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The Wessex Deanery Shadow School of Surgery Mr James A Gilbert Specialist Registrar Transplant Surgery RCS Regional Reps Meeting 15 th June 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wessex Deanery Shadow School of Surgery Mr James A Gilbert Specialist Registrar Transplant Surgery RCS Regional Reps Meeting 15 th June 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wessex Deanery Shadow School of Surgery Mr James A Gilbert Specialist Registrar Transplant Surgery RCS Regional Reps Meeting 15 th June 2010

2 ‘Listening to students plays an important role in education reform, in that it provides a necessary foundation from which education leaders can develop informed opinions and take practical action for educational change. These leaders face multiple pressures and are often faced with making decisions “on-the-spot.” By understanding what students think, experience, feel, and know, these types of decisions can be better informed’ (Fletcher - 2004)

3 The Shadow SOS – Why Trainee engagement / feedback currently poor –Apathy –Anxiety –No formal trainee body / structural organisation Currently a critical time –EWTD / MMC –Competency Curriculum Trainee involvement and feedback clearly enhances curriculum development and delivery

4 ‘The productive involvement of students in curriculum development leads to greater student interest in and satisfaction with the learning process’ Webb - 1983 ‘Meaningful Student Involvement is the process of engaging students in every facet of the educational process for the purpose of strengthening their commitment to education, community and democracy’ Fletcher - 2004

5 The Shadow SOS – Who Elected Specialty Representative –Also the trainee rep to the STC Elected Core Surgical Training Representative Academic Representative Deanery Representative RCS Coordinator 2 Lay Representatives

6 T & O Shadow School of Surgery Board Gen Surg ENT Neuro Plastics OMFS Urology Opth Academic Lay Rep Deanery Rep RCS Rep CST Chair Deanery School of Surgery Deanery Senior Management Team TraineesSTC The Shadow SOS – Accountability

7 The Shadow SOS – Terms of Reference Point reference for all surgical trainees Dissemination of Deanery / SOS information Representative to the STC Provide trainee feedback on quality of training Produce newsletter for trainees Involved with Regional Teaching Days Contribute to work of SOS –Induction- ARCP / RITA- QA –Careers Fair- Selection - WPBA

8 The Shadow SOS – Activity Went live May 2009 5 meetings to date Positively received amongst trainees / trainers Already receiving / providing feedback Actively working on quality of training posts Web Development Evaluation Summer 2010

9 Work in Progress Assessment of Quality of Training Posts –PMETB Questionnaire analysis –Green JCST Feedback Forms / SPACE Data Review –Generic Questionnaire –Trainer of the Year –Log Book Data Analysis –HES Data Analysis –Mapped to the ISCP Ongoing publicity / raising profile / feedback

10 Trainee Feedback / Concerns Regional Study Days Simulator Training Staff Grade Drs –Prop up rotas in smaller trust –Take training cases EWTD and current working patterns –Minimises access to huge training opportunities –Limited continuity with trainer –Patient Safety –Is now the time to re-configure the way we train?

11 Summary Shadow School development enables: –Improved Trainee engagement –Meaningful feedback to and from trainees –Opportunity to improve training posts / programmes –Closer working between educator leads & trainees Accountability / Focused Remit crucial Will undoubtedly enhance the successful delivery of the surgical curriculum

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