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Schedule  Tomorrow – 831-838 Clickazzzzzzzzzz ! stop at “FDR shatters”  Thursday – 839-845.

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Presentation on theme: "Schedule  Tomorrow – 831-838 Clickazzzzzzzzzz ! stop at “FDR shatters”  Thursday – 839-845."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schedule  Tomorrow – 831-838 Clickazzzzzzzzzz ! stop at “FDR shatters”  Thursday – 839-845

2 FDR Foreign Policy – The Bad PULLS OUT OF LONDON CONFERENCE (’33)  shows –  impact 1 –  Impact 2 – PHILIPPINES –  further evidence of –

3 FDR Foreign Policy – The Good SOVIET UNION – “GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY” –  revoked -  result –  Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act (Hull) -

4  1.) Hitler did not invade___________ in the reading.  A. The Soviet Union  B. Austria  C. Poland  D. France

5  2.) Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with ________ in the reading.  A. The Soviet Union  B. Austria  C. Poland  D. France

6  3.) We made a deal to give Britain 50 __________.  A. military bases  B. bombers  C. destroyers  D. infantry brigade  E. Sherman tanks

7  4.) By 1940, the United States had made an alliance with  A. The Axis  B. The Allies  C. neither

8  5.) ________ was in both Uncle Sam cartoons.  A. fire  B. storm clouds  C. Ice  D. water  E. rats

9 Treaty of Versailles Sows The Seeds

10 Key Terms  communism -  fascism –  Nazism -  totalitarianism –  appeasement  Blitzkrieg

11 The Bad Guys  Stalin ( ) 1924 –  Mussolini ( ) 1922 –  Hitler ( ) 1933 –  Hirohito & Militarists ( ) 1924 -

12 Stalin in the Soviet Union

13 Mussolini in Italy

14 Hitler in Germany

15 Hirohito & Militarists in Japan

16 Tomorrow  Read 839-845 for Friday  Complete Timeline Assignment 20 HW Points  Complete Map Assignment 20 HW Points  DON’T FORGET! – AP PARTY - FRI

17 Pair Share - Appeasement 1931  Japan invades Manchuria. 1933  Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany  Japan leaves League of Nations  Germany leaves the World Disarmament Conference and the League of Nations. 1935  Hitler announces conscription/rearmament.  Italy invades Abyssinia  League of Nations applies economic sanctions against Italy.

18 1936  Germany reoccupies the Rhineland.  Spanish Civil War begins.  Rome-Berlin Axis 1937  Japan attacks China 1938  Anchluss  Four-Power Munich Conference. 1939  Germany occupies remainder of Czechoslovakia.  Nazi-Soviet Pact  September  1st - Germany invades Poland.  3rd - Britain and France declare war on Germany.

19 The Atlantic Charter (1941) FDR meets with Winston Churchill  Set Principles for the War 1.) Allies would not gain colonies from the war 2.) recognize “self-determination” after the war 3.) set up a new League of Nations after the War (becomes The ________ _____)

20  June 1941 – Hitler breaks The Nazi- Soviet Pact & invades USSR  Lend-Lease extended to USSR Why would we support Stalin?  “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”  2 front war helps -

21 The Atlantic Charter (1941) FDR meets with Winston Churchill  Set Principles for the War 1.) Allies would not gain colonies from the war 2.) recognize “self-determination” after the war 3.) set up a new League of Nations after the War (becomes The ________ _____)

22 Why did Japan attack us?  Japan needed U.S. ______ & ______  We kept giving it to them until 1940!  Finally cut them off completely in ’41  Negotiate, but Japan refuses to give up China  By the end of Nov. ’41 we know they planned to attack because we had -

23 Then Why Didn’t We Stop It?  FDR thought Japan would attack our colonies in SE Asia (The Philippines)  Why did Japan choose Pearl Harbor? Their goal –  The FDR conspiracy theory –  December 7 th, 1941 declare war the next day The Tripartite Act results in -

24 Blitzkrieg in Europe

25 America’s Gonna Fight!  total unity thanks to -  “Germany First” – Executive Order 9066 -  110,000  2/3 were “Nisei” –  we were wrong -  Korematsu v. US (1944) -  1988 –

26 Japanese Internment

27 Mobilizing  $100 billion in ’42 alone  War Production Board ends – sets goals - imposes –  War Labor Board imposed wage ceilings United Mine Workers (John L. Lewis) –  Anti-Strike Act (’43) –  Women (6 million) –  braceros -

28 America Mobilized

29 The War changes America Migrations (854)  “sun-belt” defense contracts –  Great Migration – mechanical cotton picker(‘44)  A. Philip Randolph threatened (’41) – FDR responded with FEPC –  Native Americans moved –  zoot suit riots (’43) -

30 “War is the Health of the State”  New Deal ended –  Gross National Product (GNP) doubles  corporate profits & workers wages up  “warfare welfare state” –  war costs $300 billion  national debt X 5

31 The War in Europe 42-45

32 The War in the Pacific 42-45

33 6 Battles to Know Europe  Stalingrad (’42) -  Normandy (’44) -  Battle of the Bulge (’44) - Pacific  Midway (’42) -  Guadalcanal (’42 - 43) -  Okinawa (’45) -

34 The Bomb  Allies had agreed on “unconditional surrrender”\ controversial because -  Potsdam Conference (Big 3) -  Manhattan Project -  Japan in August of ‘45 -  Hiroshima (8 / 6 / 45) -  Nagasaki (8 / 9 / 45) –  3 arguments for – 1. 2. 3.  3 arguments against - 1. 2. 3.

35 6 Battles to Know



38  Douglas MacArthur  Bataan death march.  Japans High Tide at Midway  Coral Sea  Midway Island  Chester W. Nimitz  Truning point

39 Early War in the Pacific

40 Midway

41 Island Hopping Towards Japan

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