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KTIP TPA Committee Training
EPSB Trainers Manual Spring 2008
Training Objectives Participants will:
understand how their role as coach and mentor contributes to the success of the intern. become familiar with KTIP Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) materials. develop an understanding of how to gather performance evidence and score intern performance. Trainer materials: TPA Handbook ,Participant Workshop Materials, IPR, Plenty of post-it notes, Easel pad or whiteboard, Videotape of lesson, PowerPoint CD, digital projector and computer Participants materials: TPA Handbook, IPR, Participant Workshop Materials, Plenty of post-it notes Reminder – Training has 2 purposes: 1st: To familiarize participants with the new KTIP format 2nd: To provide scoring practice opportunities for participants Before the Training Day: 1. Re-read this manual 2. Organize your Training Materials a. TPA b. IPR c. Participant Workshop Materials On Training Day: While one trainer is presenting, the other trainer should be recording questions and suggestions participants are making. We will use these notes to create a Frequently Asked Questions site, and to fine-tune future training.
TPA & Teacher Accountability
Teachers are required to: relate objectives to assessment. carefully analyze data about students and their learning. tailor instruction in response to data analysis.
The IPR Provides analytic and holistic scoring rubrics for each of the Kentucky Teacher Standards. Is used to collect evidence and record feedback about an intern’s progress related to each Kentucky Teacher Standard. Is a legal document that will serve as evidence in the event of an appeal of an unsuccessful judgment; so recording clear, thorough evidence is imperative.
Guiding Intern Growth through Formative and Summative Assessment
Assessment during the first two cycles is formative - identifying growth areas and giving the intern guidance for meeting the standards. Assessment during the third cycle is summative - committee members consider the progress the intern has achieved throughout the school year, and make a final decision regarding the intern’s performance on the standards.
Formative Assessment of the Intern
The first two cycles of observation are formative. Formative assessment includes: A lesson plan review prior to the observed lesson. Lesson observation. Post-observation conference. Performance Task A-F review. Committee meeting.
What is an analytic score?
The analytic score is a rating assigned to each Indicator within a standard. Analytic scores inform the interns of strengths and growth areas. Analytic scores can guide mentoring and the intern's choice of professional development activities. Indicators foster consistent professional expectations for meeting the new teacher standards. The indicators are: Based on what current research has identified as best practice. Stated in behavioral terms, which should make it easier to identify and record evidence. Expressed in terms that correspond with national standards. The analytic score provides data about performance on the Indicators. It provides the KTIP Committee with information about the intern's strengths and growth areas.
What is a holistic score?
The holistic score is used to communicate the intern's performance on each of the standards. It is a numerical rating (3, 2, 1) for the whole standard that represents a committee member’s professional judgment about the intern’s overall progress regarding that standard. Evidence recorded on the IPR is used to support the holistic score.
Both analytic and holistic scores must be recorded for all standards in all three cycles of assessment, but only the holistic score is entered into the Record of Teacher Internship Year. The high jump is an appropriate analogy to describe the way standards and indicators work. Standards represent "the bar" - what the intern is ultimately expected to reach to be certified. The bar is the same height all year. We expect the same high standards all year long, and the indicators give us specific skills on which to concentrate that will enable the intern to “clear the bar.”
Scoring the IPR Think about scoring the intern’s performance on the standards as a 4-step process: Review the standard(s) and indicators; Collect evidence related to the standard (or set of standards); Relate evidence to the indicator to determine analytic score; and Relate evidence to the standard to determine holistic score.
Informs both the analytic and holistic scores.
Feedback Is drawn from observations, conferences, IEP monitoring logs, parent communication logs, grade/attendance books, between you and the intern*, and TPA task reviews. Informs both the analytic and holistic scores. Participants will need an IPR now. *Save communication between yourself and the intern as evidence that concerns or strengths were communicated in time for the intern to use the feedback formatively. For each standard, the IPR includes a page entitled, “Feedback and Questions on Intern Performance on Standard _,” which follows the analytic and holistic scoring guides. In practice, though, you actually collect your feedback BEFORE you mark the analytic and holistic scores. The feedback page has a small box for feedback from each cycle. Though the box is small on the paper version of the IPR, the digital version will expand, and allows you to enter as much as you need. In any case, do not feel limited by the space. You may add additional pages of feedback, if necessary.
Suggestions for Providing Feedback on Intern Progress
Modified scripting Rephrase the Indicators as Questions Include questions. Be constructive. If you have a concern, offer suggestions and helpful resources . Include examples of good practice. Participants will need to get out an IPR Many people record their feedback on the IPR during classroom observations, but some people are more comfortable using a pad of paper or laptop computer to create a draft of their notes, rather than writing directly on the IPR. Some note-taking strategies people employ: Modified scripting. With this form of scripting, you record specific examples of what is actually seen during the lesson to support your decisions. Modified scripting allows you to apply one example to several standards. The drawback is that you still need to transfer your notes to the appropriate feedback section on the IPR after the observation. If you choose to use the modified scripting method, it is a good idea to write the intern’s name and date on each page of notes, copy all of your notes, and attach the originals to the IPR. Rephrasing the indicators as questions before observing/reviewing tasks. This strategy is especially helpful with lesson plan review, but it is also helpful when you are trying to assign the evidence you collected using the modified scripting strategy. Example: Standard I indicators rephrased as questions I a. Are the intern's objectives clear and aligned with standards? I b. Does the intern use contextual data to design instruction? I c. Does the plan include a clear description of formative and summative assessments that measure the learning objectives? I d. Are the assessments linked to the objectives? I e. Does the lesson include strategies and activities that facilitate multiple levels of learning? Teacher Interaction Charts Some observers supplement their scripting with interaction charts. Every time a student responds or participates in classroom discussion during the observation, they mark a seating chart as a way of showing the intern his/her patterns of interaction. This is a particularly useful strategy if your intern is using student participation as a formative assessment. Most interns believe they have called on all students, and that they have engaged students equitably, but when shown this interaction chart, discover otherwise.
Watch for contradictory evidence that does not support the score.
Scoring Precautions… The purpose of gathering evidence is to provide feedback that will give a rationale for marking and suggestions for improvement. Watch for contradictory evidence that does not support the score. You may not change an intern’s score once the IPR is signed. Point out that committee members should not feel concerned that their scores do not match in the early cycles. All committee members have seen different lessons, and the later observation will probably be improved after feedback from the earlier committee member.
NA is “Not Applicable” Carefully consider using NA when scoring the indicators. “Not applicable in this context” is very different from “not demonstrated”. If NA is scored for an indicator, remind the intern that the indicator must be demonstrated at some time before the end of the internship. Keep in mind that there is no NA score for the holistic scoring of the standards. Every standard must be assessed in every cycle. If a behavior listed in an indicator is NOT seen, but SHOULD have been (or the lesson would be enhanced by including this behavior), then the appropriate score is a 1, not an NA.
Practice in Pairs Review evidence recorded for Standards 1, 3 & 4 on page 2 of training materials: Collecting Evidence to Score the IPR for TASK B Record examples of evidence and inference on handout Assign analytic and holistic scores for Standards 1, 3, & 4 on the blank IPR in your packet, based on the evidence provided. Identify areas of improvement for collecting evidence.
"When the cook tastes the soup that’s formative assessment; when the customer tastes the soup that’s summative assessment." Pamela Black
Components Three components of teacher performance are assessed:
I. Classroom Teaching, II. Professional Responsibilities, III. Instructional Unit design and analysis.
Component I: Classroom Teaching
Task A-1 - Teaching and learning context Task A-2 - Lesson plans from each observed lesson Task B – Observations Task C – Lesson analysis and reflection
Component II: Professional Responsibilities
Task D – Collaborate to address special learning needs Task E – Professional Growth Plan Task F – Leadership
Component III: Instructional Unit
Task G – Designing the instructional unit Task H – The assessment plan Task I – Designing Instructional strategies and activities Task J-1 – Reflecting on the Impact of the instruction Task J-2 – Communication and follow-up
Task A-1 The Teaching and Learning Context
The purpose of this task is to consider the instructional implications of contextual factors. This task will likely be completed at the beginning of the year and updated throughout the year The intern must complete Task A-1 for each observed class. If several committee members are observing the same class, the intern may use the same task for each observer. Now that we have looked at the rubric by which we will assess the intern, let’s look at the directions, along with a Cycle I sample lesson . Have the participants organize their materials: Verdecchia’s Tasks A-1 & A-2: TPA Handbook IPR The purpose of this task is actually the last item on the page, so be sure the intern understands the relevance of considering the instructional implications of the contextual factors.
Task A-2 The Lesson Plan At least two days before teaching the lesson the intern must provide the lesson plan, including all assessments, handouts, and procedures for observer review and feedback before the lesson is taught.
Common Intern Difficulties
Stating objectives for learning clearly and specifically. Including specific assessments and performance criteria that relate well to objectives. Specifically analyzing the impact of their lessons on student learning and providing concrete suggestions for how to refine instruction to extend learning.
To identify difficulties ask:
Do the intern’s assessments measure his/her students’ progress toward the learning objectives? Does the intern know the difference between an instructional activity and an assessment? Did the intern consider the contextual factors and address multiple levels of learning? Is the technology used likely to improve student learning? We will talk about lesson plan review later, but we want to encourage collaborative lesson planning as much as possible, especially in the beginning of the internship.
Many interns struggle with understanding the importance of daily, formative assessment. You should be prepared to work with the intern on developing and using effective assessments, because the assessment standard is almost always identified as first-year teachers’ greatest need for growth.
To improve formative assessment ask:
What questions will you ask? What are your expectations for student participation? How will you communicate your expectations to students? How will you document student participation? For example, descriptions of student assessment are often general and do not include performance criteria. Interns will frequently list something like, “Oral questioning” as a formative assessment strategy. Help the intern understand that “informal” assessment does not mean unplanned. In the lesson plan review you may ask, What questions are you going to ask? – You will want to see if the intern is asking questions that address appropriate levels of learning and depth of knowledge. Are all the questions simply recall or reproduction? Do any questions require more mental processing, demonstrating conceptual understanding or more complex reasoning? What are your expectations for student participation? –This question might be extended by probing the contextual task. How do students know what is expected? Have you considered all of the contextual factors identified in Task A-1? Will some students be more likely to “get” this than others? Who might struggle with this? What will you do for the strugglers? What about the students who want to answer every question? How will you be recording student participation? – When several students are very active in the discussion, it will seem like “everyone” is participating, so this is an important circumstance to consider. Ask the intern, “How do you KNOW that everyone participated? What data will you collect to determine your next steps?”
To evaluate technology use ask:
Is the planned technology appropriate and meaningful? Does it enhance instruction? Is student use of technology is included? Would it enhance student learning? Is an internet site used in instruction? Have you previewed the site recently?
To evaluate technology use ask:
Do you know how all of the technology works? What is your plan if technology goes awry?
Evaluating the lesson plan
After the lesson plan review, record your feedback on the IPR and score Standard 2. Standard 2 must be assessed before the lesson begins. Scores for Standard 2 do not change after you have observed the intern. You will also record feedback on some indicators from Standards 5 and 6, but you do not assign a holistic score for these standards before the observation. Once the intern makes changes to address your concerns and is ready to teach the lesson, assign analytic and holistic scores to Standard I, and record evidence for some indicators in Standards 5 and 6. Prior to observing the lesson, you will not observe all of the indicators for Standards 5 and6, and will not be able to assign a holistic score for those standards. Standard 2 is assessed before the lesson begins, and it does not change after you have observed the intern. If an intern plans something that is not seen in the lesson, or if they do not plan something that is in the lesson, you do not change your Standard 2 marking, since it is an assessment of how well the intern designs and plans instruction. How well the intern implements the plan is addressed in Standard III. As you assign your scores for Standard 2, take into consideration the process as well as the final product, especially in the early cycles. If the intern needed multiple drafts to get a good plan, is that “Satisfactory Performance on the Standard” or is it “Making Progress Toward the Standard”? Most likely, it is “Making Progress.” Though the expectation for meeting the standard does not change, it is better to give feedback that will help focus the intern on ways to improve.
Practice in Pairs Review Shannon’s Tasks A-1 & A-2 (pgs. 3-13).
Record evidence for Standard 2 Assign a score for Standard 2 on the blank IPR in your packet. (If appropriate, record evidence for Standards 1, 5, and 6, but do not score those standards) Identify areas of improvement for Shannon, and suggestions you will make prior to observing the lesson. Discuss: How well did the assessment meet the objective? Will the assessment yield measurable data? How did the data from A-1 influence the planning process (instructional strategies) for A-2? Identify no more than 3 areas of improvement for this intern to work on. What resources would you recommend to support the intern in this growth?
Group Discussion Based on your review of Shannon’s lesson plan and Standards 1, 2, 5, and 6, share ideas for providing Shannon guidance before she teaches this lesson.
Work in Groups Review evidence and markings for Standards 1, 3, and 4 for Shannon’s observed lesson. Does the evidence support the assigned markings for analytic and holistic scores? Does the evidence provide appropriate feedback to promote growth? Is there a balance of observed behaviors and suggestions and comments? Is there evidence of observed behavior supporting the marking for any indicator receiving PD or ND?
Lesson Analysis and Reflection
Analysis of student performance data and reflection on the impact of instruction are critical to improve teaching .
Review Shannon’s Task C (pgs. 14-16).
Practice in Pairs Review Shannon’s Task C (pgs ). Record evidence for Standards 5 and 7 on the IPR. Assign analytic and holistic scores for Standards 5 and 7. Identify areas of improvement for Shannon, and suggestions you will make to improve her data analysis and reflection. Training Notes: Task C requires intern to analyze learner outcomes & reflect on both student and teacher performance from the lesson. Task C is provided for each observed lesson and is scored using Standards 5 and 7 Review Sample Task C in small groups, asking the following questions: 1. Did the student follow directions? is student performance based on learning objectives? is data used to evaluate student performance? does intern then formulate a plan for differentiation to help the selected students move forward?
Discussion Based on your review of Shannon’s Task C share ideas for providing Shannon guidance.
The Post-Observation Conference
All committee members conduct a post-observation conference prior to the committee meeting . The post-observation conference should take place as soon after the observation as possible. The post-observation conference provides an excellent opportunity for providing mentoring about specific instructional issues, which is necessary for the intern’s professional growth.
During the Post-observation Conference
Start with what went well. Avoid raising too many issues at one time. Come prepared with resources. Stay on task. Start with what went well. Generate a few thoughtful, open-ended questions to help the intern reflect about specific instructional issues in relation to what students learned or didn’t learn. Avoid raising too many issues at one time. It is better to select a few significant growth areas to address during the conference than to run the risk of overloading the intern with an unmanageable task. One easy way to do this is to consider indicators that received a PD or ND as potential growth areas. Come prepared with resources. If you have a concern, think about how the intern might address it, and make that the focus of your mentoring efforts. Stay on task. Consider using Task C as a conversation guide, because it is easy to get sidetracked with casual conversation. Though rapport is very important, keep the focus on what will help improve student learning and instruction during the conference.
In your post-observation conference:
With the intern, review evidence and markings for the observed lesson to: Encourage reflection. Address questions drawn from the evidence. Identify possible growth areas.
Cycles I & II Committee Meetings
In Cycles I and II, committee meetings follow the same structure: The committee meets without the intern to review progress on TPA Tasks A-F and record holistic scores on the RTIY*. The committee comes to consensus on the intern’s strengths and priority growth areas. The intern joins the committee to discuss the intern’s progress and agree upon strengths and priority growth areas. We will discuss the RTIY when we discuss the final committee meeting. Note that in the early two cycles, the committee does NOT need to come to consensus on standard markings; they only need to agree on the intern’s strengths and growth areas. In the early cycles, committee members are typically seeing very different lessons at different times, so the intern may have implemented suggestions made by the first or second observer, and could dramatically improve from one observer to the next.
To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction. -Stephen R. Covey The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Component III: The Instructional Unit
The Instructional Unit is a two-to four-week body/unit of instruction for one class; the unit includes: Plans for instruction and assessment that are aligned with the identified learning outcomes; Meaningful content; and The organization, analysis and reflection of student progress toward the identified learning outcomes.
Practice in Groups Review:
1) the guidelines and templates for Tasks G, H, I, & J (pgs ) in the TPA Handbook 2) Standards 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 on the IPR and 3) Shannon’s completed Tasks G, H, I, and J. Record evidence and Assign scores for one of the following Standards: Group 1 – Standard 5 Group 2 – Standard 6 Group 3 – Standard 7 Identify strengths and growth areas related to these standards.
Group Discussion Based on what you now understand about the Instructional Unit, how will you guide interns as they plan, implement and analyze their unit?
Component II: Professional Responsibilities
All Professional Responsibilities tasks must provide: 1. Measurable objectives, and 2. Assessment of those objectives. Help guide your intern to select and plan projects that will yield data that can be used to evaluate the plans’ impact on student learning.
Task D – Collaborate to Address Special Learning Needs
Six- to eight week learning plan for one student whose learning could be enhanced by collaboration. This task can address the learning needs for ANY student whose engagement is somehow limited, not just children identified as special needs.
Task E – Assess and Manage Professional Growth
The professional growth task is a critical source of documentation that shows the intern has been afforded due process during the internship. When assisting the intern in choosing professional development activities, it is important to direct the intern to activities that will specifically address priority growth needs.
What Makes Professional Development Effective
What Makes Professional Development Effective? One of the core features of professional development concerns the opportunities provided by the professional development activity for teachers to become actively engaged in meaningful discussion, planning, and practice. Opportunities for active learning can take a number of forms, including the opportunity to observe expert teachers and to be observed while teaching; to plan how new curriculum materials and new teaching methods will be used in the classroom; to review student work in the topic areas being covered; and to lead discussions and to engage in written work. Excerpt from “What Makes Professional Development Effective? Results from a National Sample of Teachers. American Educational Research Journal, Winter 2001 by M. S. Garet, A.C. Porter, L. Desimone, B. F. Birman, and K.S. Yoon.
Task F - Leadership The purpose of this task is to allow interns an opportunity to demonstrate how they contribute to a group effort that results in a contribution to student learning and the professional environment of the school. The intent is NOT to overburden first year teachers with leadership positions (i.e., committee chair or SBDM rep.), but we’re asking them to be involved beyond their classrooms.
Assessing the Professional Responsibilities Tasks
The Professional Responsibilities Tasks correspond one-to-one with Standards 8, 9, and 10.
Formative Assessment of Component II
Tasks D, E, and F must be assessed and feedback given during Cycles 1 and 2, but the indicators are sequential, and therefore some indicators will not be addressed during Cycles 1 and 2. Indicators to be addressed in future cycles will be marked N/A. An N/A should not negatively compromise the intern’s holistic score. Tasks D, E, and F must be assessed and feedback given during Cycles I and II, but the indicators are sequential, and therefore some indicators will not be addressed during Cycles I and II.
Standard 8 Standard 9 Standard 10
Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Standard 8 Indicators 8.1, 8.2 & 8.3 (8.4 = NA) All Indicators Standard 9 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 (9 .4=NA) Standard 10 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 (10.4=NA)
Practice in Pairs Review the guidelines and templates for Tasks D, E, and F in the TPA Handbook and Standards 8, 9, and 10 on the IPR. Review Shannon’s Tasks D, E, and F (pgs ). Record evidence and Assign scores for one of the following Standards: Task D (pgs ) – Standard 8 Task E (pgs ) – Standard 9 Task F (pgs ) – Standard 10 Identify strengths and growth areas related to these standards.
Group Discussion Based on what you now understand about the Professional Responsibilities Tasks, how will you guide interns as they plan, implement and analyze their performance on these tasks?
Summative Assessment The third cycle of observation is summative. Summative data sources include: A lesson plan review prior to the observed lesson(s). Lesson observation – usually a video. Performance Task A-J review. Post-observation conference. Committee meeting.
Summative Assessment of the Intern
Just as the intern uses formative and summative assessment to help support and enhance student learning, KTIP uses formative and summative assessment to help support and enhance the intern’s professional development. Up until Cycle 3, all of the assessment has been formative, and during Cycle 3 the committee must make a summative assessment of the intern’s progress up to that point to determine whether he/she has met all certification requirements and can be recommended for a professional teaching certificate.
The Final Committee Meeting
Same committee meeting structure as Cycles 1 & 2, except the committee must review the holistic markings for each standard and determine the Final Marking (Met or Not Met) by a majority vote. For a Standard to receive a Final Marking of MET, at least two of the three committee members must give the Standard a holistic score of 3 in Cycle 3. Satisfactory completion of the internship requires that all Standards have been met.
Digital TPA Templates Templates for all tasks are available at the websites: Templates resize to include unlimited amounts of content. Templates are in microsoft word and you can type into these forms.
Cycles In order to provide opportunities for growth and guidance throughout the internship, assessment is divided into 3 increments of time. Orientation First Committee Meeting Held: Prior to any formal classroom observation Cycle 1 Second Committee Meeting Held: 1-60 instructional days following the orientation meeting Assess Tasks A-F Cycle 2 Third Committee Meeting Held: instructional days following the orientation meeting Cycle 3 Fourth Committee Meeting Held: instructional days following the orientation meeting Assess All Tasks All three members of the committee (Principal, Resource Teacher and Teacher Educator) and the intern must be present at the orientation meeting The cycle increments are mandated by regulation. Note that the days in the cycles are counted from the orientation committee meeting. Possible questions… ~Can a resource teacher log time spent with an intern prior to training? No time can be logged until a resource teacher has been KTIP trained.
Unsuccessful Interns For any internships deemed unsuccessful, the district coordinator must submit all original documents to the EPSB, including all TPA Tasks, video tape (if produced), and a copy of the school calendar on or before May 1 for spring semester and on or before December 20 for fall semester.
In-Class and Out-of-Class Hours
50 hrs out-of-class resource time must be divided into appropriate increments throughout the year. (counting 20 hrs in the first two weeks of school will not count as appropriate) The resource teacher shall divide the consultation time into appropriate increments that provide support for the teacher intern throughout the semester. Formal observations may count as part of the 20 hours in-class hours. Red flag raises when increments of time are being submitted over 3 hrs. per activity.
Red Flag/ Green Flag Attended Faculty meeting with the intern. Principal discussed using Core Content for Assessment to develop lesson plans. 1 hr Collaboratively planned lesson with the intern using the Core Content for Assessment. 1.5 hrs.
Red Flag/ Green Flag Attended a SBDM Council meeting with intern.
2 hrs Met with the intern to discuss the impact of decisions made by SBDM Council. 1 hr
Red Flag/ Green Flag Met with the KTIP Committee to discuss intern’s performance.* 1hr *KTIP Committee meetings can never be included as part of out-of-class or in-class hours. Met with the intern following the KTIP Committee to discuss growth areas and develop an action plan.* 1.5 hrs.
Phases of First Year Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Teaching From a study by the New Teacher Center Santa Cruz Anticipation Anticipation Reflection Rejuvenation Survival (I. Establishing Purpose Continued) By the time the committee convenes for the first time, most interns are in survival mode. Knowing some of the attitudes that first year teachers have throughout the year might help you target your efforts to address these needs. Their most immediate needs at the beginning of the year are moral support and resources, and your collaborative efforts are critical. Many interns are afraid that they’ll look foolish if they ask questions, so be sure to establish an atmosphere in which the intern is safe asking for help. Think back to when you were a first year teacher. What were some of the most helpful suggestions you got? (Allow the participants to share a few ideas just to warm up) Part of the disillusionment teachers experience comes from their isolation, so your collaborative efforts will help them focus more on their students’ needs, and will prevent that sense of isolation. Disillusionment
What makes a good mentor?
Good mentors are committed to helping beginning teachers become successful and satisfied with their work. They’re willing to invest time and energy in the mentor process. Good mentors understand that new teachers go through developmental stages, and they don’t expect novices to become master teachers overnight. Good mentors provide instructional support. They observe new teachers and invite them into their classrooms to observe and discuss lessons, teaching strategies, assessment strategies, and classroom management. Good mentors build intrapersonal connections with new teachers. They use two way conversations and keep communication open. Good mentors are continuous learners. They work with new teachers in a spirit of collegiality, and they’re willing to learn from and with inexperienced teachers. Good mentors communicate hope and optimism. They convince new teachers they have the capacity to overcome difficulties, solve problems, and become better teachers. Adapted from Rowley, James. “The Good Mentor.” Educational Leadership, May 1999. (I. Establishing purpose continued) Brainstorm resources for interns to use. “How Can I Help?”
Ways to provide support for growth and development:
Collaboratively plan lessons with your intern. Analyze student work with your intern. Model good teaching practice, and explain your rationale for professional decisions. Introduce intern to key people. Inform intern of important dates well in advance. Share and help obtain resources Provide meaningful and frank feedback. (I. Establishing Purpose Continued) Resource teachers: Engage in these activities early and frequently. Many interns do not know what they don’t know, so offer all the help you can. Invite the intern to observe you – this can count for two or three in-class hours, and is a very effective way to help the intern understand practice you encourage. This is particularly important when trying to convey issues about classroom management, one of their biggest struggles. Frank, constructive feedback is important, especially in early cycles. This will help establish an honest, professional relationship.
Informing mentoring activities with formative assessment
If an intern receives a 2 or a 1 on any standard in Cycles 1 and 2, committee members need to focus mentoring efforts in the early cycles on those standards with which the intern is struggling, so that by Cycle 3 the intern will have had adequate time and support to address committee concerns. Documentation of the committee’s advice and support is crucial as it provides evidence of due process. By the time the committee reviews the Cycle 3 documents and observes the intern’s final lesson the intern should have had time to address all committee concerns.
Make sure that you are consistently giving your intern feedback all year, so that Cycle 3 will be successful. Remind interns that even if they do not achieve the outcome sought, the reflection should focus on what they learned by attempting the project, and what needs to happen from this point forward. Sometimes the lessons learned from a failed attempt are more important than success that came relatively effortlessly.
Review the guidelines and checklists with the intern as early in the internship as possible, to help him/her acquire the habit of collecting evidence and analyzing student work from the beginning.
Help your intern think about what type of data would best show his/her students’ learning gains across the unit of instruction. Advise the intern to create and save all documents digitally, for his/her own sake, but also for the ease of committee review. Interns may digital copies of the tasks to committee members in advance of the meetings, which will allow committee feedback in time for revision.
Check in with your intern a week or so before the committee meets to make sure he/she is making progress on the analysis, and will have all documents ready for the committee meeting. Review and score the tasks before the committee meeting, in order to give them the careful consideration they require and to prepare yourself for a discussion of the intern’s progress at the committee meeting. Interns may their performance tasks to committee members ahead of time, to save time at the committee meeting.
Video recording in Cycle 3
At the orientation meeting, discuss and decide whether the intern is going to do live lessons or a video recorded lesson in Cycle 3. In either case, all observed lessons in Cycle 3 must come from the instructional unit. In the third cycle, complete lesson plans are necessary for only the observed lesson(s). If the intern chooses video, record several lessons from the unit, in case one turns out better than the others. By having several options, the intern can showcase his/her best effort, and can avoid the anxiety caused by technical glitches. TAG PAGE 7
Contact Information TPA page 4 Education Professional Standards Board Professional Learning and Assessment Division KTIP Program Manager Teresa Moore KTIP Consultants Sharon Salsman Sherri Henley Toll-free
KTIP Tuition Waiver Resource teachers are eligible for a tuition waiver for 6 hours of graduate coursework from any of the 8 state universities after serving an intern. Contact information for each university is available by visiting:→ internships and resource information→ tuition waiver contacts
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