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CASTNESS‘11 Computer Architectures and Software Tools for Numerical Embedded Scalable Systems Workshop & School: Roma January 17-18th 2011 Frédéric ROUSSEAU.

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Presentation on theme: "CASTNESS‘11 Computer Architectures and Software Tools for Numerical Embedded Scalable Systems Workshop & School: Roma January 17-18th 2011 Frédéric ROUSSEAU."— Presentation transcript:

1 CASTNESS‘11 Computer Architectures and Software Tools for Numerical Embedded Scalable Systems Workshop & School: Roma January 17-18th 2011 Frédéric ROUSSEAU Professor at University Joseph Fourier – Grenoble (France) TIMA Lab - SLS 46 av. Félix Viallet – 38000 Grenoble – France Communication Synthesis in Low Level Software for Hierarchical Heterogeneous Systems

2 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th Context of MPSoC  An increasing number of processors: 380 processors on chip in 2015 (ITRS)  Heterogeneity is the trend (good ratio FLOPS/W) In the High Performance Computing  TOP500 (Nov. 2010): 2 heterogeneous architectures in the top 3  GREEN500 (June 2010): 3 heterogeneous architectures in the top 3 In the embedded world  TI OMAP, Nexperia, D940, …  A hierarchical structure is mandatory 3 levels: tile, chip, system (multi-chip) 2 System

3 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th Communication in hierarchical structure  Challenges in communication synthesis Hierarchy and HW should be transparent for the system designer Complexity of the infrastructure and abstraction  Heterogeneity of tile, chip and system  Specific processor (VLIW)  Non Uniform Memory Access  Multiple hierarchy  Use of complex network interfaces Efficient use of communication infrastructure Control of the limited resources (memory)  TIMA is in charge of providing low level software that includes communication synthesis 3

4 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th Binary code generation flow 4 Application & Source code of task Application & Source code of task Architecture Mapping Parsing of input models Parsing of input models SW component selection SW component selection Compilation and linking tools Com OS FRONT-END BACK-END Y-CHART 01001 000 Binary SW component libraries

5 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th Binary code generation flow 5 Application & Source code of task Application & Source code of task Architecture Mapping Parsing of input models Parsing of input models SW component selection SW component selection Compilation and linking tools Com OS FRONT-END BACK-END Y-CHART 01001 000 Binary SW component libraries Communication paths FIFO in KPN model Association path FIFO

6 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 6 Outline  Introduction  HW communication paths  Software components for communication  Conclusion

7 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 7 The need of HW paths  Introduction to HW paths HW components used for communications (data transfers) Use or not of specific components (DMA, …) Intermediate memories These HW paths are given by the architecture designer  Why do we need these HW paths ? Communication synthesis System designers want to have a control on communication  Where do we use these HW paths ? Used in simulation (architecture exploration, CF DOL methodology) Mapping Perspectives: analyze and verification …

8 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 8 Read and Write paths for intra-tile CPU3 Mem3 Mem2NI2 NI3 NI4 Tile CPU1CPU2 Mem1NI1 Network 3 Network 2 Network 4 Network 1

9 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 9 Read and Write paths for inter-tile Multi-Tile Network 1 9 CPU1CPU2 CPU3 Mem1 Mem3 Mem2 NI1 NI2 NI3 NI4 Network 1 Network 2 Network 3 Network 4 NI6 Multi-Tile Network 2 NI5 Tile

10 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th How to use these HW paths ?  Hypothesis All HW paths are listed in the architecture model In the mapping, each channel from the application model should be associated with one HW path  A protocol may be given  The communication synthesis consists in Parsing architecture and mapping models Selecting the SW components Specializing SW components (ex: FIFO size, base address, …) And then providing a source code ready to be compiled and linked 10

11 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 11 Outline  Introduction  HW communication paths  Software components for communication  Conclusion

12 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 12 Software stack  Application 1 task per process Source code of task  OS Task and driver management Virtual file system (VFS) HW access only via HAL  COM Based on VFS  HAL Interface for HW access: Interrupts, locks, caches, endianess, …

13 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 13 Software stack: write function function t1_behavior(Channel c1) begin … channel_write(c1, buffer, len); end int main() { Channel c1; Thread t1; // Communication channel initialization c1= channel_init(“/dev/fifo.0”); // Task initialization t1 = thread_create(…, t1_behavior); …}

14 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 14 Software stack: write function function channel_write(Channel c, char *buffer, int len) begin … vfs_write(c->desc, buffer, len); end function t1_behavior(Channel c1) begin … channel_write(c1, buffer, len); end

15 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 15 Software stack: write function function vfs_write(Vfile f, char *buffer, int len) begin … f->stream->write(desc->id,buffer, len); end Driver choice (Software FIFO inter-CPU, Rendez-vous,…) function channel_write(Channel c, char *buffer, int len) begin … vfs_write(c->desc, buffer, len); end

16 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 16 Software stack: write function function vfs_write(Vfile f, char *buffer, int len) begin … f->stream->write(desc->id,buffer, len); end function fifo_write(char *buffer, int len) begin config = getConfiguration(); … HAL_WRITE (buffer, config->writeptr, len); end

17 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th function fifo_write(char *buffer, int len) begin config = getConfiguration(); … HAL_WRITE (buffer, config->writeptr, len); end 17 Software stack: write function function HAL_WRITE(char *from, char *to, int len) begin // May use of DMA end

18 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 18 The need of driver library  One driver for each HW path is not realist Too much development  Only few drivers corresponding to few HW paths Need of driver configurability  Memory addresses  Platform resources: locks, timer, …  Exotic configurations while using specific network interfaces (DNP !) => Tradeoff efficiency/number of paths represented

19 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 19 About the HW path selected  Each driver should be specialized To respect the selected HW path Right configuration To access all HW components mentioned in the HW path  BUT it has to be compatible with the HAL HAL has a limited number of interfaces (and limited HW access)  Efficiency  Ease the porting to another platform  Difficult to respect HW paths given in the mapping  Due to HAL (usually minimal but expected as optimal)  Local memory not necessary respected by compilers

20 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 20 Available protocols  For the D940 platform (ARM & mAgicV processors)  Intra-tile  SW FIFO  Rendez-vous in synchronous mode  Inter-tile  Sockets  RDMA protocols (eager and Rendez-vous)

21 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th 21 Example of results  LQCD application (from INFN) About 50 processes and 100 channels  Protocols used Intra-tile: Rendez-vous Inter-tile: Eager for small message, Rendez-vous otherwise Mapping Intra-procIntra-tile Inter-proc Inter-tiles#Drivers Specializations 1 tile, ARM96001 1 tile, ARM+DSP801602112 2 tiles, ARM720242120 2 tiles, ARM+DSP5616243136 8 tiles, ARM340622156 8 tiles, ARM+DSP1816623174

22 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th What next for EURETILE ?  WP4: Distributed Hardware Dependant Software Generation OS, HAL, communication mechanisms 3 main topics  Brain-inspired many processes SW requirements  Fault tolerance aware capabilities provided by HW  Real-time aspect Interesting solution: task migration, but it is challenging  Heterogeneity of the architecture  NUMA  Message passing  Semi-centralized architecture 22

23 TIMA Laboratory- Frédéric ROUSSEAU - CASTNESS’11 Roma January 18 th Conclusion & perspectives  Communication synthesis in multi-tile platform Formalization of multi-tile communications Introduction of HW paths Development of communication driver library Automatic selection and configuration of drivers  What is really implemented may not be what has been decided HAL constraints  Communication are the basics for task migration in a message passing system 23

24 CASTNESS‘11 Computer Architectures and Software Tools for Numerical Embedded Scalable Systems Workshop & School: Roma January 17-18th 2011 Frédéric ROUSSEAU Professor at University Joseph Fourier – Grenoble (France) TIMA Lab - SLS 46 av. Félix Viallet – 38000 Grenoble – France Communication Synthesis in Low Level Software for Hierarchical Heterogeneous Systems

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