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Opportunities and Challenges in Biotechnology Development in Mongolia B. Dashnyam.

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities and Challenges in Biotechnology Development in Mongolia B. Dashnyam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities and Challenges in Biotechnology Development in Mongolia B. Dashnyam

2 Top Science and Technology DNA RNA Protein Nanotechnology Information technology Biotechnology

3 What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology can be broadly defined as "using living organisms or their products for commercial purposes. Biotechnology can be broadly defined as "using living organisms or their products for commercial purposes. Modern biotechnology - is the application of living organisms or their products, which involves the deliberate manipulation of their DNA molecules. Modern biotechnology - is the application of living organisms or their products, which involves the deliberate manipulation of their DNA molecules. And many analysts expect the biotechnology industry will grow 40-50% each year. And many analysts expect the biotechnology industry will grow 40-50% each year.

4 Main division of biotechnology Application of biotechnology Application of biotechnology Pharmaceutical biotechnologyPharmaceutical biotechnology Agricultural and food biotechnologyAgricultural and food biotechnology Environmental biotechnologyEnvironmental biotechnology Industrial BiotechnologyIndustrial Biotechnology Scientific and methodical base of modern biotechnology: Scientific and methodical base of modern biotechnology: Molecular biologyMolecular biology Genetic engineeringGenetic engineering

5 Biotechnology related sciences Biotechnology Immunology Biophysics Technical science Microbiology Biochemistry Molecular biology Geology Ecology Genetics

6 PERIODS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN MONGOLIA – Биотехнологийн хөгжлийн үе шат Periods of Biotechnology Development In developed countries Хөгжсөн орнуудад In Mongolia Монголд Early /Ancient/ traditional biotechnology Several thousands years ago: making yogurt, cheese, baking bread, brewing alcoholic beverage, breeding food crops or domestic animals Several thousands years ago: making yogurt, cheese, baking bread, brewing alcoholic beverage, fermented horse milk (airag), breeding food crops or domestic animals Intermediate biotechnology 1940s: antibiotic production, start of industrial microbiology,, animal vaccine and diagnostic production 1970s: antibiotic production, animal vaccine and diagnostic production (Biokombinat) Modern / new biotechnology Mid-1970s: genetic engineering, hybridoma technology, embryo transfer, enzyme immobilization Late 1980s: genetic engineering, hybridoma technology, embryo transfer Cloning animals, genomics, bioinformatics 1990s: successful, regulations needed none

7 National Policy of Biotechnology in Mongolia 1986 – The first Conception of Research and Production Development of Biotechnology until 2000 in Mongolia 1986 – The first Conception of Research and Production Development of Biotechnology until 2000 in Mongolia animal vaccine and diagnostic production media, buffer, reagent, and solution preparationmedia, buffer, reagent, and solution preparation animal embryo transferanimal embryo transfer cell and tissue culturecell and tissue culture production of nitrogenous bacterial manureproduction of nitrogenous bacterial manure

8 National Policy of Biotechnology in Mongolia 1991- First national Biotechnology program 1991- First national Biotechnology program 1992- 30 biotechnology project were executed by 20 different institutes and companies. Total production came up to 1600 million in every year. 1992- 30 biotechnology project were executed by 20 different institutes and companies. Total production came up to 1600 million in every year. 1998- Second national Biotechnology program 1998- Second national Biotechnology program 1999- 2004 more than 30 project were executed. 1999- 2004 more than 30 project were executed.

9 Challenges Recent years in Mongolia are growing number of biotechnology-based or biotechnology-linked companies. Recent years in Mongolia are growing number of biotechnology-based or biotechnology-linked companies. Mongolia need for a facility dedicated exclusively to biotechnology research and development, which would help commercialize laboratory discoveries and technologies. Mongolia need for a facility dedicated exclusively to biotechnology research and development, which would help commercialize laboratory discoveries and technologies. Reorganization of MBA-NGO. Reorganization of MBA-NGO.

10 Thanks for attention!

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