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Time Management. Major Points 3  No one gets more than 24 hours in a day  Life is a balance between busy moments and time for yourself  Correlation.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management. Major Points 3  No one gets more than 24 hours in a day  Life is a balance between busy moments and time for yourself  Correlation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management

2 Major Points 3  No one gets more than 24 hours in a day  Life is a balance between busy moments and time for yourself  Correlation between effective time management and stress in your life

3 Your Time Management 4  How do you manage your time now?  Do you have a system?  Agenda books or planners  Has mismanagement created any problems for you?

4 Strategy #1 – Get Organized 3  Create lists of important tasks  Use a system that works for you – agenda book, online planner, cell phone, online/hardcopy calendar, PDA (personal digital assistant), etc.  What do either of your parents use?

5 Strategy #2 – Stay on target 2  Don’t procrastinate  Eliminate distractions (cell phone, Internet connection, etc)

6 Strategy #3 – Set Priorities 4  Prioritize  Determine what is truly important and what can be set aside for later – or NEVER.  Set limits – don’t get burned out trying to juggle too many commitments.  Focus your time on things that are important to you.

7 Strategy #4 – Grab Stolen Moments 3  When you have some down time – try to be productive.  i.e. Homework waiting at a doctor’s office  Multi-task (studying or reading while eating breakfast)  Get a start or complete homework in study hall so don’t have to bring it home

8 Strategy #5 – Think Ahead 1  Plan ahead. Develop a series of deadlines for completing a project  If a science project is due in two weeks, budget your time accordingly.

9 The Future & Conclusion 2  Develop good time management skills now – you’ll be glad as you move into even busier adult years.  Any task you’re trying to accomplish is probably part of a bigger goal – graduating, getting that dream job, or making your parents happy…

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