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Thematic Opportunities Under Horizon 2020 Marine Research Passport for Partnerships: Opportunities for Research and Innovation Collaboration in Marine.

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Presentation on theme: "Thematic Opportunities Under Horizon 2020 Marine Research Passport for Partnerships: Opportunities for Research and Innovation Collaboration in Marine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thematic Opportunities Under Horizon 2020 Marine Research Passport for Partnerships: Opportunities for Research and Innovation Collaboration in Marine and Arctic Science with Europe March 27, 2015 Karen Davison Fisheries and Oceans Canada

2 Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation Since signing the Galway Statement, the EU has launched its largest research and innovation programme (Horizon 2020) to date with nearly €80 billion of funding Elements of the Horizons 2020 research programme have been designed to advance Galway commitment and foster collaboration with Canada and the United States in the area of ocean science Preferential treatment given to Canadians in six thematic areas…’proposals should benefit from the inclusion of partners established in third countries, in particular the US and Canada ’ €56 million earmarked towards implementation of the Galway Statement through Horizon 2020 2 Horizon 2020…Marine Research and Collaboration

3 Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation Canadians engaged in all successful Galway related international research consortiums under first round of Horizon 2020 Blue Growth funding…and others –16 proposals included Canadian partners –seven successful Horizon 2020 proposals have a total of 8 Canadian partners –immediate increase in collaborative capacity for relevant Canadian ocean science 3 strong alignment with areas of research cooperation identified by Canada Horizon 2020…Marine Research and Collaboration

4 BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 H2020 Work Plan 2014 Sustainable Food Security Ref NumberTitleProject Budget 1 st Submission Deadline SFS 9-2014 Towards a gradual elimination of discards in European fisheriesE20m12/03/2014 SFS 10-2014Scientific basis and tools for preventing and mitigating parasitic diseases of European farmed fish E7m12/03/2014 SFS 11-2104Optimising space availability for European aquacultureE3m12/03/2014 SFS 12-2014Assessing the health risks of combing human exposure to multiple food-related toxic substances E8m12/03/2014 SFS 15-2014Proteins of the futureE9m12/03/2014 SFS 17-2014Innovative solutions for sustainable novel food processingE2m12/03/2014 Canadians Engaged

5 BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 H2020 Work Plan 2014 Blue Growth Ref NumberTitleProject Budget 1 st Submission Deadline BG 3-2014Novel marine derived biomolecules and bioindustrial materials E6-10m12/03/2014 BG 4-2014Enhancing the industrial exploitation potential of marine derived enzymes E6m12/03/2014 BG 5-2014Preparing for the future innovative offshore economyE2m26/06/2014 BG 6-2014Delivering the sub-sea technologies for new services at seaE8-10m12/03/2014 BG 8-2014Developing in-situ Atlantic Ocean Observations for a better management and sustainable exploitation of the maritime resources E15-20m12/03/2014 BG 9-2014Acoustic and imaging technologiesE4-6m12/03/2014 BG 10-2014Consolidating the economic sustainability and competitiveness of European fisheries and aquaculture sectors to reap the potential seafood markets E5m12/03/2014 Canadians Engaged

6 BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 H2020 Work Plan 2014 Blue Growth (cont’d) Ref NumberTitleProject Budget 1 st Submission Deadline BG 11-2014Monitoring, dissemination and uptake of marine and maritime research E10m26/06/2014 BG 12-2014Supporting SMEs efforts for the development – deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth Phase 1 BG 13-2014Ocean Literacy – Engaging with Society – Social InnovationE3.5m26/06/2014 BG 14- 2014Atlantic Ocean Research AllianceE3.5m26/06/2014 BG 15-2014European Polar Research CooperationE2m26/06/2014 Canadians Engaged

7 BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 H2020 Work Plan 2015 Ref Number TitleProject Budget 1 st Submission Deadline SFS 10-2015Scientific basis and tools for preventing and mitigating farmed mollusc diseases E4m24/02/2015 SFS 11-2015Consolidating the environmental sustainability of European aquaculture E7.5m24/02/2015 SFS 14-2015Authentication of food productsE0.5m BG 1-2015Improving the preservation and sustainable exploitation of Atlantic marine ecosystems E8-12m24/02/2015 BG 2-2015Forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture E5m24/02/2015 BG 7-2015Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutionE8m24/02/2015 BG 12-2015Supporting SMEs efforts for the development-deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for Blue Growth Phase 2 BG 16-2015Coordination action in support of JPI (Joint Program Initiative) OCEANS E2m24/02/2015

8 Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation Next Steps Round two (successful phase 1 proposals) of Horizon 2020 projects to be announced in the Summer Third call ( 2016-2017 ) for project proposals to be released by the European Commission in the Fall of 2015 8 Horizon 2020…Marine Research and Collaboration

9 To access Horizon 2020 Work Programmes visit: sections sections To access the “Blue Growth” Work Programme and Call for Proposals visit: section/food-security-sustainable-agriculture-and-forestry- marine-maritime-and-inland-water section/food-security-sustainable-agriculture-and-forestry- marine-maritime-and-inland-water European Union Horizon 2020 – Reference Websites

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