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Software Overview David Lawrence, JLab Oct. 26, 2007 David Lawrence, JLab Oct. 26, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Overview David Lawrence, JLab Oct. 26, 2007 David Lawrence, JLab Oct. 26, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Overview David Lawrence, JLab Oct. 26, 2007 David Lawrence, JLab Oct. 26, 2007

2 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 2/19 Scope of this talk  Report progress on offline software since last collaboration meeting  Summarize Status of Offline Software Effort  Report progress on offline software since last collaboration meeting  Summarize Status of Offline Software Effort

3 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 3/19 CD-2 Software Document  GlueX-doc-806 (May 2007)  Prepared as a supporting document for CD-2 to outline some of the major accomplishments in software since the June 2006 review.  Directly addressed one of the recommendations of the June 2006 review: “Continue development of full detector simulation and reconstruction studies with the goal of validating the detector designs meet the physics performance requirements for Halls B and D”  GlueX-doc-806 (May 2007)  Prepared as a supporting document for CD-2 to outline some of the major accomplishments in software since the June 2006 review.  Directly addressed one of the recommendations of the June 2006 review: “Continue development of full detector simulation and reconstruction studies with the goal of validating the detector designs meet the physics performance requirements for Halls B and D”

4 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 4/19 CD-2 Software Document contains …  Level of detail in geometry  Material budget  Calorimetry (BCAL + FCAL)  Background rates  Charge particle tracking  PID  Level of detail in geometry  Material budget  Calorimetry (BCAL + FCAL)  Background rates  Charge particle tracking  PID

5 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 5/19 Simulation  Geometry  Radiation length Scans  Simulation Geometry Version 4 document  Event Generators  Geometry  Radiation length Scans  Simulation Geometry Version 4 document  Event Generators

6 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 6/19 Radiation Length Scans  Methods have been developed for scanning the number of radiation lengths along a specific axis using hdgeant  Methods for both PAW and ROOT documented on the Wiki  Methods have been developed for scanning the number of radiation lengths along a specific axis using hdgeant  Methods for both PAW and ROOT documented on the Wiki

7 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 7/19 Simulation Geometry Version 4 document GluEx-doc-853  CDC  25 layers total  Inner radius at ≈11cm  Start counter - outer radius reduced  FDC  Beam hole sizes  Cables  Annulus, spacers, cooling system  Active area  Package positions (moved upstream)  Support rails  Cerenkov rhinoplasty  UPV - outer shape rounded  CDC  25 layers total  Inner radius at ≈11cm  Start counter - outer radius reduced  FDC  Beam hole sizes  Cables  Annulus, spacers, cooling system  Active area  Package positions (moved upstream)  Support rails  Cerenkov rhinoplasty  UPV - outer shape rounded

8 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 8/19 Event Generators  Legacy generators  Particle Gun (built into hdgeant)  Coherent Bremstrahlung (built into hdgeant)  genr8 (isobar model)  PYTHIA …  Legacy generators  Particle Gun (built into hdgeant)  Coherent Bremstrahlung (built into hdgeant)  genr8 (isobar model)  PYTHIA …

9 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 9/19 PYTHIA  Monte Carlo event generator evolved from JetSet that does hadronization based on both theory and empirical sources  Developed for high-energy, but modified by Hermes for E  ≈ 25 GeV  Modified for GlueX for E  ≈ 9 GeV  Monte Carlo event generator evolved from JetSet that does hadronization based on both theory and empirical sources  Developed for high-energy, but modified by Hermes for E  ≈ 25 GeV  Modified for GlueX for E  ≈ 9 GeV

10 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 10/19 Pythia vs. Experiment From GlueX-doc-856, A. Dzierba

11 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 11/19 Background from PYTHIA events From B. Zhilmann Talk June 20, 2007

12 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 12/19 Event Size A hadronic event (from PYTHIA) Event size calculated from: Background EM rates Pythia “Level-1” event

13 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 13/19 Software Studies of FDC Redesign  Reduced material design studies*  Lorentz Corrections*  Photon Conversions  Beam Hole Size  Reduced material design studies*  Lorentz Corrections*  Photon Conversions  Beam Hole Size

14 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 14/19 Misc. Reconstruction  Parametric Sim. Studies (Alex)   o,  acceptance using single photon acceptances (GlueX-doc-817)  TOF PID studies using charged particle tracking resolutions (GlueX- doc-773)  Kinematic Fitter (Mihajlo + Matt 2 )  Implemented in Hall-D repository  Used for neutral channels so far. Waiting on charged tracks  Parametric Sim. Studies (Alex)   o,  acceptance using single photon acceptances (GlueX-doc-817)  TOF PID studies using charged particle tracking resolutions (GlueX- doc-773)  Kinematic Fitter (Mihajlo + Matt 2 )  Implemented in Hall-D repository  Used for neutral channels so far. Waiting on charged tracks

15 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 15/19 Collaboration with Hall-B  Mark Ito transitioning to Hall-D  Software effort in Hall-B is moving in different direction  Reconstruction framework being developed independently (no JANA)  Talking about implementing geometry in database (no HDDS)  Mark Ito transitioning to Hall-D  Software effort in Hall-B is moving in different direction  Reconstruction framework being developed independently (no JANA)  Talking about implementing geometry in database (no HDDS)

16 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 16/19 Other Misc. Software  Calibration Constants in JANA  Wiki Authentication  Package Management  Build Procedures  Calibration Constants in JANA  Wiki Authentication  Package Management  Build Procedures

17 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 17/19 Software Tasks List ~30% of tasks are “orphans” M.C. simulations database Test suite development Event Viewer Geometry in reconstruction Logging facility …

18 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 18/19 Software Status GeomResponseReconstr. UPV BCAL CDC FDC FCAL TAGGER ST. CNTR. CERENKOV TOF TRACKING PID/Kin. Fit. = majority of work yet to be done = some work has been done, but there are still some things to finish = others may use this for whole detector studies

19 Software Status Oct. 26, 2007David Lawrence JLab 19/19 Summary  Implementing PYTHIA has given us the ability to view the detector in new ways  Calorimetry is well in hand (modulo current design changes)  Smallest bottleneck for reconstruction right now is tracking  Implementing PYTHIA has given us the ability to view the detector in new ways  Calorimetry is well in hand (modulo current design changes)  Smallest bottleneck for reconstruction right now is tracking

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