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Presentation on theme: "ACTION PLAN FOR N.E. REGION BASED ON NER VISION 2020 Dated : 16 th June, 2011. Presented by: JOINT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF POWER GOVT. OF INDIA Before: 60."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 (All figures in MW) STATEHYDROTHERMAL RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES TOTAL Assam429.72522.0127.11978.84 Arunachal Pradesh97.5736.9378.86213.36 Meghalaya230.5828.0131.03289.62 Tripura62.37186.6916.01265.07 Manipur80.9871.375.45157.80 Nagaland53.3221.1928.67103.18 Mizoram34.3168.1436.47138.92 Total (NER)1116.00989.74223.602329.34 Sikkim75.2773.1047.11195.48 TOTAL (NER+SIKKIM)1191.271062.84270.712524.82 INSTALLED CAPACITY AS ON 31.03.2011

3 3 State Peak Shortage(-)/Surplus(+) Energy Shortage(-)/Surplus(+) Peak Demand Peak Met MW% Energy Requirement AvailabilityMW% Assam 971937-34-3.5054145075-339-6.3 Ar.Pradesh 10185-16-15.8507432-75-14.4 Meghalaya 294284-10-3.411531359-194-12.5 Tripura 220197-23-10.5883802-81-9.2 Manipur 118115-3-2.5568504-64-11.3 Nagaland 118110-8-6.8588524-64-10.9 Mizoram 7670-06-7.9366313-53-14.5 Total(NER)19131560-353-18.598799009-870-8.8 Sikkim 106104-2-1.9402 00 ACTUAL POWER SUPPLY POSITION as on 31.03.2011 (April-10 to March-11)

4 4 DISTRIBUTION IN THE NER – STATUS The AT&C losses (%) during the last three years in NER States. Sl. No.State2006-072007-082008-09 1.Arunachal Pradesh57.9661.5960.15 2.Assam36.6435.1820.32 3.Manipur79.6979.3981.01 4.Meghalaya39.0839.4543.37 5.Mizoram31.7128.3141.01 6.Nagaland48.0144.0848.69 7.Sikkim61.4351.3256.86 8.Tripura29.1930.1631.98 135 projects under Part-A of R-APDRP at the estimated cost of Rs. 408.16 Crs. sanctioned in NER States to control AT&C losses.

5 5 HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL AND IT’S DEVELOPMENT IN NORTH EASTERN REGION Total hydro-power potential in the NER including Sikkim is 63,257. Presently, only 3% of the assessed potential has been developed in N.E. Region.

6 6 HYDRO POWER PROJECTS IDENTIFIED/ALLOTTED IN N.E. REGION AND SIKKIM 143 HE projects with capacity of 57,167 MW identified by CEA/States in NER for implementation and monitoring. Out of these, 79 projects have been allotted in Arunachal Pradesh as on date:  75 projects allotted to private sector with capacity of 29512 MW,  4 projects for a capacity of 5870 MW are allotted to CPSUs. Sector-wise, State-wise HE Schemes allotment

7 7 Identified Capacity as per reassessment study Capacity Developed Capacity under development Capacity Developed + Under Development Capacity yet to be developed. above 25 MW(MW) (MW(MW)% NORTH EASTERN REGION (other than Sikkim) MEGHALAYA2298156166322197685.99 TRIPURA000000.00 MANIPUR17611050 165694.04 ASSAM6503750 27542.31 NAGALAND1452750 137794.83 AR. PRADESH50064405446048654519990.28 MIZORAM2131060 207197.18 SIKKIM424857021622732151635.69 TOTAL (NER)62,60416866848853454,07086.36 STATUS OF DEVELOPMENT OF H.E. POTENTIAL IN NER AND SIKKIM

8 8 Sl. No. Name of Project I.C. (MW) State/ Implementing Agency Likely Commissioning 1.Subansiri Lower2000Arunachal Pradesh/ Assam/NHPC2013-15 2.Kameng600Arunachal Pradesh/ NEEPCO2016-17 3.Pare110Arunachal Pradesh/ NEEPCO2013-14 4.Demwe Lower1750Ar. Pr./M/s. Athena Demwe Power Ltd.2016-17 5.Tuirial60Mizoram / NEEPCO2014-15 6.Myntdu126Meghalaya/ MeSEB2011-12 7.New Umtru40Meghalaya/ MeSEB2012-13 Sub-total (NER)4692 8.Chujachen99Sikkim/ M/s. Gati Infrastructure Ltd.2011-12 9.Teesta- III1200Sikkim/ M/s. Teesta Urja Ltd.2012-13 10.Teesta- VI500Sikkim/ M/s. Lanco Energy Pvt. Ltd.2012-13 11.Rangit-IV120Sikkim/ M/s. Jal Power corp. Ltd.2013-14 12.Jorethang Loop96Sikkim/ M/s DANS Energy Ltd.2012-13 13.Bhasmey51Sikkim/ M/s Gati Infrastructure Ltd.2012-13 Sub-total (Sikkim)2066 Total (NER + Sikkim)6758 UNDER CONSTRUCTION HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECTS IN NER INCLUDING SIKKIM Under Construction Thermal Projects

9 9 Delay in Environment & Forest clearances. Problem in Land Acquisition. Downstream impact Assessment. Development of Infrastructure (Roads & Bridges). Power Evacuation & Sequencing of Projects. Long Term Financing. MAJOR ISSUES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF H.E. POTENTIAL Measures for expeditious Hydro Power Development

10 10 MAJOR INITIATIVES IN TRANSMISSION AND SUB TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IN THE NER 1.Comprehensive scheme for strengthening of transmission and distribution system in NER and Sikkim: Power Grid has prepared DPR. The estimated cost of the schemes is about ` 11348.5 Crs. The schemes are to be funded by GOI/World Bank. The schemes are to be implemented in 2 phases by 2015-16. 2.Transmission system for evacuation of power from Pallatana GBPP: The power from the Pallatana GBPP (726.6 MW) being implemented by OTPC would be evacuated over Pallatana-Silchar-Bongaigaon 400kV D/C line being implemented by NETC. 3.North East-Northern/Western Interconnector-I : Biswanath Chariyalli-Agara + 800kV, 6000 MW HDVC bipolar line to evacuate power from Lower Subansiri HEP (2000 MW) and Kameng HEP (600 MW) being implemented by Power Grid. Will be utilized for evacuation from Hydro Projects in Bhutan namely Punatsanchu-I (1200 MW), Punatsanchu-II (990 MW) and Mangdechu (720 MW). Existing and Under Construction Transmission System

11 11 About 45000 MW of power to be evacuated from NER through chicken neck area in north of West Bengal A very narrow patch of land (22 km. width X 18 km length) near Siliguri having borders of Nepal on one side & Bangladesh on the other side and is largely habited. All transmission lines, railway lines, gas pipe-lines, telecommunication lines etc. have to pass through the chicken neck area. About 8 nos. of HVDC/EHVAC corridors may be required with a total width of about 1.5-2 Kms. For this, 4 corridors of + 800kV HVDC of 6000MW each (Total : 24,000 MW) is under implementation. DEVELOPMENT OF TR. SYSTEM THROUGH CHICKEN NECK

12 12 COMPREHENSIVE STRENGTHENING IN NER  The scheme mainly covers :  The total scheme has been programmed in two phases; Phase-I and II, to be completed progressively by 2015-16.  Estimated Total Cost : Rs. 11,411.00 Crs.  Intra-state transmission & sub- transmission system (132kV & above)  5700 km line  87 nos. substations (7600MVA) to strengthen the grid to deliver power to states with security and reliability.  Distribution System (upto 33kV)  8450 km line  332 nos. substations (2255MVA) to disperse power to the ultimate consumer Details of State-wise Estimated Cost and scope of work

13 13 Huge potential for future hydro generation projects Need to transfer power over to load centre over long distance Difficult Terrain – Hilly, Forest, River Crossing Development of high capacity transmission corridor through Chicken Neck Area High cost of transmission system due to  High Capacity Transmission line through difficult corridor  Phased development of the generation projects  Low PLF of hydro projects FUTURE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM - CHALLENGES

14 14 FUNDING OF COMPREHENSIVE STRENGTHENING SCHEMES  MoP has recommended the scheme to DEA in June, 2009.  During Nov.,2010, DEA has posed the scheme to World Bank in three transces of USD 500 million each.  The World Bank is deliberating upon the scheme. World Bank preliminary mission is visiting the states of NER.

15 15 RAJIV GANDHI GRAMIN VIDYUTIKARAN YOJANA (RGGVY) IN N.E. STATES RGGVY projects for all districts have been sanctioned Project coverage/targets and achievements are: Target of Village Electrification (nos.) Villages Electrified (nos.) % achievement Target of BPL Connections (no. in Lakh) Connections Released (no. in Lakh) % achievement 13906782656.3%15.607.7449.6% State-wise details


17 17 Name of State CentralPrivateTotal No.I.C. (MW)No.I.C. (MW)No.I.C. (MW) Ar. Pradesh344008631375.58935775.5 Assam------ Manipur21566--2 Meghalaya1855112461209 Mizoram52196--5 Nagaland--11651 Total (NER)1182479232664.510340911.5 Sikkim2730202532223262 Total (NER+Sikkim) 13897711235196.512544173.5 SUMMARY OF HE SCHEMES ALLOTTED IN NER & SIKKIM (YET TO BE TAKEN UP FOR IMPLEMENTATION) SUMMARY OF HE SCHEMES ALLOTTED IN NER & SIKKIM (YET TO BE TAKEN UP FOR IMPLEMENTATION) BACK

18 18 UNDER CONSTRUCTION THERMAL PROJECTS IN THE NER Name of ProjectAgencyStateCapacity (MW) Remarks Bongaigaon TPP (3x250 MW) NTPCAssam750  Commissioning Schedule – 8/2012, 7/2013, 10/2013 Monarchak Gas Based Power Project NEEPCOTripura100  Commissioning Schedule - 01/214 OTPC CCPP (Palatana) (2x363.3 MW) JV of ONGC & Govt. of Tripura Tripura726.6  Commissioning Schedule – 03/2012 Namrup CCGTAPGCLAssam100  Commissioning Schedule – Early 12 th Plan Lakwa WHRU Project/Steam Turbine APGCLAssam37.2  Commissioning Schedule – 3 rd Quarter of 2011-12. BACK

19 19 ACTION PLAN FOR EXPEDITIOUS HYDRO DEVELOPMENT To obviate the problems of levels being encountered during DPR formulation; a ‘Basin Approach’ could be adopted for planning the projects in the entire basin. Such an approach would help in optimizing the features and the benefits from individual schemes.  State Government to facilitate availability of hydrological data/details and topo-sheets/bench-marks for development. Creation of a Data Bank in certain central agency like CWC could also be considered so that developers have access to the already available hydrological data. Contd…..BACK Sheet 1 of 3

20 20 ACTION PLAN FOR EXPEDITIOUS HYDRO DEVELOPMENT  Development of infrastructure facilities like roads in the basin jointly by the State/NEC/DoNER and Developers.  Facilitate environmental clearance at the State level.  Law & Order Problems to be suitably addressed by the State.  State Government to facilitate in Land acquisition.  Adoption of it is around the project area by the developers well in advance for developing skilled manpower required.  Strict monitoring of the progress and quality of investigations by the State for time bound formulation of DPRs and implementation of schemes. Contd…..BACK Sheet 2 of 3

21 21 ACTION PLAN FOR EXPEDITIOUS HYDRO DEVELOPMENT  Firming up the beneficiaries/buyers well in time in order to obtain LTOA for evacuation of power and so that completion of transmission system matches with the commissioning schedule.  Storage projects could be given more thrust by the States due to the ever growing threat of changes in flow pattern due to Climate Change especially in Himalayan Region. BACK Sheet 3 of 3

22 22 Existing and under Construction BACK Sheet 1 of 3

23 Kathalguri Misa Lower Subansiri Balipara Kameng Bishwanath Chariali Bongaigaon Silchar Pallatana Agra Melriat Imphal P.K. Bari Siliguri Surajmaninagar BACK Sheet 2 of 3

24 24  Existing Tr. System for Major project like Kathalguri (Gas : 291 MW), Ranganadi(Hydro : 405MW) (Black Color)  Kathalguri – Misa 400kV D/c line (operated at 220kV)  Misa– Balipara – Bongaigaon – Siliguri 400kV D/c line  Ranganadi – Balipara 400kV D/c line  On-going Tr. System for Lower Subansiri(2000MW) / Kameng(600MW) Hydro Projects (Red Color)  Kameng-Balipara-Bongaigaon 400kV D/c  Lower Subansiri – Biswanath Chariyali 400 kV 2 x D/C Line  Biswanath Chariyali – Agra ± 800 kV, 6000 MW HVDC Bi pole line  On-going Tr. System for Pallatana(726 MW)/Bongaigaon(750 MW) Thermal Projects (Blue Color)  Pallatana-Silchar-Bongaigaon(PG) 400kV D/c line (twin moose)  Pallatana - Surajmaninagar (Tripura) 400kV D/c line (op. at 132kV)  Silchar – PK Bari (Tripura) 400kV D/c line (op. at 132kV)  Silchar (Assam)– Melriat (Mizoram) 400kV D/c line (op. at 132kV)  Silchar(Assam) - Imphal(Manipur) 400kV D/c line (op. at 132kV) BACK MAJOR TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Sheet 3 of 3

25 25 StateTransmission & Sub- transmission (132kV and above) Distri- bution (33 kV) Sub- Total Consul- tancy Total Total incl IDC Phase-IPhase-II 1Inter - State44.5250.20.00294.739.0333.7336.2 2Ar. Pradesh959.2466.8217.11643.1217.51860.6 3Assam711.7940.6741.72394.0316.92710.92731.2 4Manipur196.9185.5260.2642.685.1727.7733.1 5Meghalaya920.50.00283.91204.4159.41363.81374.0 6Mizoram263.4222.2145.0630.683.5714.0719.4 7Nagaland915.80.00152.11067.9141.31209.21218.3 8Tripura612.7229.2284.61126.5149.11275.61285.1 9Sikkim730.70.00 287.6 1018.3134.81153.1 TOTAL5355.42294.42372.210022.01326.511348.511411.0 COMPREHENSIVE SCHEME – ESTIMATED COST BACK Sheet 1 of 2

26 26 Transmission/ Subtransmission (132kV & above) Distribution (upto 33kV) Line (Km) New S/s (No) Total MVA (New & Aug.) Line (km) New S/s (No) Total MVA (New & Aug.) Interstate2704715--- Manipur4954185229154244 Ar. Pradesh135419705138036169 Meghalaya58961072.586954535 Mizoram5696225121063399 Assam80927283610663198 Nagaland810658549632222 Tripura645973085546381 Sikkim164636029116207 Total 5705877413.584583322255 COMPREHENSIVE SCHEME – SCOPE OF WORK BACK Sheet 2 of 2

27 27 Sl.State Project Coverage Project Cost (Rs. Crore) Achievements (31-05- 2011) Electrification of Village (no.) Connections to BPL H/Hs (nos.) Village Electrification (no.) % of Target BPL connection( no.) % of Target 1 Arunachal Pr.212940810537.6871733.7%1474436.1% 2 Assam85259916561660.00643075.4%61526862.0% 3 Manipur882107369357.7929333.2%1082210.1% 4 Meghalaya1943116447290.411517.8%3466929.8% 5 Mizoram13727417104.255741.6%984935.9% 6 Nagaland10569900111.176057.1%1900027.2% 7 Sikkim251145857.112080.0%718762.7% 8 Tripura160194730131.479861.3%6225632.0% Total1390615597873249.88782656.3%77379549.6% BACK RAJIV GANDHI GRAMIN VIDYUTIKARAN YOJANA (RGGVY) IN N.E. STATES

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