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1 content/uploads/2008/08/muddy-waters.jpg Rachel Blyth Mike Meskal Justin Keeth 12 Bar Blues

2 Do Fa Sol Fa Dov Sing and Sign… How many beats in a measure? How many measures? Rachel Blythe cool_sax_player_jazz_musician_55855.jpg

3 If Do is “C”, can you find Fa and Sol on the bars? C Now let’s play the twelve bar blues... Rachel Blythe cool_sax_player_jazz_musician_55855.jpg

4 FASOLDO Now step, play and sing the progression. Others sing call and response! Sing and play the 12 bar blues! Rachel Blythe

5 Blues Origins Began on 19th century plantations by slaves Work songs and field hollers started the “call and response” form in blues music Justin Keeth

6 The Great Migration African Americans migrated from the south to the north, midwest, and west in large numbers starting in 1910. This spread blues songs into new regions of the country Justin Keeth

7 Early Blues Artists Blind Lemon Jefferson (1893- 1927) Texas Bessie Smith (1894-1937) Tennessee Robert Johnson (1911-1938) Mississippi eference/Profiles/Johnson__Robert/johns on__robert.html media/story/alcooks_bluespiri ts_part26.htm departments/englishdepartment/A merican_Literature/Quarter_3.htm l Justin Keeth

8 Blues influence on early Rock and Roll Many early rock and roll artists would take the 12 bar blues form and speed up the tempo Starting in the 1950’s electric instruments were more commonly heard in blues songs http://52weeksofmusic.wordp berry-chuck-berry-is-on-top/ Justin Keeth

9 Composing The Blues Simply learning about music isn’t nearly as useful as learning how to play music. The enduring understandings will have long lasting effects if the students are able to apply their knowledge before the unit is over. It takes a strong understanding of music to be able to compose. Mike Meskel

10 Composing The Blues While the idea of composition can seem daunting, students can be given guidelines to make the task of composing a song as a group easier. Mike Meskel

11 Composing The Blues Class Blues Composition Identify elements of the Blues. Identify the lyrical structure of the Blues. As a class, compile a list of problems that students deal with. Have students and teacher sing possible blues lines. Have students pick their favorite lyrical line. Have students sing possibilities for the “turnaround” lyrical line. Mike Meskel

12 Composing The Blues Class Blues Composition Play a blues accompaniment on the guitar or piano while repeating the song. Alternate between having the teacher and students sing the song, letting it vary each time. Stop playing the song and ask students if each person’s interpretation was the same. Explain to students that often times each artist will interpret the same blues song differently. Congratulate the students on composing a blues song. Mike Meskel

13 Beginning Blues Improvisation Simply learning about music isn’t nearly as useful as learning how to play music. The enduring understandings will have long lasting effects if the students are able to apply their knowledge before the unit is over. It takes a strong understanding of music to be able to compose. Mike Meskel

14 Beginning Blues Improvisation Improvisation is at the root of Blues music. Improvisation often starts with simple call and response phrases passed from one musician to the other. Students can be taught the basics of improvising when given specific guidelines. Mike Meskel

15 Beginning Blues Improvisation Have students play call and response phrases on marimbas. Play a Jamey Aebersold play along CD as an accompaniment for students. While limiting students to only two notes, have them improvise for four measures each. While limiting students to only two notes, have them improvise for an entire blues chorus. Mike Meskel Guided Improvisation

16 Beginning Blues Improvisation Allow students to play a blues scale to improvise for four measures each. Allow students to play a blues scale to improvise for an entire blues solo. Ask students to reflect about what worked well when soloing and what they liked best. Resume playing accompaniment and encourage unrestrained improvisation. Mike Meskel Guided Improvisation

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