ______) Can move molecules from _____ concentration to ______ Special just for Na + and K + ions Uses _______________________ called ____________ to move molecules Example: nerve cells Na + is pumped out of cells at same time K + is taken into cells ACTIVE membrane proteins pumps ATP low high

43 PROTON PUMP Moves Protons across membrane = ___ ions H+H+

44 PROTON PUMP ___________ transport (requires energy from ______) Can move molecules from _____ concentration to ________ Special just for H + ions Uses integral ________________ to move molecules Examples: Lysosomes need acidic conditions for digestion Photosynthesis/Respiration ACTIVE Protein pumps ATP low high

45 ACTIVE TRANSPORT with VESICLES ___________ are small membrane sacs that pinch off of cell membranes used by cells for transporting molecules Used for transporting molecules: If entering the cell = ______________ If exiting the cell = _______________ VESICLES ENDOCYTOSIS EXOCYTOSIS


47 2 KINDS of ENDOCYTOSIS for taking substances into cell If taking in: fluid or small molecules =_________________ large particles or whole cells =______________ PINOCYTOSIS PHAGOCYTOSIS Animation from:

48 ENDOCYTOSIS Substances taken into cell __________ transport (requires________) Uses ______________ to carry substances Can move molecules from _____ concentration to ______ Examples in cells: –one celled organisms eat this way –white blood cells get rid of bacteria this way ACTIVE VESICLES energy low high

49 ENDOCYTOSIS Animation from: Protist eating another

50 PHAGOCYTOSIS ___________ engulfing _______ White blood cell bacteria


52 EXOCYTOSIS Substances released outside of cell __________ transport (requires________) Uses ______________ to carry substances Can move molecules from _____ concentration to ______ Examples in cells: –_________ release packaged proteins this way ACTIVE VESICLES energy GOLGI low high

53 GOLGI BODIES USE EXOCYTOSIS Animation from: Video:

54 INSULIN being released by pancreas cells using exocytosis

55 VOCAB _____________ = substance that is dissolved in a solvent to make a solution _____________ = substance in which a solute is dissolved SOLUTE SOLVENT

56 __________________ = mass of a solute in a given volume of solution CONCENTRATION The _______ molecules there are in a given volume the ____________the concentration Images by Riedell MORE GREATER

57 Solutes = ______________& __________ Solvent = ____________ Koolaid drink = ______________ Use new vocab to make Koolaid sugarKoolaid powder Water solution

58 What if there is a difference in concentration but solute molecules can’t move across a membrane? WATER will move until concentration reaches equilibrium

59 Animation:

60 Solute concentration Lower outside than inside Equal outside and inside Greater outside than inside HYPOTONIC ISOTONIC HYPERTONIC What will happen to an animal cell placed in different solutions?

61 Remember: Cells try to “maintain stable internal conditions = ____________________ HOMEOSTASIS So an animal cell in ISOTONIC conditions stays same size Water entering = water leaving

62 If cells can’t maintain “stable internal conditions”... damage can result and cells can die.

63 OSMOSIS HYPOTONIC: Concentration outside cell is ________________ inside the cell More water enters than leaves cell so cell will ___________________ LESS THAN swell and possibly burst Animation from:

64 OSMOSIS HYPERTONIC: Concentration outside cell is ____________________ inside cell More water leaves cell than enters so cell ____________ GREATER THAN shrinks Animation from:

65 Animal cells = CYTOLYSIS= CRENATION _________ __________

66 SO WHAT? Sitting in the bathtub causes your fingers and toes to wrinkle up when water ________ your skin cells by osmosis Bath water is ________________ compared to you hypotonic enters

67 Grocery stores spray water on their veggies to “plump them up”


69 Endocytosis Activity Materials: –Paper lunch bag –String –Scissors –Marble 69

70 Endocytosis Activity Procedure –The paper part of the bag is the cell membrane –The air inside the bag is the cytoplasm –Goal – How to get the large molecule (marble) inside the cell (bag) without exposing the inside of the bag to the air. –You cannot put the marble through the top of the bag, but you can stick your hand through the top of the bag. –You will need to use all of the supplies given 70

71 copyright cmassengale71

72 FOLDABLE Different types of movement across plasma membranes (page 15). –Simple diffusion –Facilitated diffusion –Osmosis –Filtration –Active transport –Endocytosis –Exocytosis For each type of movement, include: –Term –Definition –Drawing 72

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