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Immediately after World War I, most monarchies were replaced by weak democracies A major cause of the Great Depression too much borrowing and gambling.

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Presentation on theme: "Immediately after World War I, most monarchies were replaced by weak democracies A major cause of the Great Depression too much borrowing and gambling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immediately after World War I, most monarchies were replaced by weak democracies A major cause of the Great Depression too much borrowing and gambling on stocks A major effect of the Great Depression was bank and business closures Strong democratic nations managed the effects of the Great Depression by: - increasing gov’t spending - new laws to regulate banks and business - raising taxes on high income

2 Weak Democracies managed the Depression by: - invested in large militaries - pursued a policy of war & conquest - turned to strong dictators Effective propaganda emphasizes emotion & feeling Fascists attempt to gain power by - emotion & persuasion - threats & intimidation symbols, images, and appearance are characteristics important to fascists

3 Fascist leaders will NOT allow: - democracy - capitalism - communism Fascists force people to obey them by - use of the secret police - making laws against free speech - propaganda Despite their differences, fascists and communists are both totalitarian dictatorships

4 A major cause of the stock market crash that led to the Great Depression was the abuse of credit Overproduction of agricultural products drove prices down When American farmers could not pay off their debts, weakened banks were forced to close Fascism emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to the leader Both Fascism and Communism allowed only one political party to rule

5 The Italian Fascist movement was led by Benito Mussolini One reason why Italians were mad after World War I was that though winners, they were not given the territory that was promised to them Fascists were generally supported by all of the following: - wealthy industrialists - extreme nationalists - militarists and war veterans Both Il Duce and Der Fuhrer translate as “The Leader”

6 The fire at the Reichstag building contributed to a slim Nazi victory in the elections As part of the Nazi indoctrination program, all school children had to join the Hitler Youth or League of German Girls Nazis used Jews as scapegoats for all that was wrong with Germany Both Hitler and Mussolini came to power through legal processes

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