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From Global Studies Diploma to TK-12 Global Curriculum Loren Fauchier Director of Global Education Providence Day School

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1 From Global Studies Diploma to TK-12 Global Curriculum Loren Fauchier Director of Global Education Providence Day School

2 Current Arrangement? Global Studies Diploma (GSD) Program Began in 2005 Open to any upper school student Rigorous 95 graduates so far; 80 currently in the program Recognized by NAIS Recognized by a number of colleges and universities

3 GSD Components  Global courses + world language  Extracurricular requirements e.g.  Global speakers  Model UN  Blogging about global issues  Cross-cultural experience: student travel, hosting  Senior Global leadership course

4 Current Global Curriculum Lower School: countries, issues, attitudes (Covey and “The Leader in Me”) Middle School: history courses, geography & global issues Upper School: 9 th Grade Global Civics, World History courses, Global Issues courses

5 Driven by Mission? PDS Global Mission Statement: “develop within our students an ability to appreciate and value the differences among people locally and globally and to develop the knowledge, skills and character dispositions to become active global citizens ” Definition of a Global Citizen: “One who understands and acts on issues globally and locally in an effort to help improve the condition of humankind and the planet.”

6 Next Steps? Leadership “push” for change in curriculum Form a committee with teachers from all three levels Use backward design (UbD) Create a “template” of Global Competencies Start with lower school to build the “base”

7 Global Performance Standards 1. Investigate & understand different world views; 2. Investigate & understand different social needs; 3. Identify & prioritize issues locally and globally; 4. Work & communicate respectfully with different peoples, both in our school community and in the larger world; 5. Appreciate different linguistic, artistic and aesthetic values of major cultures; 6. Develop innovative and viable strategies to approach local, national and global problems; 7. Identify & utilize resources responsibly; 8. Act purposefully, ethically & with a commitment to lifelong stewardship toward advancing solutions

8 Graduation Standards Essential Questions21 Century SkillsKnowledgeCharacter Dispositions Regions/Countries 1. Investigate & understand different world views What is a worldview? How do worldviews impact peoples' perceptions and actions? How do you investigate a worldview? How do worldviews change? What is your worldview? How does my self- reflection help or hinder my understanding of other worldviews? How do different cultures view the world? Creativity & innovation; critical thinking & problem- solving; communication & collaboration; Leadership & responsibility; entrepreneurship; ICT literacy --World historical epochs and trends --The impact of geography on the understanding of local, regional and global issues --Ideological paradigms e.g. capitalism --Economic systems and globalization --Political systems and political change --Social structures and social change --Cultural expressions through art, literature and music --Major religious orientations --Contemporary norms and values of major cultures --Global ecosystems and environmental impact Empathy; open-mindedness; humility; confidence; courage; patience; integrity; self-motivation; altruisim; respect for self & others; perseverance; conscientiousness EUROPE: Germany & France EURASIA: Russia NORTHEAST ASIA: China & Japan SOUTHEAST ASIA: Indonesia SOUTH ASIA: India MIDEAST: Iran & Israel SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: Nigeria & South Africa CENTRAL AMERICA: Costa Rica SOUTH AMERICA: Brazil & Peru 2. Investigate & understand different social needs What are the needs of people in our local, national, and global community? Why are there needs in our local, national and global communities? How do social needs differ in society? Identified Skill SetsIdentified KnowledgeIdentified Character Dispositions Identified Regions & Countries

9 Performance Standards/ Goals: K Curriculum Essential Questions Skills & Character Dispositions Investigate and understand different worldviews, social needs, and the complexity of issues in both our local, national, and global communities.  What is the difference between a want and a need?  What are people’s needs?  Why do people have needs?  What are needs that children have? (developed across all Performance standards) ● Creativity & Innovation ● Critical Thinking & ● Problem solving Work and communicate respectfully with different peoples, both in our school community and in the larger world around us. ● What are ways we communicate with others? ● How are people alike? ● How are people different? ● What is alike and different about the people in our class? ● Does everyone feel the same way about things? ● Communication & Collaboration ● Leadership & Entrepreneurship Appreciate different linguistic, artistic and aesthetic values of major cultures ● How do people speak differently in China, Spain/Peru and France?  How do people sing differently? ● Open-mindedness Develop innovative, creative, and viable strategies to approach local, national, and global problems. ● How do we solve problems? ● What are ways to work together to discuss ideas and problems in our class? In our school? ● How do you solve a problem between two people? ● How do you solve a problem in a group of people? ● Empathy ● Open-mindedness ● Humility ● Confidence & Courage ● Patience

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