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Iraqi Nationalism The Ups and Downs of a Tortured People.

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Presentation on theme: "Iraqi Nationalism The Ups and Downs of a Tortured People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iraqi Nationalism The Ups and Downs of a Tortured People

2 Welcome to the World!!! Though promised independence for aiding UK in WWI, England occupied Iraq in 1917 (Sykes-Picot Treaty) 1920,Iraq organizes armed resistance –UK losing ground

3 Self Rule and Unity… or not Sunni prince Faisal elected king of multi-ethnic Iraq- 1921 –Immediately, Kurds in the North and Shiites in the south revolt –Churchill & Mustard Gas

4 Hey UK, Let’s be friends!!! To help stabilize from Kurds & Shiites, Faisal invited UK back –Gives UK oil concessions in 1925 to entice –Peace!!!

5 New Instability  Faisal died in 1933, his son Ghazi in 1939 During this period, a movement starts for “Pan-Arabism” –A “USA” of the Middle East

6 WWII interrupts UK needs Iraq to fight the Axis in North Africa. –UK leads coup and installs pro-English government

7 The Post War Period Kurds revolt again for independence From 1948, joins Arab world in unsuccessfully trying to kill Israel Political upheaval, little stability… Religion and Politics mingled during several wars against the new Israeli state

8 A series of Coups 1958- military coup by General Karim Kassem. - overthrows 8 year old king. Kills all associated with monarchy –Claims Kuwait & militarizes Iraq

9 The Ba’ath Party Abdul Salem Arif leads Ba’athist coup in 1963. –Becomes Anti- Western –Tries to reign in Iran supported Kurds –Nationalize Oil Ba’athists want a Sunni, pan-Arab world & strong Muslim world voice.

10 Enter Saddam Hussein 1979- coup. Smiles while condemning 400 fellow Ba’athists to death. –Living prove loyalty by shooting the 400. Kurds revolt at this –Iran helping Kurds Uh oh…

11 The Iran Iraq War – 80-88 Causes –Shiite vs. Sunni –Iran’s support of the Kurds –Territorial control of the Straights of Hormuz (from Persian Gulf)

12 Hussein Earns his Reputation Used poison gas on whole separatist-leaning Kurdish towns Children used to clear mine fields Dead Kurds at Halabja from poison gas

13 The USA’s involvement In the war, USA is Pro-Iraqi –Iran had taken US embassy workers hostage in 1979 and was still holding them –Iraq secular Donald Rumsfeld meeting with Saddam Hussein in the 1980’s

14 Expansionist Ba’athist on the Move Ba’athist Iraqis considered Kuwait naturally theirs After US support in the 1980’s, thinks he can take Kuwait without problems

15 Operation Desert Storm Aug 1990 –Iraq occupies Kuwait –UN says leave Feb. 1991 – US led coalition frees Kuwait –Highway of Death Media images of destroyed Iraqi retreat turn Western stomachs, prevent West from marching into Iraq… oops!!!

16 The 1990’s and Iraq Weapon inspectors from UN to police Oil For Food Program 1997- Inspectors kicked out Corruption at UN in Iraqi programs

17 Gulf War II Post 9/11, Bush vows to stop rogue nations and terrorism Hussein told to open to inspectors

18 The Ultimatum UN resolution 1441 –France, Germany and Russia back down from Resolution Corruption????? Secret economic deals for Iraqi oil US Secretary of State Colin Powell at the UN trying to sway Europe to war

19 The War March, 2003, US and UK invade Iraq. 28 days long June 2004, interim govn’t created Jan, 2005 – full elected govn’t 2006-new constitution. April 23, 2006, Iraqi factions agree to PM Jawad al-Maliki

20 The Insurgency Immediately after fall of Saddam –US not greeted by flowers –NO WMD’s FOUND!!! Ex-Ba’athists & “Al-Qaeda in Iraq” under Zarqawi

21 IED Usage (Improvised Explosive Devices)

22 The Dictator Gone… what now? Hanged 12/29/06 Over 3,000 dead US soldiers as of Jan. ’07 Intense Shiite- Sunni Violence with torture and ethnic cleansing

23 A New Plan – Dealing with Militias After US midterm 2006 elections, Bush forced towards new plan. Bump in US troop presence with focus on controlling sectarian militias Shiite Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of Sadr Militia

24 The Future Can the Sunni triangle join in the democracy? Can the three Iraqs (Sunnis, Shiites & Kurds) unite into one people Can we stop theocracy and Civil War? SHIITE KURD

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