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Contact: Dr. Karen Dilka Eastern Kentucky University Date submitted to – February 27, 2006 To contact the author for permission to use this.

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Presentation on theme: "Contact: Dr. Karen Dilka Eastern Kentucky University Date submitted to – February 27, 2006 To contact the author for permission to use this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contact: Dr. Karen Dilka Eastern Kentucky University Date submitted to – February 27, 2006 To contact the author for permission to use this PowerPoint, please e-mail: Karen.Dilka@EKU.EDU To use this PowerPoint presentation in its entirety, please give credit to the author.

2 THOMAS BRAIDWOOD A Multimedia Presentation by Mary E Horsley ITP 337

3 THOMAS BRAIDWOOD Born: 1715 Birthplace: Scotland Death: October 24, 1806 in London

4 CHARACTERISTICS Mathematics teacher Natural teacher Oralist Secretive Advertised his work by letters and in magazines Charged expensive fees to teach deaf

5 ACHIEVEMENTS Opened mathematical school in Edinburgh (Britain) Established the first Academy for the Deaf and Dumb in Edinburgh (Britain) Used Oral Method 1760 taught first deaf student to speak, read, write, understand language, and do arithmetic. 1783 King George III of London paid, from the royal purse, the Braidwoods to educate deaf children.

6 FAMILY MONOPLY Thomas Braidwood was secretive about the methods he used to teach the deaf. He taught only the members of his immediate family. It appears that he taught only the male members of his family. Thomas was secretive because at this time it was common practice for ideas to be taken and no credit given to the person who invent and establish the ideas.

7 AMERICAN DEAF STUDENTS Francis Greens son Thomas Bollings three deaf children Only the wealthy American families were able to send their deaf children to Thomas Braidwoods school for the deaf because of the great expenses involved.

8 Resources…eafhistory- web/dhcwww/chapter2.htm

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