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ScanBalt BioRegion - Top of Europe. ScanBalt BioRegion 11 countries Denmark Estonia Finland Iceland Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Sweden North Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "ScanBalt BioRegion - Top of Europe. ScanBalt BioRegion 11 countries Denmark Estonia Finland Iceland Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Sweden North Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 ScanBalt BioRegion - Top of Europe

2 ScanBalt BioRegion 11 countries Denmark Estonia Finland Iceland Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Sweden North Germany NW Russia. 85 million people Reykjavik Oslo Stockholm Helsinki Copenhagen Warsaw Vilnius Riga Tallinn St. Peters- burg Berlin

3 ScanBalt BioRegion is the meta-region ScanBalt™ is a not for profit member association founded 2004 ScanBalt™ focus on Life Sciences and Biotech ScanBalt™ is a bottom up organisation The project ScanBalt initiated 2002 co- funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers through the Nordic Innovation Center

4 Key Reasons for ScanBalt BioRegion ► Combine-Create-Remove-Attract ◄ Combine fast growing highly educated countries in ”East” with established industrial, academic and financial resources in ”West” Create critical mass and global visibility Remove barriers for mobility of human, financial and industrial resources Attract human, industrial and financial resources

5 ScanBalt™ – Network of Clusters GöteborgBio

6 Other members Institutions: Universities, Hospitals, Science Parks and Research Institutions Private entities: Industries, Tech Transfer organisations, service providers Public authorities: Innovation agencies, regional authorities

7 ScanBalt BioRegion – major actors Source: ScanBalt Yellow Pages, Oct. 2006 (absolute numbers)

8 ScanBalt BioRegion - Companies Source: ScanBalt Yellow Pages, Oct. 2006 (absolute numbers)


10 The Development of ScanBalt BioRegion 2004-2006 2001-2003 Establishment of contacts Vision development One-stop entry 2004-2006 Transparancy Cluster Identification Infrastructure Communication 2007-2010 Innovation Mentoring Shared services SME support 2007-2010

11 ScanBalt Campus (Interreg111B) ScanBalt Network of Networks (NIC) ScanBalt Competence Region (EU FP6) Boosting Baltic FP6 (EU FP6) Educational mobility (NIC) Economic Barriers for Borderless Cooperation (NIC) Biotech, One Click Away (NIC) Communication in ScanBalt BioRegion (NIC)  ScanBalt IP Knowledge Network (EU FP6)  ScanBalt Marine Biotech (NorFA) ScanBalt Clinical Research Network (NIC)  ScanBalt AgroBiotech (NorFA)  ScanBalt Stem Cell Network (NorFA)  Boost BioSystems (EU FP 6)  Trayss (FP 6) Identity and infrastructureSpecific thematic projects Co-funded ScanBalt Projects

12 The ScanBalt BioRegion Innovation Model Basic research Applied research Market orientation Market implementation Management network, services Universities, R&R Institutions Shared Know- ledge base, IP assets, access rights, collaborations ExplorationExploitation Industry, public user New ventures, SME, R&D

13 ScanBalt will the coming years focus on enhancing cross border innovation and regional cohesion by: Improve exploitation of Intellectual properties Improve cross-border financing Enhance training, attraction and mobility of Human resources (Talent) Enhance cross-border bridges between Academia and Industry Distribute best practises for regional innovation Mentoring between clusters Develope and apply cluster bench marks Create new clusters/network in Baltic countries, Poland, North west Russia Create shared SME services between clusters Develope a model for impact measure of ScanBalt BioRegion

14 Create a Top of Europe Funding Network/Foundation Gap in the financing market between public pre-seed and private venture capital Lack of financing in Baltic countries, Poland, NW Russia Ideas bought and exploited outside the region

15 ScanBalt Campus: Pioneering in putting the Bologna process into practise Create globally leading expertise within disciplines in the life science and biotech Cluster research and education for excellence Improve collaboration with industry and hospitals Promote collaboration with Asia, USA and others Attract resources Improve flexibility in a rapidly changing scientific area Improve balance between demand and supply of education

16 ScanBalt Campus Status 8 ScanBalt Campus Knowledge Networks, (SBC KN) multi- disciplinary, transnational, unites 8 BSR countries in concrete research and education activities Concept for ScanBalt Campus Shared Curricula. Increases the cooperation and mobility of students and researchers (research projects, courses and international master programmes) ScanBalt Campus office opened in Rostock Official opening April, 23. Strengthens the international mobility of students and researchers ScanBalt Campus Student Council established in cooperation with YEBN student network

17 Example of a Knowledge Network: ScanBalt Intellectual Property Knowledge Network

18 SBC Knowledge Networks Molecular Diagnostics University of Gdansk/Medical University of Gdansk. Regenerative Medicine University of Rostock and BioCon Valley, Germany Environmental Biotechnology Göteborg University, Sweden. Informational Biology. Åbo Akademi University, Finland. Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Linköping University, Sweden Intellectual Property and Bio-entrepreneurship Chalmers University, Göteborg, Sweden. Baltic Entrepreneurship Training Baltic Entrepreneurship Centre, Rostock, Germany. Education and training of leaders for the life science industry of the future Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.


20 ScanBalt Academy: ● Adds credibility to the quality of ScanBalt activities ● Serves as advisory boards to ScanBalt activities ● Suggests and promotes scientific areas where ScanBalt BioRegion through collaboration can be global leaders ● SBA Fellows to give lectures or teach courses ● SBA Fellows acts as ScanBalt Ambassadors ● SBA Fellows acts as evaluators on proposals for new SB activities ● SBA helps to reverse brain-drain and attract expatriates ● Annual SBA Symposium

21 Boost Biosystems:Convergence of bio/micro/nano and IT competences EU FP6 project BOOST BIOSYSTEMS with 6 ScanBalt members coordinated by Steinbeis Team Northeast, Rostock, Germany Setting up interdisciplinary research consortia e.g. in: –Point of care diagnostics –In vitro screening –Bioprocess control –Fully integrated systems

22 ScanBalt Executive committee ScanBalt Academy ScanBalt projects Infrastructural: Thematic: Campus Marine. Clinical Research Competence Region IP Boost. Baltic Agro Biotech Stem Cells Lund Universtity Tallinn University of Technology Strandins University Hospital Secretariat IP Management and Protection

23 Strategy 2006-2008 Priorities: Since 2006 ScanBalt has focused on three interrelated priorities: ► Identity and Infrastructures ►Communication and Transparency ► Coordination and Consolidation

24 The web: 50.000 hits per month

25 The ScanBalt Newsletter - 7000 Subscribers, 6 times a year

26 ScanBalt MediaNet: - World Wide Visibility - In 1 year: 235 articles from 22 press releases

27 Read More: Download the report ” ScanBalt BioRegion: Creating a Knowledge Based Bio- Economy ”

28 In 2004: “Europe´s Most Succesful” Nature Biotechnology, July 2004 In 2010 : “The World's Most Successful” Declaration, World Economic Forum, Davos Summit 2010

29 Building a Competitive Region – Take Home Message ● Promote transparency of the region ● Create trans-national bridges between academic research and industries ● Create collaboration between sectors e.g. Life sciences and ITC ● Remove barriers for the mobility of human, financial and industrial resources ● Enhance openness of national education, research and innovation systems ● Make the region visible to attract resources ● Ensure a strong dialogue and coordination with the EU, national and regional authorities ● Measure added value or benefits for society

30 ScanBalt BioRegion : The Big Fish Small Fish Model Asia ScanBalt BioRegion Silicon Valley US

31 The Latvian Association of Biotechnology The Latvian Association of Biotechnology (LAB) was created as the first Latvian biotech network last summer, today we are 11 members, both from industry and science. Main applications of biotechnological methods and products are food processing, biomedicine, pharmacy, agriculture and environment.

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