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Bellringer Read: Front cover-PA to cut districts? AND 3A- Fear Snuffs Out Ban Explain the three causes the North and the South were fighting over during.

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1 Bellringer Read: Front cover-PA to cut districts? AND 3A- Fear Snuffs Out Ban Explain the three causes the North and the South were fighting over during the Civil War

2 Bellringer Free Read Quiz Monday! What event caused the South to secede from the Union?


4 Institution of Slavery 50% of all African Americans living in the US in the 19 th century lived on plantations as slaves Worked in field, took care of animals, cleaned and cooked Lived in poor housing, rations of food, sold and separated from families Beaten, treated as property, not as people Seen as animals- belief system

5 Escape from Reality Many slaves turned to religion and saw hope in Biblical storeis Slaves created spiritual gospel songs that often had hidden meaning Follow the Drinking Gourd was a famous song telling slaves how to escape from the South across the Ohio river in the winter by following the Big Dipper: –When the Sun comes back And the first quail calls Follow the Drinking Gourd, For the old man is a-waiting for to carry you to freedom If you follow the Drinking Gourd

6 Underground Railroad A lot of slaves used the Underground Railroad which was a system of “safe houses” from the South up North. Was it really a rxr? Harriet Tubman (aka “Moses”) is the most famous conductor helping slaves escape Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: –Swing low, sweet chariot, Comin' for to carry me home! –I looked over Jordan and what did I see, Comin' for to carry me home! A band of angels comin' after me, Comin' for to carry me home!

7 Resisting Slaves used 5 ways to resist slavery: –Secret meetings –Intentionally break tools –Set fires –Stage work slowdowns –Faked illness


9 PLATFORM – statements or beliefs, usually on behalf of a political party

10 REPUBLICAN PARTY – a political party formed in the mid 1850’s, majority supported Stopping the spread of slavery

11 The Republican party chooses ABRAHAM LINCOLN as their presidential nominee for the 1860 election

12 Lincoln wins many votes in the North and since the North has a larger population he wins the election

13 The South is afraid that Lincoln will now try to abolish slavery in the United States Which would Ruin their Economy

14 SECEDE – to withdraw from the Union, split with the country South Carolina becomes the first to secede on December 20, 1860

15 In the next six weeks more states secede: Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas

16 These states form their own country – THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA

17 JEFFERSON DAVIS is elected president of the Confederate States of America

18 Lincoln becomes the 16 th president in March of 1861

19 Both sides cautiously wait to see what will happen next


21 FORT SUMTER – a federal fort located in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina South attacked on April 12,1861 to officially start the Civil War

22 Lincoln calls out troops to put down the uprising

23 ROBERT E LEE – general in charge of Confederate troops during the Civil War

24 BORDER STATES – states that are located between the Union and the Confederacy BORDER STATES: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri




28 Confederacy has certain advantages: good generals only has to fight a defensive war fighting to defend their homes and families

29 Union has a huge advantage over the South in terms of people and resources Union also has a huge advantage in factories, railroad miles and navy shipyards

30 UNION PLAN – destroy the South’s economy so they are forced to end the war

31 ANACONDA PLAN – the Union plan to shut off all Southern trade and ruin their economy


33 BLOCKADE – when armed forces prevent the transportati on of goods or people into or out of an area

34 Union also wants to capture the Confederate capital city – Richmond, Virginia

35 South wants war to last as long as possible – force the Union to eventually give up

36 South tries to force England and France to help with their war effort by refusing to send cotton – plan does not work

37 Battle at Bull Run- Union thought they would win this battle and the war in a couple of weeks BUT…. The Confederate win in this battle stuns the Union


39 Things That Make You Go Hmmm Lincoln’s number one goal throughout the war was to SAVE THE UNION by bringing back the Southern states He had a couple of ways to accomplish this: –Free some slaves –Free all slaves –Free none of the slaves And he chose….

40 EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION – the freeing of all slaves in the Confederate states BUT NOT IN BORDER STATES Slaves ran away from the plantations and sought freedom up north Slavery Wouldn’t Officially end until the 13 th amendment

41 By the end of the war 180,000 African American soldiers had served in the Union army

42 By the end of 1863 the confederate army had lost 40% of its men People in both the North and South were questioning why the war was being fought

43 CONSCRIPTION – a draft, requiring MEN to serve in the military Both the Union and Confederacy have a draft

44 Supply and food shortages occur in both the North and South Inflation hits the South – during the war prices go up 9000%


46 In 1861 the national government establishes an INCOME TAX to pay for the war

47 In 1862 the government issues a new type of money – called GREENBACKS because of its color

48 Slaves begin to resist more in the South – refuse to work, break things on purpose Advancing Union troops free slaves

49 Women also help the war effort in many ways – relief agencies, nurses, spies, factory workers

50 It’s a Woman Thing Women raised families, worked on farms, got jobs in factories, worked in the government, were nurses They kept life at home running smoothly and helped aid the soldiers Many secretly joined the army disguised as men ****When men go to war, women always fill in

51 CLARA BARTON – nurse during the Civil War, helped with supplies, later started American Red Cross


53 Lee’s Southern troops met the Union at GETTYSBURG in Pennsylvania – July 1863 90,000 Union troops against 75,000 confederate troops



56 Southern General George Pickett tried to march his men across a wheat field and are mowed down by Union soldiers – PICKETT’S CHARGE


58 North wins the Battle of Gettysburg Union has 23,000 soldiers dead and wounded and Confederacy has 28,000

59 Lincoln places General Grant in charge of the entire Union army

60 Union General WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN drives an army through the South to further divide the Confederacy

61 Union wants to break the South’s will with this MARCH TO THE SEA through Georgia Union destroys everything for a 300 mile long stretch that is 60 miles wide





66 Lincoln is re-elected President in 1864 for his second term

67 Grant meets Lee in Virginia and defeats the South Lee surrenders at APPOMATTOX COURT HOUSE, VIRGINIA on April 9, 1865


69 The Union soldiers were gracious in victory Confederate soldiers were given food and allowed to go home The war that had lasted four long years was finally over


71 Lincoln wanted to heal the nation and make it whole again Civil War was by far the deadliest in American history (still is today)

72 TOTAL DEAD620,000 Union dead360,000 Confederate dead260,000 In addition – 270,000 Union soldiers and 260,000 Confederate soldiers were wounded

73 Almost 10% of the population served in the war – a total of 3 million men (if same % of the population served today we would have an army of 25 million men)

74 War had high economic cost for both sides Combined the North and South had spent 5 times what the government had spent in the previous 80 years

75 War cost in 1865: $6,000,000,000 6 Billion dollars War cost in 2005: $7,206,660,841,845 7 Trillion dollars Today that would be $24,000 per United States citizen

76 Millions of slaves were freed as a result of the war 13th AMENDMENT was passed in 1865 to officially end slavery and make it illegal in the United States

77 Lincoln is assassinated watching a play at Ford’s Theater, 5 days after the surrender



80 Lincoln was the first United States president to be assassinated The nation was in a state of shock

81 The size of the government grew after the war Industry begins to replace agriculture as the nation’s major economic activity

82 South is badly damaged – lost nearly 40% of livestock and 50% of farm machinery Railroad tracks gone, factories are destroyed

83 Before the war the South had 30% of the nation’s wealth – after the war only 12%

84 Moving On Now it’s time to rebuild….


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