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Less Is More? An Application of Propensity Score Stratification to First-Grade Retention Mieke Goos, Jan Van Damme, Patrick Onghena and Katja Petry SREE.

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Presentation on theme: "Less Is More? An Application of Propensity Score Stratification to First-Grade Retention Mieke Goos, Jan Van Damme, Patrick Onghena and Katja Petry SREE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Less Is More? An Application of Propensity Score Stratification to First-Grade Retention Mieke Goos, Jan Van Damme, Patrick Onghena and Katja Petry SREE 2010

2 1. Introduction Starting point: –Many young children struggle in elementary school –Countries deal with these early problems in a different way –Internationally frequently applied measure = grade retention

3 1. Introduction Grade retention in Flanders: –Relatively high rate For example: PISA 2003

4 1. Introduction –Relatively high rate … especially in Grade 1  About 7% of Flemish children repeat Grade 1 –Socially approved by educators, policy makers and parents → being a grade retainee in Flanders has a different connotation than for example in the US (negative overtone) –No formal rules regarding grade promotion (no national/state standardized test procedures) → retention decision = joint decision by teacher and parents

5 1. Introduction Research question: –Is Grade 1 retention an effective practice or not? Focus of this study: –children’s psychosocial growth throughout elementary school

6 2. Method Subjects: representative sample from the Flemish SiBO-project –3624 first-graders, of which 298 were retained –222 classes –121 schools followed until Grade 6

7 2. Method Instruments –Psychosocial growth: Teacher questionnaire  rated yearly by the teacher  items on a 1 to 6 point Likert scale  7 subscales Social skills Popularity among classmates Aggressive behavior Hyperactive behavior Asocial behavior Dynamic-affective attitudes and skills Independent participation School well-being Self-confidence

8 2. Method Instruments (continued) –Propensity of repeating Grade 1  official records  achievement tests  Standard Progressive Matrices  teacher questionnaire about the child  parent questionnaire  teacher questionnaire about teacher didactics  school staff questionnaire 68 prior student characteristics 59 prior class characteristics 42 prior school characteristics

9 2. Method Analyses: 4-steps-procedure –Step 1: identification of ‘true’ confounders of Grade 1 retention  prior student, class and school characteristics  that are related to both treatment (i.e., Grade 1 retention) and outcome (i.e., children’s individual psychosocial growth) –Step 2: estimation of propensity scores based on these confounders  3-level logistic regression analysis (students – classes – schools)

10 2. Method Analyses: 4-steps-procedure (continued) –Step 3: decile stratification  10 strata of equal size –Step 4: estimation of average psychosocial effects  3-level curvilinear growth curve analyses (measurements – students – schools)

11 2. Method Analyses: 2 comparison strategies –Same-grade approach = comparing retainees with their younger grade-mates –Same-age approach = comparing retainees with their age-mates who were promoted to a higher grade

12 2. Method A Research year 1 (age 7) Research year 2 (age 8) Research year 3 (age 9) B 3 rd grade C 2 nd grade D E 1 st grade Grade retention F H G Promotio n Cohort 1 Cohort 2 (not in SiBO dataset)

13 A Research year 1 (age 7) Research year 2 (age 8) Research year 3 (age 9) B 3 rd grade C 2 nd grade D E 1 st grade Grade retention F H G Promotio n Cohort 1 Cohort 2 (not in SiBO dataset) 2. Method SAME-GRADE COMPARISON

14 A Research year 1 (age 7) Research year 2 (age 8) Research year 3 (age 9) B 3 rd grade C 2 nd grade D E 1 st grade Grade retention F H G Promotio n Cohort 1 Cohort 2 (not in SiBO dataset) 2. Method SAME-AGE COMPARISON

15 2. Method Analyses: 2 comparison strategies (continued) –Why? ~ 2 different questions  How do Grade 1 repeaters, at the cost of one extra year of education, develop in comparison to younger children with whom they will eventually finish elementary school? SAME-GRADE APPROACH  How would Grade 1 retainees have developed, had they been promoted to Grade 2 instead? SAME-AGE APPROACH

16 3. Results Propensity scores –based on 52 prior student characteristics Promoted students M = -4.47 Retained students M = -0.12

17 3. Results Propensity score stratification –Cut-offs for strata based on overlap –Division into 10 strata of equal size

18 3. Results –Within-stratum balance in propensity score = ≠ ≠

19 3. Results –Within-stratum balance in 97% of the observed pre-retention student, class and school characteristics → Retained and promoted children within a certain stratum are equivalent (within sampling fluctuations) in terms of risk factors preceding retention

20 3. Results Same-grade comparisons –On average:  during their retention year, Grade 1 retainees show a similar psychosocial functioning in comparison to younger grade- mates who are at similar risk of being retained  but … over time they (mostly) grow significantly slower  they end up showing more hyperactive behavior, feeling less well at school etc. ! One exception: popularity among classmates

21 3. Results

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28 3. Results Same-age comparisons –On average:  Grade 1 repeaters would have developed a similar or even better psychosocial functioning, had they been promoted to Grade 2 instead, both in the short and long run

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36 4. Conclusions and discussion Overall, Grade 1 retainees do not seem to benefit much from their retention year –over time they grow slower compared to grade- mates, making them end up feeling less well at school etc. at the end of elementary school –while they would have developed a similar or even better psychosocial functioning, had they been promoted to Grade 2 instead → Practical implication: Our results call the practice of Grade 1 retention in Flanders into question

37 4. Conclusions and discussion Future research is needed –Sensitivity analyses –Other outcome: growth in math and reading skills –Moderating effects: provision of additional support

38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2ND BIENNIAL MEETING OF THE EARLI SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP 18 “Educational Effectiveness: Models, Methods and Applications” Leuven, Belgium 25-27 August 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keynote lectures by Prof. Dr. Stephen Raudenbush, Prof. Dr. Robert E. Slavin, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Baumert and Prof. Dr. Jan-Eric Gustafsson

39 Thank you for your attention! Any suggestions or comments are welcome:

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