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INF123 – Software Architecture

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1 INF123 – Software Architecture
Thomas (Debeauvais)

2 Software Architecture
The set of most important design decisions “Most important” According to the stakeholders “Design decisions” Aware of the options Also called constraints More than just the code structure Elegant

3 Software architecture
Components Connectors Data Style If you follow the constraints You’ll gain the benefits

4 How Basic tools: the MASC More advanced tools Modularity Abstraction
Separation of Concerns More advanced tools Object-oriented paradigm Domain-specific architectures

5 Non-functional requirements
“The system prints medical records” Non-functional “The system prints medical records quickly and confidentially.”

6 Connectors Allow components to transfer control and data with each other Aka facilitating control flow and data flow What is control? Order in which statements and calls are executed – “you have the hand”

7 Style: Main program and subroutines
Function calls Subroutine 1 Subroutine 2 Subroutine N Subroutines: no side-effects, and not calling each other.

8 Sequence diagram

9 Distributed system Components run concurrently
Components fail independently No global clock Latency Host 2 Component 3 Host 1 Host 3 Component 1 Component 4 Component 2 Component 5 Network interface of the OS

10 Physical link (copper wire, optic fiber, …)
OSI model: layers Web browser Web page Transparent! HTTP HTTP TCP TCP IP IP Physical link (copper wire, optic fiber, …)

11 TCP vs UDP TCP UDP Connection
Yes. 3-packet handshake (SYN/SYN-ACK/ACK) Connectionless, Fire-and-forget Reliability By re-sending None Ordering Through the sequence number No. Packets can pass each other. Congestion control Slow start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit Fragmentation of big packets Handled automatically and transparently. You handle it. Don’t send big packets anyways! Error checking Checksum, automatically re-send to fix. Checksum only. You decide what to do with the mess. Applications (level 7) HTTP, FTP DNS, Voice over IP, FPS games, streaming

12 Constraints Clients initiate the communication
Communication usually over the network Server has the main functionality No client-to-client communication Fat vs thin clients

13 Client-server: pros and cons
Computation and data collocated Server = single authority, trusted Ignore bad clients without affecting good clients Cons Server = single point of failure Server can be a bottleneck

14 Pipe and filter Constraints: Gains: modularity, reuse, concurrency
Each task runs in its own process Stream of data passed between tasks Input/output formats Gains: modularity, reuse, concurrency input simulation/ logic display

15 Describing a Software Architecture
“Just look at the source code!” Natural language Easy to discuss and contract-like, but long to read XML, JSON Good for hierarchical structures, but hard to read Images/screenshots Good for usability arch, not for system or deploy Box-and-arrow diagrams Back and forth with XML/JSON

16 Your own diagrams Use the same symbol for the same things
Use standard symbols and representations Don’t use the same symbol for different things Add a legend if needed Client 1 Client 2 Send position Has a 2-way connection server

17 p2p Each peer is client and server to other peers
The topology can change Pros Scaling: each node provides CPU and storage Robust if one node fails Cons Complex protocols for resource discovery Security, trust management

18 Napster Server = bottleneck Server = single point of failure
Content Directory 2) Who has Gangnam Style? 1) I have Gangnam Style 3) A has Gangnam Style Peer A 4) Give me Gangnam Style Peer B 5) Here is Gangnam Style

19 Flooding in Gnutella Broadcast to discover resources
TTL flag limits flooding Seeds = reliable list to start

20 Skype Privacy + Security: Hard to hack

21 Sensor networks Non-functional properties: Low energy consumption
Fault-tolerance Scalability

22 Vanilla MVC

23 Reactive MVC

24 Web MVC

25 Pubsub Eugster 2003: The many faces of publish/subscribe

26 Event broker vs pubsub Event broker = pubsub GUIs With an intermediary
Where subscribers publish And publishers subscribe And usually with function callbacks rather than over the network GUIs

27 Dr. Eval eval(readline()), eval(message), …

28 Sun RPC generated Hand-written Import function signature
caller.c interface.h callee.c Generate Call interface.x Call caller_stub.c callee_stub.c Generate Send XDR Recv XDR network

29 XML RPC - request POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Frontier/5.1.2 (WinNT) Host: Content-Type: text/xml Content-length: 181 <?xml version="1.0"?> <methodCall> <methodName>examples.getStateName</methodName> <params> <param> <value><int>41</int></value> </param> </params> </methodCall> Verbose (SOAP!) bandwidth

30 Remote Method Invocation
Client Process Proxy Object B Object A Proxy object is a hollow container of Method names. Remote Reference Module translates between local and remote object references. Remote Reference Module Comm. Module Server Process Comm. Module Remote Reference Module Dispatcher sends the request to Skeleton Object Skeleton deserializes parameters, sends it to the object, & marshals the results for return Dispatcher Object B Skeleton for B’s Class MIDDLEWARE

31 Service-oriented architecture
Web Server Client (Browser) Web Server Web Server Business, Mashups Presentation Web Server

32 Good: Colorful Bad: - Yes goes down, then Yes goes right (be consistent)

33 Good: Transition labels are verbs (“Coin” should be “insert coin”) States are participles (“locked”, “unlocked”) Verb+ing is fine too! (e.g. “waiting for user input”) States are circles No end state: don’t need any in this case Start state is obvious (nitpicking: convention is double circle)

34 Good: Server lifeline starts at the same time as the computer’s The server lifeline is active only when the server works Dotted arrow for the response OK/meh: sendUnsent has no arrow back: what is happening on the server? Maybe it does not matter … Bad: “response” label for the response

35 Metadata vs verbosity There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain that is only suffering.

36 SOAP vs REST SOAP is verbose: large overhead of metadata and boilerplate text SOAP REST <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" soap:encodingStyle=" <soap:body pb=" <pb:GetUserDetails> <pb:UserID>12345</pb:UserID> </pb:GetUserDetails> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> GET

37 REST is made of several styles
Client-Server Stateless Cache Layered Code on demand Uniform Interface These styles are not always inter-compatible But they are in the case of the WWW

38 Proxy for load balancing: nginx

39 Common security design decisions
Principle Of Least Authority – POLA Separation of privilege Complete mediation Fail-safe defaults Access control

40 POLA Don’t touch it! Something shiny!

41 Complete mediation Make sure every access is permitted So easy …
Frodo’s path Access control data Mordor checkpoints

42 Impersonation Bob Alice Bob is reliable and everyone
has a good opinion about Bob “I am Bob” Mallory (malicious)

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