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Unit 6: Seminar Personal / Stress Management. Kaplan ID: AEStrange AIM name: adiahas Adiaha Strange Welcome to Academic Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6: Seminar Personal / Stress Management. Kaplan ID: AEStrange AIM name: adiahas Adiaha Strange Welcome to Academic Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6: Seminar Personal / Stress Management

2 Kaplan ID: AEStrange Email: AIM name: adiahas Adiaha Strange Welcome to Academic Strategies Let me again formally welcome you to class and our 6th seminar.

3 Let’s go over seminar rules: In order to allow anyone that has questions the opportunity to participate, I ask that you simply use // to raise your hand. Class, // is the hand raising symbol.

4 Grade Book Update Please review your grade book and let me know if you have questions or concerns or if you feel your grade is incorrect. Remember, if you post late assignments’ you must notify the instructor by email It is your responsibility to let me know when you post LATE assignments.

5 Note! Keep in mind the participation grades are averaged every week, so the grades you see are an average of the work you have done so far.

6 Questions: ? Does anyone have questions on grades or grading thus far.

7 Personal management Personal management involves, learning effective coping techniques to manage the stress in your life.

8 Lets Review In the last unit, you learned time management skills. Using stress management techniques along with time management will help you learn how to plan, organize, and prioritize your daily activities to make the most out of your study time and at the same time keeping your stress manageable

9 Class: Stress Kills

10 Women and Stress Depression Statistics: Women Fact Information Women are twice as likely to experience depression as men Approximately 7 million women in the United States are clinically depressed.

11 Women and Stress One in five women can expect to develop clinical depression at some time in her life. Depression is the leading cause of disability in women. Only one of every three depressed women will seek professional help.

12 Men and Stress Though women experience depression at double the rate of men, men are three times as likely to commit suicide than women. _ Suicide is most common among men who are separated, widowed, divorced. _ One in seven men will develop depression within 6 months of becoming unemployed.

13 Take Notice Notice areas that feel tense or cramped. Quickly loosen up these areas. Let go of as much tension as you can. Rotate your head in a smooth, circular motion once or twice. (Stop any movements that cause pain.) Roll your shoulders forward and backward several times. Let all of your muscles completely relax.

14 Find a way of escape Talk to a friend about your problems, don't hold it in. Get a massage. Take a nap. Take a warm bath. Read a book or watch TV.

15 Relaxation Technique 2-Minute Relaxation- Switch your thoughts to yourself and your breathing. Take a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly. Mentally scan your body.

16 Figure out a way to cope Get a good night's rest. Eat healthily. Listen to your favorite music. Exercise, participate in a sport or engage in fun activity

17 Overall goal: Decreasing Stress in college Do NOT procrastinate Prioritize Ask family members to help with tasks- household chores, watching the kids Plan out your time and reduce idle time.

18 Decreasing Stress in college Keep a daily planner for all activities including study time Don’t be a perfectionist Learn to say NO to tasks that are not priorities Make time for yourself

19 Decreasing Stress in college Eat a balanced diet Get enough sleep Do something physical every day Stretch- It works for cats and dogs! Reward your successes no matter how small

20 Stop and Smell the Roses— “Things happen” and sometimes “bad things happen to good people”. If we let them, stressful events can build up, wall us in, and eventually stop us from enjoying the good things in life.

21 Sleep on it. Every coin has two sides and every issue has both pros and cons. List them both then put the list away and take a second look tomorrow. Sometimes “sleeping on” a situation changes the minuses to pluses.

22 Every cloud has a silver lining. After all, rain makes things grow! Ben Franklin found good in a bolt of lightning. Find the good in your stressful situation by listing the negative surges and determining what it will take to make them into positive charges!

23 When you need help, get help. Even Atlas couldn’t bear the weight of the world on his shoulders forever. Whether you need help from kids or spouse in hauling groceries into the house, help from a colleague to solve a work-related problem, or professional help to find the causes of and effectively manage your stress, getting the help you need is in itself a major stress management tip!

24 Final Reminders Making more time by using your available time wisely. Applying time-management techniques such as using a personal calendar, addressing all of your responsibilities, and saying no. Avoiding procrastination. Plan ahead, and be aware of how much time it will take to do something. Don’t wait until the last minute.

25 Reminders Knowing when to ask for help. Realize that sometimes the best option is to reach out to others. Recognizing the relationship between stress management and time management. Successfully managing one will help with managing the other.

26 Class! Ending Note You have to purposefully Schedule Change in your life!!!!! Taking responsibility for your own stress level. Recognize your stressors and how you respond, and be aware of the best ways for you to manage stress. Surrounding yourself with supportive people. Treating yourself as a priority.

27 Week 6 Mini Project Create a Stress Management Plan For this week's mini project, you will use the template under unit 6 (mini project tab) to create a stress management plan for yourself

28 Ending Resources: Powerup Book Developing a Schedule Avoiding Procrastination

29 Ending Resources: Powerup Book Home-Work Life Balance ticle/Reclaiming-Self—Making-Time-For- Yourself/66 Learning to Say No and Mean It /work7.htm

30 Unit 6: Template Directions Create stress management plan Write in complete sentences List 3 current sources of Stress (be specific). These can be school, family, personal, or work related. List 3 sources of Support in your life. These are people that you can rely on to help you. For each source of stress, list 3 things that you can do differently (think about being proactive) in order to alleviate some of that stress. Stressor 1: Stressor 2: Stressor 3:

31 What helped me! FAVORITE QUOTE “In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.”In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.

32 USE YOUR TIME WISELY Class Dismissed!

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