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Learning about Saving Strategies presented by Federal Credit Union Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Arsenal Club, Bldg 60 Rock Island Arsenal, IL.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning about Saving Strategies presented by Federal Credit Union Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Arsenal Club, Bldg 60 Rock Island Arsenal, IL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning about Saving Strategies presented by Federal Credit Union Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Arsenal Club, Bldg 60 Rock Island Arsenal, IL

2 Sequence of this Presentation  Introductions  Disclaimer  Purpose and Background of the annual Military Saves Campaign  Build Your Savings Arsenal: Savings Techniques  Additional Resources  Taking the Pledge


4 Introductions Today’s Sponsor  RIA Federal Credit Union Presenter Nichole Burton Phone: (563) 355-3800 Web: Army Community Service Volunteers USAG - Rock Island Arsenal Presenter Jon Cook, AFC Phone: (309) 782-0815 / -0829 E-mail:usarmy.ria.imcom- Web: acs/financial-readiness

5 Disclaimer This presentation is for the information and education of the participants. The information presented is neither an endorsement nor a guarantee. Before making any financial commitment, consult with your Family Members and appropriate professional advisers.

6 Military Saves Campaign 25 February – 2 March 2013 Purpose & Background

7 Why plan for retirement now? Retirement is way off in the future! “It’s not the money you make; it’s the money you get to keep!” Ric Edelmann

8 Saving: “loanership”interest1099-INT Investing: “ownership”dividends1099-DIV capital gains1099-B (or losses) Saving & Investing

9 Life’s Events Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, back-to- school, Car Services, Trips, taxes, “stuff” Emergencies, insurance deductibles, big vacations, car down payments, Medical co-pays Retirement Long Term Care - 5 to 7 years + 5 to 7 years Savings Accounts CU & Bank short term CD’s & Money Funds Money Market from Mutual Funds Long term CD’s, short term Bonds and Bond funds Bonds and Bond funds Stocks and Stock funds College, major home maintenance

10 Build Your Savings Arsenal: TIPS NicholeJonOther Sources MAP - Money Allocation Plan - have a plan - write it down - then I follow it Pay yourself first: use allotments and automatic transfers Start NOW – on whatever technique you decided Start small so you will consistently do it Save BEFORE you get your paycheck -payroll deduction - either into a savings account or 401k if offered. KNOW where you’re spending your money Set up an account for each goal (e.g. CU multiple savings accounts) Deposit your paycheck into your savings account and only transfer what you need into your checking account Pay off debt BEFORE getting more - don't get a loan to pay off another loan. Spend less than you make Subtract your credit purchases right away in your check register so you can see the money impact Instant reward: when you save on a purchase or brown-bag a lunch, put the savings into savings Don’t pay more than you have to After you pay off a bill or loan, keep paying the amount to yourself Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine Dahlstrom’s “Out of Hock and Out of Debt” Cut back on bills and expenses

11 Additional Resources acs/financial-readiness Resources for Savers Financial Readiness

12 for-savers/201 What is your Net Worth? Net Worth Statement + Assets + Monetary Assets + Fixed Assets - Debts = Your Net Worth Download an MS Excel Spreadsheet from the ACS RIA web page

13 Save all or part of your tax refund! IRS Form 8888

14 FINRA Savings Calculator Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) FINRA Financial Education Low Credit Score? Need to improve your credit report? Get a free credit report and score from Equifax or TransUnion through your local Financial Counselor courtesy of FINRA CreditScore program

15 Taking the Saver Pledge

16 Build Your Savings Arsenal thank you for attending! RIA Federal Credit Union for sponsored today’s event

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