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COMENIUS 2011 Barack Obama – and he knows what he is talking about.

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Presentation on theme: "COMENIUS 2011 Barack Obama – and he knows what he is talking about."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMENIUS 2011 -2013

2 @ Barack Obama – and he knows what he is talking about

3  Welcome  Questionnaire results + feedback  Update progress report > final report  eTwinning – introduction  eBook

4  Between the 3 rd and 4 th meeting: - Teachers and pupils fill in questionnaire and send their results to the "Questionnaire group“. - Each partner describes “World Water Day” for the eBook. - Each partner prepares description of 3 learning- to-learn techniques which they would like to present in the eBook. - Further they continue working with learning-to- learn skills.

5  4 th meeting in Istanbul: > Presentation and discussion of questionnaire results

6  "Q-Group" GR+E: create a questionnaire for teachers and students, evaluate the results of each partner school and present them in Turkey  How do students and staff apply the newly acquired learning techniques in their learning and teaching?  ONLINE-evaluation

7  Presentation of Q-group Thank you for designing a student-friendly and teacher-friendly questionnaire!

8  Ideas: - Top 10-List of Ts/Ss - List of Pros and Cons  Nice layout for eBook and homepage  For Homepage: Also description of methods should be added + link > Homepage-group?

9  Date for Austria: 29 April–3 May  How many people? (host students?)  Progress report > conference in May ‘12> Update  eTwinning- start before March > register students coming to NO + A to get them in contact with each other!

10  Progress report ok BUT include – link on school homepage!  On our confirmations we have to outline who is a teacher/student  We have to hand in both – the original and a copy but one original has to stay at our school > 2x originals with signature of headmaster, please!

11  Protocol = PPP was okay/enough  Names of products have to be the same as in application form  Use of eTwinning / TwinSpaces compulsory since we have agreed to the contract > upload everything from now on!  At the end eBook will be uploaded to the EST- (European Shared Treasure) database > we will get a link and fill in everything together when meeting in Austria

12  Final report will be filled in in Austria – should not be handed in BEFORE July  If we want to change sth. we have to tell the agency at least 3 months BEFORE July 31 st  National Agency – suggestion: !!! Spend all the money, it‘s better when nothing is left !!!  Not allowed to spend money AFTER July 31 st! If you have any money left, take more students/teachers to NO/A.

13 Introduction to our future!

14 4 th meeting in Istanbul:  Presentation and discussion of questionnaire results   Bringing materials together  Deciding on structure and layout of eBook – Book group (A+GB)  Designing the printed book  Delegating the tasks which need to be carried out until the meeting in March 2013

15  Description of “Water Days”: - used methods, - include products/examples  Prepare 3 methods: - general description for differentiation in the classroom - add products and examples (if available)!!!  Total of 21 methods  1-page-management (max. 2 pages –  Keep it simple!)

16  2x Word doc: 1. Water Project, 2. Methods  1.5 line space  Centred/Block  Times 12p – titles in 14p  Each text no longer than 2 pages!!! + 2-4 photos (max. 1 page) > Upload eTwinning – first try!

17  Introduction/editorial/rationale  Description of schools  Learning-to-learn-techniques  Feedback of S and T (pros/cons), Top Ten of the most popular learning-to-learn-methods  Water Days  Summary  Overview of events – calendar?

18  Cover, SMILE-logo, table of contents, layout – programme? – Klaus, Gitti, Geir, Kriszti  Introduction/rationale - GB  Short description of each school from application form > “Who are the partners?” – Catherine, Ulli, Olympia, Bunyamin, Lauren, Inma, Zsófia  A) Learning-to-learn-techniques > organization of “types/genres”: e.g. Warm-up, Feedback, Gaining knowledge  B) Water projects in each school – layout – Marita, Airi, Ingrid  Q-group: feedback of S and T (pros/cons), Top Ten of the most popular learning-to-learn-methods - E, GR  Rationale/summary - Feedback of Ss in different languages enough?

19  Include COMENIUS-logo + SMILE-logo and remark that they have financed everything on every product!!!!!!  This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

20  Communication  Forecast Norway  Homework

21  Sticking to deadlines  Email contact  eTwinning + TwinSpaces ◦ Communication in forum ~ >Please check regularly! Good communication in working groups is essential to avoid frustration! Keep in touch!

22  WWW-Group – update of homepage: NO+TR  Start of TwinSpaces-communication ! = invite students and get in contact (Dec 7 th )  Upload everything to TwinSpaces  Layout of eBook finished by January  Presentation of eBook in Norway

23  Each group works on his chapter for the book including collection of materials, description of learning-to-learn techniques and tasks aiming at different levels of ability  Deadline for handing in each chapter (Dec 18 th )  "Book group“ does proofreading (Feb 1 st )

24  Start using TwinSpace > by the end of January  Register students going to NO + A to establish contact between host families  Upload all materials relevant for eBook on TwinSpaces so we have a proof of working with it continuously  Think about sustainability of project for your school!


26 Thank you all! Have fun and enjoy! And don‘t forget to ☺

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