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Senior Thesis Hotel and Convention Center Schaumburg Structural Option Eric Yanovich S tructural O ption S chaumburg H otel and C onvention C enter S.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Thesis Hotel and Convention Center Schaumburg Structural Option Eric Yanovich S tructural O ption S chaumburg H otel and C onvention C enter S."— Presentation transcript:


2 Senior Thesis Hotel and Convention Center Schaumburg Structural Option Eric Yanovich S tructural O ption S chaumburg H otel and C onvention C enter S chaumburg, I llinois

3 P resentation O utline B ackground p roject I nformation E xisting s tructural S ystem D esign G oals P roposal and S olution O verview C onstruction I mpacts and C onsiderations O verall C onclusions and R ecommendations L ighting B readth (T ypical g uest suite) O mission of P resentation

4 P roject I nformation 1551 T horeau D rive S chaumburg, I llinois 17 S tory H otel with 500 g uest s uites c overing o ver 436,000 SF P roject T otal =$207 M illion H otel S tructure =$99 M illion 5 S tory A trium, R estaurant, and 4 S tar A ccommodations D esign P artners A rchitects : J ohn P ortman and A ssoc. & D aniel P. C offey and Assoc. S tructural E ngineer : H alvorson P artners G eneral I nformation Background Project Information E ric Y anovich

5 B uilding L ocation Background Project Information E ric Y anovich

6 B uilding S ite Background Project Information E ric Y anovich

7 D esign C odes Existing Structural System E ric Y anovich I nternational C ode C ouncil 2003 I nternational B uilding C ode 2003 I nternational F ire C ode A merican I nstitute of S teel C onstruction 3 rd E dition M anual of S teel C onstruction (LRFD ) A merican S ociety of C ivil E ngineers M inimal D esign L oads For B uildings (ASCE 7-02) American Concrete Institute B uilding C ode R equirements for S tructural C oncrete (ACI 318-02)

8 E xisting S tructural S ystem E ric Y anovich C ast-in- p lace C oncrete C olumns and B eams 10” P ost- t ensioned C oncrete F lat P late S lab C ircular (42” dia) C oncrete C olumns in A trium S pace S hear w alls for l ateral F orce R esistance 9’8” T ypical S tory H eight Circular Atrium ColumnsShear Walls

9 L ateral S ystem Existing Structural System E ric Y anovich 11”-18” T hick S hear W alls 6-8 ksi C oncrete 9 w alls c reating 3 C-S haped E lements

10 D esign G oals C onversion of the C oncrete F rame to S teel C onsiderations and P roject S cope R emoval of a r ow of c olumns T ime/ C ost s avings R eplacement of p ost- t ensioned s lab s ystem with c omposite s lab A nalysis of B raced F rame P erformance Design Goals E ric Y anovich


12 D esign G oals C onversion of the C oncrete F rame to S teel A dvantages C oncerns A dditional C olumn -F ree S pace T ime s avings in e rection L ess S pecialized C onstruction L ateral S ystem C ompatibility L ateral S ystem P erformance I ncreased S tory H eight (17”) Design Goals E ric Y anovich

13 S tructural P roposal C onversion of the C oncrete F rame to S teel Proposal and Solution Overview E ric Y anovich N ote F rame L ayout

14 S tructural P roposal G ravity S ystem Proposal and Solution Overview E ric Y anovich Please See Appendix B of the Final Report for Complete Beam/Girder Sizes T ypical B eam S izes R ange f rom W12x311 to W24x55 w hen p art of the b raced f rames

15 S tructural P roposal Proposal and Solution Overview E ric Y anovich L ateral S ystem T ypical C olumn S izes R ange f rom W14x311 at the b ase to W14x90 on u pper l evels B race M ember A verage in S ize to W12x45 for m ost of the f rames* *Please see Appendix B for per member sizes

16 S tructural P roposal C oncerns of s ystem C hanges Proposal and Solution Overview E ric Y anovich T ypical W indow S izes L ocated in the C orridor

17 S tructural P roposal P roposal S ummary Proposal and Solution Overview E ric Y anovich D eflections I ncluding the O riginal S hear-wall S ystem w ere w ell o utside the L/480 p er s tory d rift L imit T he B raced F ames r educe the o verall d rift to 5.1” r esulting in a p er s tory d rift of L/470 T he O riginal S ystem h ad a d eflection e qual to 4.4” (L/510)

18 C onstruction I mpacts Construction Breadth E ric Y anovich W hat is the E conomical I mpact ?

19 C onstruction I mpacts Construction Breadth E ric Y anovich W hat is the S cheduling I mpact ? »C onsidering the o n-site c onstruction t imes to be the s ame, e ach p roject’s t imeline can be s een b elow

20 F inal c onclusions & R ecommendations Final Conclusions and Recommendations E ric Y anovich C omparable D rift of the P roposed structure Vs. the current design M ore L ayout F lexibility C ost S avings of A lmost 16% S chedule t ime s aving of 10 w eeks P ersonal R ecommendation: P roposed S teel S tructure with B raced F rames

21 Q uestions / A nswers Questions and Answers E ric Y anovich

22 L ighting B readth Over-Time E ric Y anovich W hat does this s tructure f rame ?

23 L ighting B readth Over-Time E ric Y anovich W hat does this s tructure f rame ?

24 L ighting B readth Over-Time E ric Y anovich

25 C onstruction I mpacts Construction Breadth E ric Y anovich - Over-Time

26 C onstruction I mpacts Construction Breadth E ric Y anovich - Over-Time

27 C onstruction I mpacts Construction Breadth E ric Y anovich - Over-Time

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