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Strengths of Networking Strengths of Networking Presentation By Salome Mbugua (MSC Equality Studies) National Director- AkiDwA Ireland Conference on Good.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengths of Networking Strengths of Networking Presentation By Salome Mbugua (MSC Equality Studies) National Director- AkiDwA Ireland Conference on Good."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengths of Networking Strengths of Networking Presentation By Salome Mbugua (MSC Equality Studies) National Director- AkiDwA Ireland Conference on Good practices in Networking Prague 25 th January 2008

2 Background information  Ireland has a Population of 4.2 Million  10% born outside Ireland- Foreign Nationals (UK 112,000, Polish 60,000, Asian 47,000, African 35,000)  Ireland has the Fastest growing economy in Europe  All of Ireland is made up of 32 counties 6 in North and 26 in the south  51% of the population are women but with a representation of only 13% in the parliament

3 Who are we and how did we get established  Migrant Women network in Ireland  One women invited 7 others for a meeting to share experiences  Drafted 1 st proposal  Agreed on target group/identified potential stakeholders  Facilitation of the committee and identifying each committee members skills  Held social event to formally announce intensions

4 Establishing a network  Applied for funding to carry out need assessment  Identifying individual women and organisation in each county- 17 counties were reached and so far AkiDwA has members in 28 counties  Registering the network  Made input on submission paper to the government  Organised and held several event to raise profile and awareness of the network  Selection of leadership among committee members  Presentation and representation at different meetings, seminars and conference

5 Cont  From the results of need analysis designed and delivered training to different service providers and organisations (e.g. police, refuges, Departments)  Initially started as an African women’s network, changed to facilitate other migrant women  Depended on voluntary work up to 2005 due to lack of funding  While started aim was to work towards existing and changing need, has become more focused  Work based on strategic plan  Registered as a charity and has to date received funding government and private funders

6 AkiDwA background  Established in 2001, AkiDwA is a national network for migrant women living in Ireland.  Why AkiDwA – the need to define our own needs and speak for ourselves  The organisation provides support, a platform for and advocacy on behalf of migrant women.  AkiDwA’s work focuses on development and gender issues based on human right perspective.  Affiliate of the NWCI

7 Vision and mission Vision: A just society where there is equal opportunity and equal access to resources in all aspects of society social, economic and political. Mission statement: Mission statement: AkiDwA seeks to promote equality and justice, specifically for African women and in general for minority women migrants living in Ireland

8 Members/ Membership  Membership open to all those agree with mission and vision of AkiDwA  Open to individuals and groups  Currently has 2984 members  Membership fee- group €50 annually individual €35 Annually  AGM held every year  Every member receive a free newsletter, annual report and audited accounts, they attend conference and organised event free or at a reduced rate

9 Areas of work / Objectives  Support & Information  Networking  Awareness raising / Education and Training  Influencing Policy  Organisational Development

10 Current projects  Employment for Parent of Irish citizens (EPIC)  Linking local women to global issues  Gender based violence- Developing guidelines Publications  Herstory  Black African women in the Irish Labour Market

11 Organisational structure CHAIR National Director Advisory Committee Admin HC OO OO Board of Directors Women Accessing Services DVORPDOFMO

12 Challenges  Competition  Time/energy devoted  Exploitation  Limited Opportunities  Marginalisation  Socio-economic Factors  Lack of Network  Exclusion  Lack of resources  Lack of capacity- Technical  Euro – centric  Lack sustainable strategies

13 What Has contributed to our success  Leadership development/Training. For the management  Strategic planning and Management AkiDwA: identify and address strategic issues  Project/programme design and implementation  Resource mobilization.  Information access, storage and dissemination  Organizational development  Policy research, analysis and advocacy

14 Capacity Building  Clear shared Vision and Goals, defined focus  Commitment at the senior level  Transparency  Accountability  Being aware of the internal and external enviroment and working around it  Knowledge and understanding of the issues

15 Cont  Effective Communication  Networking  Dialogue  Working in Partnership  Involvement  Empowerment  Efficiency

16 Collective Efforts/ maximising  Making submissions  Presentations  Meeting with Statutory bodies and policy makers  Lobbying  Campaign  Advocating

17 Dealing with diversity  Acknowledge/respecting difference /diversity among women  Look at our differences and similarity as our strength  Intecuturalism works better than multiculturalism  2008 has been designated as EU year for intercultural dialogue- women's role  Use of tools, Beijing platform for action CEDAW- Women discrimination in general as a base of our unity

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