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Jeopardy Forensic Science Theme music downloaded from:

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Forensic Science Theme music downloaded from:"— Presentation transcript:

1 T. Trimpe 2006
Jeopardy Forensic Science Theme music downloaded from: To change the title, click on it, pause and click again. The Word Art menu will appear. Click on Edit Text to change the text. Click Word Art Gallery button or the Word Art Shape button to change the look. Click on the format button to change the color pattern. T. Trimpe

2 Contestants Don’t Forget...
To change the font, style, color of text, click and highlight by dragging across the text and select the change using the format toolbar above or by clicking on Format and selecting Font. To enhance your game insert clipart and graphics where appropriate. Click on Insert, select Picture and either browse the clipart for a picture or insert a picture from your files. Movie clips and sounds can be added in the same manner.

3 You do need to write your answers on your game board!
Although they give answers in the form of questions on the TV show, you do not need to do this. To animate text or an object, click on the item and select Custom Animation from the Slide Show menu. Select the effect, speed and timing for the animation. To insert sound, click on Insert, select Movies and Sound and choose the source of your sound. Scroll through the list and select the sound you want to play. You will be asked if you want to play the sound automatically. Select OK. You do need to write your answers on your game board!

4 Chromatography Basics
Crime Scene Fingerprint Basics Chromatography Basics Blood Basics I Blood Basics II 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 To go to Final Jeopardy, click on the arrow on the bottom right of the slide. To change the Category labels, click and highlight each label and type the new category name. You will need to correct the name on each slide corresponding to that category. A quick way to do this is to go to Edit in the menu bar, select Replace and use the Find and Replace feature. To add a Daily Double to a Category: Highlight the dollar amount. Right click and select Edit Hyperlink. Scroll through the list and select the Daily Double slide (Slide 58). Click OK. To delete slides or categories: Click on the box (ie. 400) or click on the Slide in Slide View and hit Delete on your keyboard. To Hide a Slide, Click on the Slide in Slide View, Click on Slide Show and select Hide Slide. 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

5 Crime Scene for $100 Any physical location in which a crime has occurred or is suspected of having occurred. To change the text, click and highlight the “Type the response here”. Type your text.

6 Crime Scene Back to Game

7 Crime Scene for $200 Investigators work with sketch artists and eyewitnesses to create these sketches of a person’s face.

8 Facial Composite Back to Game

9 Any evidence found at a crime scene in the form of a physical object.
Crime Scene for $300 Any evidence found at a crime scene in the form of a physical object.

10 Physical Evidence Back to Game

11 Crime Scene for $400 Physical evidence found at a crime scene in small, but measurable amounts.

12 Trace Evidence Good Answer! Back to Game

13 Crime Scene for $500 An alternate location where additional evidence of a crime may be found, such as where a gun was thrown away.

14 Secondary Crime Scene Back to Game

15 The three main types of fingerprints are ...
Fingerprint Basics for $100 The three main types of fingerprints are ...

16 Loops, whorls, and arches
Back to Game

17 How would this fingerprint be classified?
Fingerprint Basics for $200 How would this fingerprint be classified?

18 Loop Back to Game

19 How would this fingerprint be classified?
Fingerprint Basics for $300 How would this fingerprint be classified?

20 Plain Arch Back to Game

21 How would this fingerprint be classified?
Fingerprint Basics for $400 How would this fingerprint be classified?

22 Central Pocket Whorl Back to Game

23 What is the most common type of fingerprint?
Fingerprint Basics for $500 What is the most common type of fingerprint?

24 Loops Back to Game

25 A type of mixture in which one substance is dissolved in another
Chromatography for $100 A type of mixture in which one substance is dissolved in another

26 Solution Back to Game

27 Chromatography for $200 The substance that is dissolved in a solution, such as the ink in chromatography.

28 Solute Back to Game

29 Chromatography for $300 The substance that does the dissolving, such as the water in chromatography.

30 Solvent Back to Game

31 Chromatography for $400 If you attempt paper chromatography with a black marker and nothing happens, what does this mean?

32 It is a permanent marker or It is not water soluble
Back to Game

33 Chromatography is from the Greek word, chromos. What does it mean?
Chromatography for $500 Chromatography is from the Greek word, chromos. What does it mean?

34 Color Back to Game

35 Blood Basics I for $100 Your blood type is determined by these, which you inherit from your parents.

36 Genes Back to Game

37 The most abundant cells in our blood.
Blood Basics I for $200 The most abundant cells in our blood.

38 Red blood cells Back to Game

39 The cells in our blood that are a part of our immune system.
Blood Basics I for $300 The cells in our blood that are a part of our immune system.

40 White blood cells Back to Game

41 Which blood type is indicated by the test results shown below?
Category IV for $400 Which blood type is indicated by the test results shown below? A B Rh

42 A+ Back to Game

43 Which blood type is the most common?
Blood Basics I for $500 Which blood type is the most common?

44 O Back to Game

45 Blood Basics II for $100 How would a blood droplet from a wound to the upper arm differ from one to the lower leg?

46 It would be larger in diameter and possibly have a larger spread.
Back to Game

47 Blood Basics II for $200 How would the distance between blood droplets change if a person was running instead of walking?

48 The drops would be further apart or The drops would be more of a teardrop shape.
Back to Game

49 What blood type is referred to as the universal donor?
Blood Basics II for $300 What blood type is referred to as the universal donor?

50 Type O A person with Type O blood can donate blood to all blood types.
Back to Game

51 Which blood type is known as the universal recipient?
Blood Basics II for $400 Which blood type is known as the universal recipient?

52 Type AB A person with Type AB blood can receive any blood type.
To delete a sound, click on the speaker and hit Delete on your keyboard. Back to Game

53 Blood Basics II for $500 If a person has Type B- blood, which 2 blood types can he safely receive in a transfusion?

54 Type B- and O-

55 How much do you want to risk?
Daily Double How much do you want to risk? To customize the Daily doubles, Click on the First Daily Double button using the right mouse button. Select Action Settings. Click on the drop down menu next to the Option to Hyperlink to. Select Slide. A preview window of the slides will appear. Select the slide you want to attach to the First Daily Double. Do the same for the Second Daily Double.

56 What percentage of people have fingerprints with loops?
Final Jeopardy What percentage of people have fingerprints with loops?

57 60%

58 Which team won?

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