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OMS Questionnaire Changes for Version 3

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1 OMS Questionnaire Changes for Version 3
(effective December 13, 2014)

2 Changes to Adult Questionnaire
Collapsed 14 living situation options into 5 broader categories (Independent, Community, Institutional, Homeless , and Other). Information is provided within the questionnaire to guide category selection. Recovery residence now added as an example under “Community.” Added questions about Recovery (Items 4-8). Added mandatory question on use of other tobacco products (e-cigarettes, water pipes, etc.; Item 47).

3 Changes to Adult Questionnaire (continued)
Eliminated 5 Questions: Negative encounters with police Actively looking for work Competitive vs. sheltered employment How long has consumer been receiving services Consumer involvement in interview

4 Changes to Adult Questionnaire (continued)
Question numbering has been changed due to the addition/elimination of items. Wording Changes: Since last interview/in the past six months)” has been simplified to “…in the past six months…” Satisfaction scales (very satisfied to very dissatisfied) and Agreement scales (strongly agree to strongly disagree) wording and order changed (from most positive answer choice first to least positive answer choice first): Very dissatisfied and Strongly disagree → Not at all Somewhat dissatisfied and Disagree → A little bit Not satisfied or satisfied and Neutral → Somewhat Somewhat satisfied and Agree → Quite a bit Very satisfied and Strongly agree → Very much

5 Changes to Child and Adolescent (C&A) Questionnaire
Age filters for asking certain questions have been changed to reflect approximate elementary, middle, and high school ages. Online, these age-filtered questions are driven by the child’s date of birth in the system. On the hardcopy version, instruction boxes are used to help the interviewer follow the appropriate skip patterns.

6 Changes to C&A Questionnaire (continued)
All children are asked living situation, psychiatric symptoms, functioning, school performance, and general health questions. 11-17 year olds are also asked smoking, legal system involvement, and alcohol/substance use questions. Only year olds are asked employment and resilience questions.

7 Changes to C&A Questionnaire (continued)
Collapsed 14 living situation options into 5 broader categories (Independent, Community, Institutional, Homeless , and Other). Information is provided within the questionnaire to guide category selection. Recovery residence now added as an example under “Community.” Added mandatory question on use of other tobacco products (e-cigarettes, water pipes, etc.; Item 39). Added 5 questions (Items 52-56) on Resilience for year olds. These include a previous question, “I am hopeful about the future.” This question is no longer asked of year olds.

8 Changes to C&A Questionnaire (continued)
Changes to the CRAFFT Substance Abuse Screening Tool were made by the developers: Three questions regarding use of alcohol, marijuana, or other substances were added as screener questions. If a youth answers “No” to all three, he/she is asked one more question (Item #44), then skips out of the remaining CRAFFT questions. If the youth answers “Yes” to any of the three, the youth is asked the remaining CRAFFT questions (Items #44-49).

9 Changes to C&A Questionnaire (continued)
Eliminated 11 items: Psychiatric symptoms question - “Were you bothered by any of these feelings?” All Social Connectedness questions (4 items) School performance question - “If (you/your child) is not in school, what is the reason?” Negative encounters with police Satisfaction with living situation How long receiving services from clinic Child/adolescent/caregiver involvement in interview Relationship of caregiver participant to child/adolescent

10 Changes to C&A Questionnaire (continued)
Wording Change: “(Since last interview/in the past six months)” has been simplified to “…in the past six months…” Question numbering has been changed due to the addition/elimination of items. Instruction box asking if the caregiver is present in the interview has been eliminated.

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