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UNDERSTANDING THE BRAIN’S EMERGENT PROPERTIES Don Miner, Marc Pickett, and Marie desJardins Multi-Agent Planning & Learning Lab University of Maryland,

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Presentation on theme: "UNDERSTANDING THE BRAIN’S EMERGENT PROPERTIES Don Miner, Marc Pickett, and Marie desJardins Multi-Agent Planning & Learning Lab University of Maryland,"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNDERSTANDING THE BRAIN’S EMERGENT PROPERTIES Don Miner, Marc Pickett, and Marie desJardins Multi-Agent Planning & Learning Lab University of Maryland, Baltimore County March 6, 2008

2 2 RULE ABSTRACTION Rule Abstraction: the process of learning correlations between swarm-level properties and low-level parameter values. Enables control of swarms in terms of the swarm-level properties. Enables predictions of emergent behavior from the agent-level parameters. Results: end-user control over swarms, swarm “planners”, richer applications.

3 3 RULE ABSTRACTION Low-level parameters: Abstract property: Mapping function: Reverse mapping function: The learning problem is defining: and

4 4 BOIDS “Boids” by Craig Reynolds in 1986 Agents follow three rules: Separation Alignment Cohesion Swarm-level parameters: Density Internal velocity Separation Alignment Cohesion

5 5 RULE HIERARCHIES Natural extension to rule abstraction: Abstract properties are used as low-level parameters of higher-level abstract properties. Changes anywhere in the hierarchy are propagated throughout.

6 6 THE MIND AS A RULE HIERARCHY? Looking at the mind as an emergent property of the brain, can we define a rule hierarchy that models intelligence? Can we learn how parameter values of atom-level programs influence emergent properties of the brain? Is there a way to break up the concept of intelligence into sub-emergent properties -- or does it all just emerge in one step? What other benefits are there of thinking of the brain as an emergent system?

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