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GroupStorm SketchClient Building a “Push” style extension to PostBrainstorm Hans Andersen.

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Presentation on theme: "GroupStorm SketchClient Building a “Push” style extension to PostBrainstorm Hans Andersen."— Presentation transcript:

1 GroupStorm SketchClient Building a “Push” style extension to PostBrainstorm Hans Andersen

2 PostBrainstorm has a bottleneck: Only one person can manipulate PostBrainstorm’s data at a time Other people can add ideas verbally, but they cannot add new content Users must take turns at the mural

3 Push vs. Pull PostBrainstorm uses a “pull” system to add external content - a user operating the board requests that content be added In a “push” system, devices external to the existing system deliver content to the board “Content” can be text, pictures, a URL… Anything that would be useful to display

4 Advantages of Push Multiple people, with multiple devices, can add content concurrently PostBrainstorm doesn’t need to know about the devices sending it data, so long as they conform to a standard interface New devices can be added or removed seamlessly

5 Example: the SketchClient Idea: group of people, each with their own pad of sticky notes, scribbling furiously Intuitive interface: tablet, pen, paper, and two buttons. “Disappearing computer” Actions: sketch, send, and clear Sketches appear nearly instantly on PostBrainstorm for later manipulation

6 Design Constraints Must work without modifying PostBrainstorm Must interact with Wacom tablet -> no Java Must be fast enough to be usable for brainstorming

7 the PostPicture event PostBrainstorm already has an interface for pushing pictures to the board Two step process: First, copy the picture over to iw-file; then, send a PostPicture event (id 6340) to the Eheap PostPicture has one custom field, “name”, which contains the picture’s file path The picture appears on the board

8 The Generic Process Generate an image in your application Run “convert” to make a jpeg Make it accessible to PostBrainstorm Run “postpicture” Java app

9 Problem: sending the image PostPicture event requires a Windows file name (\\iw-file\data\temp\mypic.jpg) Getting the picture to the right place can be tricky on a non-Windows machine Possibilities: WebDAV? scp?

10 Problem: The process is slow Upon sending the event, it can take a minute or more for the picture to appear Diagnosis? EHeap is slow (Tspaces?) Solution: EHeap2 is fast. Presumably, once PostBrainstorm is modified to use EHeap 2, it will be fast.

11 SketchClient in action

12 A note about performance... Transmit process takes 4-5 seconds in this demo However, the process of (EHeap2 registers event, MiniMural fetches event, downloads picture, scales picture, displays picture) takes <1 second! With a faster SketchClient, the transmit process could be as fast as 1-2 seconds

13 Future Possibilities Couple PostPicture with the Data Heap, so that just about any bitmap image can be sent & translated in a cross-platform manner More than just graphics - PostText, PostURL, PostSVG, etc. Other devices - a keyboard-based TextClient, or a scanner with 1-touch scan- and-post capabilities

14 More future possibilities Extend PostXYZ to allow finer control over posting (Control initial placement, scaling) Enable multiple PostBrainstorm systems to copy and share information

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