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1 Evaluation of Harris County Systems of Hope: Climate and/or Environmental Influences on Youth- Baseline Educational Characteristics of Participants Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Evaluation of Harris County Systems of Hope: Climate and/or Environmental Influences on Youth- Baseline Educational Characteristics of Participants Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Evaluation of Harris County Systems of Hope: Climate and/or Environmental Influences on Youth- Baseline Educational Characteristics of Participants Systems of Hope Harris County, Texas Prepared by the Evaluation Team DePelchin Children’s Center October 2008

2 2 Presentation Outline Focus on educational characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors of participants at baseline Implications for Systems of Hope

3 3 Surveys related to Educational Involvement Education Questionnaire-Revised (EQ-R). Completed by caregiver. 15-item and multiple sub-parts survey. National Evaluation instrument. Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 years (CBCL 6-18). Completed by caregiver. 113 item checklist. National Evaluation instrument. School Climate Questionnaire (SCQ). Completed by youth 11 years or older. 11 item survey. Local Evaluation instrument

4 4 School Attendance 57 adults and 44 youth completed baseline surveys between Nov. 2006- Aug. 2008 Youth were ages 6-16 at baseline. All participants had been in school in the previous 6 months and were currently in school. * Baseline EQ-R, completed by caregiver

5 5 School Absences Absences in last 6 months%(n=57 ) None 14%8 Less than one day per month17.5%10 About 1 day per month 17.5%10 About 1 day per 2 weeks12 %7 About 1 day per week9 %5 2 days per week9 %5 3 or more days per week14 %8 Unknown7 %4 * Baseline EQ-R, completed by caregiver

6 6 Relationship between attendance & behavioral/ emotional problems 44% of children were absent from school 2 or more days per month for any reason in the past 6 months Of those, 84% said that their child’s school attendance was affected by behavioral/ emotional problems For children whose attendance was affected by behavioral/ emotional problems, 35% of their schools provided support to improve attendance * Baseline EQ-R, completed by caregiver

7 7 Schools attended 56% attended only 1 school in the previous 6 months Of those attending >1 school in past 6 months, 79% were due to behavioral/ emotional problems Types of schools attended in past 6 months (sums to more than 100%) Public day school 81% Alternate/ special education day school 28% School in 24-hour psychiatric/ medical setting 16% School in juvenile justice/ detention facility 12% Schooled at home 5% School in residential treatment center/ group home 4% * Baseline EQ-R, completed by caregiver

8 8 Educational performance 19% were failing half or more of their subjects/ classes at baseline 39% had repeated a grade 70% had academic or other problems at school * Baseline Child Behavior Checklist, completed by caregiver

9 9 Educational support 63% of children had special education plan, including an IEP Reasons for having an IEP: Behavioral/ emotional problems 44% Behavioral/ emotional problems and learning disabilities 33% Learning disabilities 17% Other 6% * Baseline EQ-R, completed by caregiver

10 10 Type of special education services 60% received special education services Self-contained class 56% Resource services-pulled out of class 16% Inclusion within class 19% Unknown 6% * Baseline EQ-R, completed by caregiver

11 11 Youth Behavior and School 39% were disobedient at school very often 30% had poor school work very often 26% sometimes or often feared going to school 33% sometimes or often skipped school * Baseline Child Behavior Checklist, completed by caregiver

12 12 School disciplinary actions 56% were suspended, expelled or both in the past 6 months Suspended (in-school or out of school): 42% Expelled 5% Suspended and expelled 9% 59% of those suspended/ expelled had a plan developed to improve their behavior. * Baseline EQ-R, completed by caregiver

13 13 School Climate Questionnaire 11 item questionnaire completed by youth 11 years or older Based on questions from the National Longitudinal Survey on Adolescent Health

14 14 “I feel close to people at my school”* *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older n= 44

15 15 “I feel like I belong at my school”* *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older n= 44

16 16 “The students at my school are prejudiced”* n= 44 *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older

17 17 “I’m happy to be at my school”* *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older n= 44

18 18 “Teachers at my school are understanding when students have personal problems”* *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older n= 44

19 19 “The teachers at my school treat students fairly”* n= 44 *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older

20 20 “I feel socially accepted at my school”* *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older n= 44

21 21 “My teachers give me individual attention if I need it”* *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older n= 44

22 22 “I do not feel safe in school”* n= 44 *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older

23 23 “The office staff at my school treat students fairly”* *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older n= 44

24 24 “The administrators at my school treat students fairly”* *Baseline SCQ, completed by youth 11 years and older n= 44

25 25 Summary Almost half of students missed 2 or more days of school per month. While most of these students’ school attendance was affected by behavioral/ emotional problems, only one third of the schools provided support for attendance issues. Although over half of SOH youth attended only one school in the past six months, other students attended multiple schools, most of which was due to behavioral/ emotional problems. A majority of the students have IEPs or are receiving special education services due to behavioral/emotional problems and/or learning disabilities. While over half of SOH youth were suspended, expelled or both in the past 6 months, only half of them had plans to improve their behavior. One fifth were failing classes; two-fifths had repeated a grade. Even though most students felt happy at school, socially accepted, and supported by teachers and school staff, others did not. And, one fourth of parents and/or caregivers said their child feared going to school and one fifth of students said they did not feel safe in their school.

26 26 Questions?

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