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Poetry Analysis Using TPCASTT English 9 Ms. Spetz.

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1 Poetry Analysis Using TPCASTT English 9 Ms. Spetz

2 Getting Started… This is a process to help you organize your analysis of poetry. We have already learned the vocabulary, now it’s time to put it into practice! Together, we are going to analyze “Nothing Gold Can Stay” using TPCASTT. You have a note sheet that looks like this…

3 Add your analysis of “Nothing Gold Can Stay” to this sheet!

4 T is for TITLE Analyze the title first. What do you predict this poem will be about? Write down your predictions. We will reflect on the title again after we have read the poem. The next step is often omitted, but it is the most important!!!!


6 P is for PARAPHRASE Paraphrasing is putting something in your own words. After reading the poem, rewrite it in your own words. This may be three sentences or a page, depending on the particular poem.

7 C is for CONNOTATION Analyze the figures of speech and sound effects of the poem. These are the poetry vocabulary you have already studied. These elements add to the meaning.

8 A is for ATTITUDE Tone is the attitude of the speaker toward the subject of the poem.

9 Sample Tone Words Forthright-directly frank without hesitation Gloomy-darkness, sadness, rejection Fanciful-using the imagination Haughty-may-proud and vain to the point of arrogance Indignant-marked by anger aroused by injustice Intimate-very familiar Judgmental-authoritative and often critical opinion Jovial-happy Lyrical-expressing a poet’s inner feeling; emotional; full of images, song-like Matter-of-fact-accepting of conditions; not fanciful or emotional Mocking-treating with contempt or ridicule Morose-gloomy, sullen, surly, despondent Malicious-purposely hurtful Caustic-intense use of sarcasm; stinging; biting Conventional-lacking spontaneity, originality and individuality Disdainful-scornful Didactic-author attempts to educate or instruct the reader Objective-an unbiased view Optimistic-hopeful; cheerful Obsequious-polite and obedient only for hope of gaining favor Patronizing-air of condescension Pessimistic-seeing the worst side of things Quizzical-odd, eccentric, amusing Ribald-offensive in speech, gesture Reverent-treating a subject with honor and respect Ridiculing-slightly contemptuous banter Accusatory-charging of wrong doing Apathetic-indifferent in energy or concern Awe-solemn wonder Bitter-exhibiting strong animosity as a result of pain or grief Cynical-questions the basic sincerity and goodness of people Condescension/ing- a feeling of superiority Callous-unfeeling, insensitive to feeling of others Contemplative-studying, thinking, reflecting on an issue Critical-finding fault Choleric-hot tempered; easily angered Contemptuous Derisive-ridiculing, mocking Earnest-intense and sincere state of mind Erudite-learned, polished, scholarly Reflective-illustrating innermost Sarcastic-sneering, caustic Sardonic-scornfully and bitterly sarcastic Sincere-without deceit or pretense; genuine Solemn-deeply earnest, grove Sanguineous-optimistic, cheerful Whimsical-odd, queer, fantastic Allusive- having reference to something implied or inferred; symbolic, figurative Angry- irritated or annoyed, upset Apologetic- asking forgiveness, contrite, sorry, repentant Arrogant-feeling of personal superiority, conceited, haughty, egotistical, big- headed Audacious-confidence to try anything, brave, bold daring, foolhardy, risky Bantering- an exchange of light, playful, teasing remarks; good-natured raillery Boring- lacking in spirit, lack luster, tedious, dull dreary, uninteresting Burlesque- ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature; humorous or provocative stage show Candid-frank; outspoken; open and sincere; free from reservation; honest Childish-puerile, weak, silly; befitting a child Chilling-likely to cause a chill; physically, emotionally, or socially cold Clinical-extremely objective and realistic; dispassionately analytic, unemotionally critical Cold- feeling an uncomfortable lack of warmth; lacking in passion, emotion, enthusiasm, or ardor Compassionate-feeling of deep sympathy /sorrow for one who is stricken with misfortune; wish to alleviate

10 More Tone Words Complimentary-the nature of, conveying, expressing praise often that is flattering Confident-having strong belief of full assurance; sure of oneself Confused- Contentious- tending to argument or strife or controversy Depressing Detached-impartial or objective; disinterested; unbiased; not involved or concerned; aloof Diffident-lacking confidence in one’s own ability, worth, or fitness; timid; shy Disdainful-full of scorn Dramatic-highly effective or striking Dreamy-soothing; restful; quieting; visionary Effusive-unduly demonstrative; lacking reserve; pouring out; overflowing Elegiac-mournful, melancholic, or plaintive Facetious-not meant to be taken seriously or literally; amusing; humorous; lacking serious intent Factual-based on truth Flippant-frivolous disrespect, shallow, lacking seriousness; characterized by levity Foreboding-strong inner feeling or notion of a future misfortune, evil; presentiment; portent; omen Frightening-fearful, terrifying, scare Frivolous-lack of seriousness or sense; self indulgent or carefree; no weight, worth or importance Funereal-mournful, gloomy, dismal Giddy-frivolous and lighthearted; impulsive; flighty; causing dizziness Gleeful-full of exultant joy; merry; delighted Happy-delighted, pleased or glad; indicative of pleasure, contentment or joy Hilarious-arousing great merriment; boisterously merry or cheerful Hallow-make holy or sanctify; consecrate; to honor; venerate or consider sacred- Horrific-causing great fear, fright or terror Hostile-antagonistic, opposed in feeling, enemy, unfriendly to the point of anger Humorous- Hyperbolic-exaggeration Impartial-unbiased, fair, just Incisive-remarkably clear and direct; penetrating; cutting; biting trenchant Indignant-feelings expressing strong displeasure; something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base Inflammatory-tending to arouse anger, hostility, passion Informative-instructive, didactic Insipid-without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid or bland Insolent-boldly rude or disrespectful; insulting Ironic-coincidental; unexpected; occurrence of something that is opposite of expectation Irreverent-disrespectful; deficient in veneration Irritating-annoying; provoking Learned- having much knowledge; scholarly; erudite; acquired by experience Lugubrious-mournful, dismal, gloomy especially in an affected exaggerated or unrelieved manner

11 More Tone Words Still!! Macabre-gruesome and horrifying; ghastly, horrible; of pertaining to or dealing with death especially its grimmer or uglier aspect Malevolent-wishing evil or harm to another; showing ill will; malicious Melancholic-disposed or affected with gloom Melodramatic-exaggerated and emotional or sentimental; sensational or sensationalized Mock-heroic-form of satire which trivial subjects, characters, and events are treated in a ceremonious manner with elevated language and elaborate devices characteristic of the heroic style. Mocking-to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision; to ridicule with mimicry of action or speech Moralistic-regulating the values or beliefs of others Nostalgic-experiencing/exhibiting sentimental/ wistful yearning for happiness of a former place, time, situation Objective-not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased Ominous-portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious Oppressive-burdensome, unjustly harsh, or tyrannical Patronizing-condescending, demeaning, belittling, superior Peaceful- Pedantic-ostentatious in one’s learning; overly concerned with minute details especially in teaching Petty-little or no importance or consequence; having or showing narrow ideas, interests Pitiful-evoking or deserving contempt by smallness, poor quality Pleasant-agreeable, enjoyable Poignant-keenly distressing to the feelings; keen or strong mental or emotional appeal Pretentious-making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious Proud –feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something honorable; having high opinions of oneself Restrained-holding back, controlling, or checking ones thinking or emotions; deprived of liberty Satiric-The use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule in exposing denouncing or deriding vice Scornful-derisive or contemptuous; disapproving or sneering Self-righteous-confident in one’s own beliefs, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others. Sentimental –weakly emotional; mawkishly susceptible or tender Sharp-having a thin cutting edge or fine point; abrupt, as an ascent; sudden or abrupt change in direction Shocking- causing intense surprise, disgust, horror Somber-gloomy dark, dimly lighted; dark dull; depressing or dismal Sympathetic-looking upon with favor; special affinity or mutual relationship Taunting- to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock Tired-weary or bored; hackneyed; stale; exhausted by exertion Tragic-extremely mournful, melancholy or pathetic; dreadful, calamitous Unnerving-deprive of courage, strength, determination or confidence Uproarious-tumultuous; very funny or loud person; confused or noisy assembly Urgent-compelling or requiring immediate action or attention; imperative; pressing; insistent Vexed-irritated; annoyed Vibrant-pulsating with vigor and energy; vigorous; energetic; vital Wry-distortion or lopsided facial features; contrary perverse; distorted or perverted

12 S is for SHIFT If there is a change in… –Time –Tone –Speaker –Topic This should always be noted as this will also affect the meaning.

13 T is for TITLE (again) At this time, you should reconsider the title. Were you right in your predictions? What other meanings might the title have in light of your analysis? Next, the biggie….

14 T is for THEME As you already know, theme is the general insight into life conveyed by the author through his/her work. It does not make a judgment. example: “Don’t do drugs” is not a theme. It merely states something that is true to life and the human condition.

15 How do I find the THEME ? Look at the other parts of TPCASTT. What insight are all of these working together to convey? What is the poet trying to say about life?

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