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EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Private Forest Ownership and Wood Mobilization in Europe Franziska Hirsch and Sebastian Hetsch UNECE/FAO.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Private Forest Ownership and Wood Mobilization in Europe Franziska Hirsch and Sebastian Hetsch UNECE/FAO."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Private Forest Ownership and Wood Mobilization in Europe Franziska Hirsch and Sebastian Hetsch UNECE/FAO Timber Section UN Economic Commission for Europe

2 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Overview 1.UNECE/FAO Private Forest Ownership Enquiry 1.1 Ownership Distribution 1.2 Socio-Economic Observations 1.3 Trends 2.Wood Availability and Mobilization 2.1 Energy Policies, Wood Demand and Availability 2.2 Wood Mobilization

3 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels 1.UNECE/FAO Private Forest Ownership Enquiry 1.1 Ownership Distribution 1.2 Socio-Economic Observations 1.3 Trends 2.Wood Availability and Mobilization 2.1 Energy Policies, Wood Demand and Availability 2.2 Wood Mobilization Overview

4 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Private Forest Ownership in Europe UNECE/FAO/MCPFE/CEPF Enquiry Issues Specification Forest ownership Holding structure Socio-economic data Trends PrivatePublicOther Individuals / fami- lies/ institutions State / provincial / communal Total area of holdings Total number of holdings by size classes Individual owners Age + Gender Occu- pation Resi- dence Objec- tives Restitution / Privatisation Changes in past 15 years Organisation in FOAs, Fragmentation

5 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels  addressed to 38 MCPFE countries  23 participated Countries that participated Countries that did not participate Countries not addressed Private Forest Ownership Enquiry Spain Portugal Andorra Italy France Switzerland Austria Slovenia Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovin a Serbia and Montenegro FYR Macedonia Albania Greece Turkey Cyprus Romani a Bulgaria Moldova Ukraine Hungary Slovakia Czech Rep. Poland Belarus Russian Federation Estonia Latvia Lithuania Denmark Germany Netherlands Luxembourg Belgium United Kingdom Irelan d Norway Sweden Finland Iceland Malta

6 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Overview 1.1 Ownership Distribution 1.UNECE/FAO Private Forest Ownership Enquiry 1.1 Ownership Distribution 1.2 Socio-Economic Observations 1.3 Trends 2.Wood Availability and Mobilization 2.1 Energy Policies, Wood Demand and Availability 2.2 Wood Mobilization

7 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Overall Ownership Distribution (a) Significant share of private ownership (50%) Includes: land where ownership is not defined, land that belongs to indigenous or tribal people.

8 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Overall Ownership Distribution … large difference at the country level (b) Countries with predominance of private ownership

9 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Countries with predominance of public ownership Overall Ownership Distribution … large difference at the country level (c)

10 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Ownership Categories (a) Public Forests mostly owned by the State Private Forest mostly owned by Individuals/ Families

11 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Country Level Structure (b)

12 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Country Level Structure (c)

13 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Holding Structure Restitution/privation: often towards smallholding... large variances on a country level

14 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Overview 1.2 Socio-Economic Observations 1.UNECE/FAO Private Forest Ownership Enquiry 1.1 Ownership Distribution 1.2 Socio-Economic Observations 1.3 Trends 2.Wood Availability and Mobilization 2.1 Energy Policies, Wood Demand and Availability 2.2 Wood Mobilization

15 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Socio-economic observations (a) Large variability in age class amongst private forest owners...

16 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Socio-economic observations (b)...often outside traditional agricultural / forestry sector

17 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Overview 1.UNECE/FAO Private Forest Ownership Enquiry 1.1 Ownership Distribution 1.2 Socio-Economic Observations 1.3 Trends 2.Wood Availability and Mobilization 2.1 Energy Policies, Wood Demand and Availability 2.2 Wood Mobilization

18 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Findings/Trends Issue Findings Holding structure Large difference in number of national FAOs, membership of international FOAs and share of organized owners: „all“ in AT, „almost all „in FI, 1% in PL Ownership and increment/ fellings Lower fellings in private forests despite often higher increment rate Association Restitution / Privatisation in CEEC Nearing completion in most countries, ongoing in Romania, Slovakia, Serbia  Towards small holdings in some countries (PL, SL, CZ)

19 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Overview 1.UNECE/FAO Private Forest Ownership Enquiry 1.1 Ownership Distribution 1.2 Socio-Economic Observations 1.3 Trends 2.Wood Availability and Mobilization 2.1 Energy Policies, Wood Demand and Availability 2.2 Wood Mobilization

20 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Energy Policies, Wood Demand & Availability  UNECE/FAO Timber Section work on forest resources, wood markets and outlook European Forest Sector Outlook Study (EFSOS 1960-2000-2020) UNECE/FAO/IEA/EU Joint Wood Energy Enquiry (2006)  Promotion of renewable energy by EU and national governments (2020: 20)  Wood currently (2005) most important RES in EU

21 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Energy Policies, Wood Demand & Availability Study “Wood Resource Availability and Demand: Implications of renewable energy policies”  Difference of 47 mil m 3 between supply and consumption (2005)  Energy policies require (in EU/EFTA) ­+ 138 mil m 3 in 2010 and ­+ 277 mil m 3 in 2020  Need to mobilize more wood resource  Empirical research urgently needed  UNECE/FAO Policy Forum “Bioenergy policies and targets” (10 Oct 2007)

22 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Overview 1.UNECE/FAO Private Forest Ownership Enquiry 1.1 Ownership Distribution 1.2 Socio-Economic Observations 1.3 Trends 2.Wood Availability and Mobilization 2.1 Energy Policies, Wood Demand and Availability 2.2 Wood Mobilization

23 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels Wood Mobilization UNECE/FAO/MCPFE/CEPI Workshop “Mobilizing Wood Resources” (January 2007)  Conclusions and recommendations: Achieve policy coherence Collect, make available comprehensive, reliable information Involve whole wood supply chain Empower forest owners: clustering, association Provide education and training Develop forest infrastructure Respect limits of SFM

24 EUROFORENET Conference - 19 November 2007, Brussels More Information  UNECE/FAO Timber Section  Private Forest Ownership - Database & background information:, Tel: +41 22 917 24 80  Wood Availability and Mobilization:, Tel.: +41 22 917 41 70

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