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Assessment of Language Children and Language By Christina Sisco University of Tulsa.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of Language Children and Language By Christina Sisco University of Tulsa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of Language Children and Language By Christina Sisco University of Tulsa

2 Critical Issues in Assessment Why do we test children? Who should conduct evaluations? When should evaluations take place?

3 Testing Children The Most Important Reason for Testing Is to Determine: What the child knows How the child knows it What we need to teach the child How we need to teach it

4 Conducting Evaluations Different People Are Given the Responsibility of Evaluation at Different Times in Different Places: The Key Players in Assessment are: Children who are assessed Teachers who assess Audiences for assessment information ( administrators and parents)

5 Conducting Evaluations (Contd) Teachers, primary assessors From there specific test givers are brought in for standardized tests BEST OPTION: SLP (speech/language pathology) with a background in deaf education and who is skilled in ASL

6 Conducting Evaluations (Contd) General option: Team of specialists: diagnostics & evaluation team *Do in-depth, diagnostic testing on students referred both from within the school and outside of the school in the case where local school system lacks expertise

7 Conducting Evaluations (Contd) Parents, Paraprofessional, and Teachers * generally consulted for parts of the evaluation process

8 Time of Evaluations Anytime Initially after referrals for screening purposes (enforced by IDEA) Student moves to a new school system or classroom Notice a lag in skills or in a certain area

9 Developing Language Hearing and Hearing Impaired Children Develop Language the Same Way * Phonology * Morphology * Syntax

10 Authentic Assessments *Informal Procedures or Observations* *Portfolio Assessment -uses observational evidence or products completed by the student over time *Rubric Assessment -uses a set of criteria to evaluate the quality of a skill of one individual

11 Standardized Assessments *Formal Procedures and Tests* * Rhode Island Test of Language Structures * Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language Sets *Test grammar, vocabulary, pragmatics, etc.* BIGGEST PROBLEM IS NORMS, MAINLY BASED ON HEARING CHILDREN !!!!

12 Assessment Definition *Always Performed on a Continuum Beginning with Informal and then Leading to Formal Testing* The process of observing, recording, and otherwise documenting the work children do and how they do it, as a basis for a variety of educational decisions that affect the child

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