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Published byEric Chapman Modified over 9 years ago
COMENIUS 2011 -2013
@ Barack Obama – and he knows what he is talking about
Welcome Questionnaire results + feedback Update progress report > final report eTwinning – introduction eBook
Between the 3 rd and 4 th meeting: - Teachers and pupils fill in questionnaire and send their results to the "Questionnaire group“. - Each partner describes “World Water Day” for the eBook. - Each partner prepares description of 3 learning- to-learn techniques which they would like to present in the eBook. - Further they continue working with learning-to- learn skills.
4 th meeting in Istanbul: > Presentation and discussion of questionnaire results
"Q-Group" GR+E: create a questionnaire for teachers and students, evaluate the results of each partner school and present them in Turkey How do students and staff apply the newly acquired learning techniques in their learning and teaching? ONLINE-evaluation
Presentation of Q-group Thank you for designing a student-friendly and teacher-friendly questionnaire!
Ideas: - Top 10-List of Ts/Ss - List of Pros and Cons Nice layout for eBook and homepage For Homepage: Also description of methods should be added + link > Homepage-group?
Date for Austria: 29 April–3 May How many people? (host students?) Progress report > conference in May ‘12> Update eTwinning- start before March > register students coming to NO + A to get them in contact with each other!
Progress report ok BUT include – link on school homepage! On our confirmations we have to outline who is a teacher/student We have to hand in both – the original and a copy but one original has to stay at our school > 2x originals with signature of headmaster, please!
Protocol = PPP was okay/enough Names of products have to be the same as in application form Use of eTwinning / TwinSpaces compulsory since we have agreed to the contract > upload everything from now on! At the end eBook will be uploaded to the EST- (European Shared Treasure) database > we will get a link and fill in everything together when meeting in Austria
Final report will be filled in in Austria – should not be handed in BEFORE July If we want to change sth. we have to tell the agency at least 3 months BEFORE July 31 st National Agency – suggestion: !!! Spend all the money, it‘s better when nothing is left !!! Not allowed to spend money AFTER July 31 st! If you have any money left, take more students/teachers to NO/A.
Introduction to our future!
4 th meeting in Istanbul: Presentation and discussion of questionnaire results Bringing materials together Deciding on structure and layout of eBook – Book group (A+GB) Designing the printed book Delegating the tasks which need to be carried out until the meeting in March 2013
Description of “Water Days”: - used methods, - include products/examples Prepare 3 methods: - general description for differentiation in the classroom - add products and examples (if available)!!! Total of 21 methods 1-page-management (max. 2 pages – Keep it simple!)
2x Word doc: 1. Water Project, 2. Methods 1.5 line space Centred/Block Times 12p – titles in 14p Each text no longer than 2 pages!!! + 2-4 photos (max. 1 page) > Upload eTwinning – first try!
Introduction/editorial/rationale Description of schools Learning-to-learn-techniques Feedback of S and T (pros/cons), Top Ten of the most popular learning-to-learn-methods Water Days Summary Overview of events – calendar?
Cover, SMILE-logo, table of contents, layout – programme? – Klaus, Gitti, Geir, Kriszti Introduction/rationale - GB Short description of each school from application form > “Who are the partners?” – Catherine, Ulli, Olympia, Bunyamin, Lauren, Inma, Zsófia A) Learning-to-learn-techniques > organization of “types/genres”: e.g. Warm-up, Feedback, Gaining knowledge B) Water projects in each school – layout – Marita, Airi, Ingrid Q-group: feedback of S and T (pros/cons), Top Ten of the most popular learning-to-learn-methods - E, GR Rationale/summary - Feedback of Ss in different languages enough?
Include COMENIUS-logo + SMILE-logo and remark that they have financed everything on every product!!!!!! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Communication Forecast Norway Homework
Sticking to deadlines Email contact eTwinning + TwinSpaces ◦ Communication in forum ~ >Please check regularly! Good communication in working groups is essential to avoid frustration! Keep in touch!
WWW-Group – update of homepage: NO+TR Start of TwinSpaces-communication ! = invite students and get in contact (Dec 7 th ) Upload everything to TwinSpaces Layout of eBook finished by January Presentation of eBook in Norway
Each group works on his chapter for the book including collection of materials, description of learning-to-learn techniques and tasks aiming at different levels of ability Deadline for handing in each chapter (Dec 18 th ) "Book group“ does proofreading (Feb 1 st )
Start using TwinSpace > by the end of January Register students going to NO + A to establish contact between host families Upload all materials relevant for eBook on TwinSpaces so we have a proof of working with it continuously Think about sustainability of project for your school!
Thank you all! Have fun and enjoy! And don‘t forget to ☺
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