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Robot Shove (aka Bottle RoboSumo) Rules & Judging Guidelines North American Championship Nov 3, 2012, 2pm~6pm Lawrence Tech 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Robot Shove (aka Bottle RoboSumo) Rules & Judging Guidelines North American Championship Nov 3, 2012, 2pm~6pm Lawrence Tech 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robot Shove (aka Bottle RoboSumo) Rules & Judging Guidelines North American Championship Nov 3, 2012, 2pm~6pm Lawrence Tech 1

2 Why Robot Shove for Learning? Dynamic environment – Opponent is moving – Bottle may be moving Unknown environment – Location of bottle is unknown – Lighting condition is unknown – Table color is partially known – … 2

3 STEM learning Goals Physical Science – Newtons laws – Force, Mass, Velocity, and Acceleration – Friction – Gears Sensors Computer Programming 3

4 Qualifying: Object Detection Testing We will first test if the robot detects the bottle We will record the time to take to push the bottle off the table; Team rank will be determined Also judges will mark the side of the robot that has working sensor(s) to detect the object Teams may compete, even if it does not succeed in this test The team rank is used to make Double Elimination Tournament Brackets with Seeds 4

5 Practice Schedule Practice Fields are open to teams: – Friday, Nov 2: 3pm ~ 8pm – Saturday, Nov 3: 9am ~ 1:30pm 5

6 Schedule Qualifying test from 1:45pm Opening ceremony: 2:30pm Expected total time for 25 teams: – Number of double elimination matches for N teams: max. 2*N -1 – Expected number of matches: around 50 – Expected time for a match: 2x3 = 6 min – Expected total time: 300 min = 5 hours, if sequential. Jr. and Sr. competitions will be concurrent till Semi finals 6

7 How to start the game Size & weight must be checked for each match Each ring has a timer Only one player is allowed to start the robot Just press the orange button and go Human player must move back promptly A judge will place a bottle in between the robots Do *not* come close to the ring, when the robot is on the floor 7

8 Sample Initial Configuration (1) The Bottle will be located on this virtual line during the 3 seconds wait period. Center Teams can choose the orientation either south or north. Omni directional robots can be located any direction 8

9 Sample Initial Configuration (2) The Bottle will be located on this virtual line during the 3 seconds wait period. South corner 9

10 Sample Initial Configuration (3) The Bottle will be located on this virtual line during the 3 seconds wait period. North corner 10

11 Sample Initial Configuration (4) ? 11

12 A team of two Judges Winner of each game is determined when both Judges agree. If not, they will decide whether to do rematch or declare tie game. 12

13 A team of two Judges Both Judges must agree on intentional dropping of bottle, off the table If not, the game continues. The bottle will not be removed from the competition area. (Note that the table is raised up.) 13

14 Example – if Bottle is dropped off the table unintentionally, the game will continue until one robot remains on the table A B 14

15 FAQ My start button was not pressed correctly. Can I touch the robot after the game started. - No. My robot did not move at all. – This is OK. Game will continue. Drop of robot piece – Automatic lose (robots are not allowed to expand) Someone was using flash photography – Game continues, if both robots are not affected. If a robot is affected, the Judges will decide rematch or not. Also, Judges must announce No Flash Photography rule in the beginning. 15

16 Two Sumo Rings Ring1 (Sr. Division) – Judge 1: XXXX – Judge 2: XXXX – Score keeper: XXXX Ring 2 (Jr. Division) – Judge 1: XXXX – Judge 2: XXXX – Score keeper: XXXX Judges have all the discretion in making final decisions 16

17 Recognition for everyone at the end of the program Certificate o Please update team info by Tue Oct 30, Noon o Upload Team Picture by Tue Oct 30, Noon Medal 17

18 Team Travel Support for IRO 2012 Partial Airfare Additional support from Robofest Office for Team fundraising events 18

19 International Robot Olympiad 2013 Robot Shove Game Again in December Denver, Colorado 19

20 Questions? 20

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