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BRITISH LITERATURE III Revolution and restauration Enlightment VY_32_INOVACE_14-15.

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Presentation on theme: "BRITISH LITERATURE III Revolution and restauration Enlightment VY_32_INOVACE_14-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 BRITISH LITERATURE III Revolution and restauration Enlightment VY_32_INOVACE_14-15

2 Historical background  Charles I – problems  Civil War  1642 theatres closed, 1649 Charles beheaded, Whigs X Tories  influence of social and cultural life, standard of culture lowered

3 Revolutionary authors  FRANCIS BACON  father of English materialism, ‘Knowledge is power‘, protagonist of improvement in science, utopic work: ‘New Atlantis ’  JOHN MILTON (1608 – 1674)  greatest poet, best educated (Hebrew, Greek, Fr, Sp, theology, science, travelling)  admires Cromwell in the beginn., then the opposite ‘Paradise Lost’ (Satan`s revolt against God) ‘Paradise Regained ‘  JOHN DRYDEN  poet (satire), translator, playwright  ‘Ode on Oliver Cromwell’  ‘Stars are Returning’  ‘Annus Mirabilis’ (1665- 6…plague, fire)

4 Paradise Lost Autor: Leeds University Library, Název: Milton paradise.jpg Zdroj: John Milton Autor: User Magnus Manske on en.wikipedia, Název: John Milton 1.jpg Zdroj:

5 Period of Enlightment = NEOCLASSICISM (17-18cent.)  return to older styles, cultural development, changes (Bank of Engl., orientation to China, Arab countries)  journalism  essays  periodicals  intelect, rationalism, formalism, general truth, nature, wit X emotions

6 Significant writers  ALEXANDER POPE (1700-1740)  satirical poems, critics  ‘The Rape of the Lock’ - mock heroic epic  transl.: ‘Illiad and Odyssea ’  JONATHAN SWIFT (1667-1745)  poems, prose  born in Dublin  fought for Irish rights  ‘Gulliver`s Travels’ – 4 lands: Lilliput, Giants, flying island Laputa, Wise Horse - Engl. society, corruption, Ireland, colonialism

7 Journalism  DANIEL DEFOE (1659-1731)  a pioneer of economic journalism – network of correspondents, writer, spy, businessman  essayism, against Tory politics, prostitution  ‘The True Born Englishman’ - poetry  W. Orange – poem  ‘Hymn to the Pillory ‘ - poem  ‘The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe’ - novel

8 Daniel Defoe Autor: Michael Van der Gucht, Název: Daniel Defoe by Michael Van der Gucht 1706.jpg Zdroj:

9 Thank you for your attention. Autor DUM: Mgr. Darina Sikorová

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