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BIBC 102 ANNOUNCEMENTS Randy’s bipartite office hours Tue 3-4 pm

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1 BIBC 102 ANNOUNCEMENTS Randy’s bipartite office hours Tue 3-4 pm
Thr 3-4 pm 2130 Pacific Hall BIBC 102 Web Site Soft Reserves lecture slides are available. Near Hi Thai.


3 BIBC 102 ANNOUNCEMENTS Principles of Biochemistry,6th ed
Lehninger, Nelson and Cox Will be on reserve at the Biomedical Library, but not Geisel Library

4 Activation energy and reaction rate
fig 6-2

5 Activation energy and reaction rate
fig 6-3

6 What is the relation between changes in activation energy
and reaction rate?

7 S P k dS/dt = k[S] Activation energy and reaction rate blue terms are
constant when temperature is constant...

8 Activation energy and reaction rate
designate blue terms as constants

9 Activation energy and reaction rate
call DG‡ = A for simplicity

10 Lowering activation energy …

11 Lowering activation energy …
when DG‡ is lowered by this amount: d the rate constant is increased by this factor: note the following features: lowering DG‡ makes reaction faster identical effect on both directions

12 how big a deal is this? recall that C2 = RT at body temp, RT= 2573 J/mole so if DG‡ changes by the value of one hydrogen bond (~20 kJ/mole) rate enhancement is e7.8 = 2440

13 If you have not already please read LIGAND BINDING and ENZYME CATALYSIS

14 If you have not already please read LIGAND BINDING and ENZYME CATALYSIS

15 Ligand Binding rh

16 Does this form make intuitive sense?
when there is no L, LB is also 0 as L gets big, LB approaches B saturable rh

17 Binding isotherm rectangular hyperbola rh

18 Enzyme kinetics: binding and beyond
when there is no S, reaction rate is 0 as S gets big, rate reaches a maximum saturable rh

19 Vmax S Km + S Vo = Michaelis-Menten Equation
Maud Menten again, a rectangular hyperbola rh

20 Vmax S Km + S Vo = Michaelis-Menten Equation
when there is no S, V0 is also 0 as S gets big, V0 approaches Vmax saturable rh

21 fig 6-11

22 how fast can an enzyme “do” a reaction?
Vmax = kcat[E]T table 6-7

23 Competition for binding
remember to tell them about I and Y feature of saturability rh

24 action of a competitive enzyme inhibitor
fig 6-15

25 action of a uncompetitive inhibitor
fig 6-15

26 a “suicide” inhibitor catalytic action of enzyme causes permanent covalent inhibition fig 6-16

27 CHYMOTRYPSIN: a protease

28 CHYMOTRYPSIN: a protease
fig 6-18

29 catalytic triad fig 6-21

30 fig 6-21

31 fig 6-21

32 fig 6-21

33 fig 6-21

34 fig 6-21

35 fig 6-21

36 fig 6-21

37 fig 6-21



40 Why do we need these details? an example:
The HIV Protease: cleaves single HIV-encoded polypeptide into various proteins needed for viral replication Specific inhibitors of the HIV protease were developed by an intimate understanding of the structure and mechanism of the enzyme amprenavir Agenerase®

41 Now many HIV protease inhibitors
fig 6-30

42 amprenavir in HIV protease active site

43 hexokinase reaction pg 212

44 hexokinase fig 6-22

45 hexokinase induced fit fig 6-22

46 site of Pi transfer fig 6-22

47 C6 ATP glucose transfer of P from ATP ATP xyulose hydrolysis of ATP

48 Regulation by phosphorylation: general case
fig 6-35

49 Regulation by phosphorylation: general case
switchable changes in activity can activate or diminish activity

50 phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase
dephosphorylated enzyme less active phosphorylated enzyme more active fig 6-36 ish

51 Many covalent modifications

52 Many covalent modifications


54 Simple binding: one K describes whole curve rh

55 Cooperative binding: hemoglobin vs. myoglobin
K is NOT constant rh

56 sigmoidal (“s-ish”) curve shape
Cooperative binding sigmoidal (“s-ish”) curve shape “K” is a function of ligand concentration protein has multiple subunits (4o structure)* myoglobin hemoglobin *empirical observation rh

57 S P XXX enzyme with tertiary structure: single subunit
enzyme with quaternary structure: multiple subunits this sort of structure allows the concentration of S to alter the the action of the enzyme on S... XXX

58 single subunit shows M&M kinetics
P Vo S multiple subunits allows sigmoidal kinetics cooperativity Vo when S is high E gets busy!! S

59 A non-cooperative system…

60 Cooperative enzyme sigmoidal (“s-ish”) curve shape “Km” is a function of substrate concentration not a constant!! protein has multiple subunits (4o structure) allows regulation by substrate or by unrelated molecules rh

61 Cooperative enzyme: sigmoidal rate curve
no constant Km for this curve!! fig 6-34

62 Effect of cooperativity: from sluggish to steep
(table 15-2)

63 S S P R S this sort of structure allows the concentration of S to
alter the the action of the enzyme on S... S P S this sort of structure allows the concentration of R to alter the the action of the enzyme on S... R S

64 fig 6-31

65 Allosteric regulators
activator inhibitor fig 6-34

66 Allosteric regulation Le deuxième secret de la vie !! Jacques Monod rh

67 Aspartate transcarbamoylase
regulatory catalytic fig 6-32

68 fig 6-32

69 chorismate mutase: a simple allosteric enzyme branch point in aromatic aa metabolism...

70 chorismate mutase: branch point in aa metabolism
tryptophan tyrosine

71 chorismate mutase Vo no regulator [chorismate] plus tryptophan plus
tyrosine [chorismate]

72 CM chorismate mutase: branch point in aa metabolism tryptophan
activates CM tyrosine inhibits CM

73 chorismate mutase: a homodimer
active site regulator binding 4o structure is required for allostery!

74 chorismate mutase small spatial differences in structure underlie regulation

75 chorismate mutase small spatial differences in structure underlie regulation

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