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Immigrants A – Final report. Le Collectif Droit d’Asile Le Collectif Droit d’Asile is the Non- Governmental Organization that we have chosen to promote.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigrants A – Final report. Le Collectif Droit d’Asile Le Collectif Droit d’Asile is the Non- Governmental Organization that we have chosen to promote."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigrants A – Final report

2 Le Collectif Droit d’Asile Le Collectif Droit d’Asile is the Non- Governmental Organization that we have chosen to promote. It is located in Quimper in Brittany in the north-west of France. The organization was created in 2000 – 2001 in order to support the asylum seekers, to provide them help and to ensure that their human rights are respected. It also offers assistance concerning all the legal papers, it orients them towards associations and centers where they can lean the language, and it gives them the financial support for the legal fees or the money needed during the proceedings.

3 Campaign target group Our potential target is firstly people, who are dealing with the immigration problem, then people who are able to influence them. That is why our main target are immigrants living in Quimper and immigrants living in the Brittany region (meaning surroundings of Quimper). Our global target are people in general, organizations, authorities, medias, able to affect and to influence immigrants’ life and people related to them. For example, information outlets, other associations dealing with things related to the immigrants’ integration (housing, bank loans, schooling, job finding, subvention giving). Furthermore, we focused on people who potentially want to be involved in helping immigrant people and to join the association.

4 Campaign division In order to reach our targets, we split the marketing campaign in two campaigns. For each of them we used a different language (for the English one we used English, and for the French one, French), to make our campaign fit to the target group. For the English campaign we created the ad group NetAware - Immigration A and for the French one the ad group NetAware - Immigrants + Volunteers

5 English keywords KeywordMax CPCclicksImpr.CTRAvg. CPCCostAvg. Pos. africa6.001452.22%3.00 2.07 french6.0011390.72%4.84 1.99 free6.0015430.18%1.04 4.98 family6.001452.22%3.00 1.98 organization6.0011460.68%0.89 1.73 French for immigrants6.001195.26%4.58 2.37 visa6.0021151.74%0.260.522.0 France6.0059470.53%4.7523.742.0 Immigration France6.001512691.18%3.6254.271.98 Total - Search --287,060,40%0.40%95.882.41 Total - Display Network --1042.7070,02%2.07%20.711.2 Total Al. Keywords --38497670.08%3.07116.591.41

6 French keywords KeywordClicksImpressionsCTRAvg. CPCCostAvg. position Algérie11940.52%6.00 1.68 language1224.55%6.00 1.86 santé1293.45%3.60 1.93 sécurité1442.27%6.00 2.32 droit11710.58%5.54 1.7 association logement11690.59%5.19 2.59 aider1244.17%0.31 2.13 aide immigrants1244.17%4.61 1.21 demande passeport francais1156.67%3.80 1.27 carte23100.65%4.559.102.29 sexe45950.67%3.3613.431.63

7 Click rates over the project DayClicksImpressionsCTRAvg. CPCCostAvg. position 2012-03-0781,6750.48%3.8931.112.17 2012-03-081223,9470.05%2.0324.401.17 2012-03-09724,2580.03%2.8720.061.39 2012-03-1064,0050.15%3.6021.581.72 2012-03-1157040.71%4.7323.661.24 2012-03-12122,2950.52%3.3540.171.53 2012-03-131910,3740.18%4.4584.632.22 2012-03-14155,5870.27%1.9629.362.21 Total8472,8450.12%3.27274.971.54

8 Future reccomendations What would we keep ?What would we change ? Smooth teamwork and communicationQualitative keywords strategy => quantitative strategy at the beginning of the campaign (try a high number of keywords as soon as possible in test period) Democratic ideas choiceLooking for more attractive keywords; appealing headline; short sentences Sharing work between each team members to work efficiently Reducing the test period to 2 or 3 days Setting the daily budgetTest period = only cheap keywords Managing money over the whole campaignAvoiding boring words and making the ad customized and personal

9 Summary The program helped all of us to put into practice the theoretical knowledge accumulated in these two weeks, we combined lectures with educational trips to get a deeper insight. Being in contact with people from different parts of Europe, we had the chance to improve our English skills, to learn more about their cultures and also understand their way of thinking. The Intensive Programme was a useful experience which made us aware of the gravity of social exclusion that exists around us and it should be repeated with other topics of social problems.

10 Thank you

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