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Presentation on theme: "&tbnid=Zn476NDSFJKY1M:&imgrefurl="— Presentation transcript:

1 &tbnid=Zn476NDSFJKY1M:&imgrefurl= posters.html&docid=dUNkhSIpNTAH3M&imgurl= 1966/14780d1293294726-vintage-posters-fender1954.jpg&w=599&h=844&ei=bzOGT8- vMIjY0QGrq7DIBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=932&vpy=134&dur=3699&hovh=267&hovw=189&tx=113&ty=124&sig=100862234114279371 212&page=1&tbnh=176&tbnw=123&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:77

2   Before the Stratocaster Fender had the telecaster which was also a completely solid body guitar. But was uncomfortable to play for long periods of time due to it’s sharp edges, and only had three selections of pick- up options. Before 2dGtZKC6PM:&imgrefurl= CM&imgurl= x=729&vpy=182&dur=79&hovh=129&hovw=392&tx=266&ty=96&sig=100862234114279371212&page=5&tbnh=67&tbnw=205&ndsp=22&ved=1t :429,r:16,s:81,i:39

3   Fender wanted to make an easier to play solid body guitar that gave the player more options and a more modern style to fit the times. So they used the complaints of players to redesign the telecaster into what is known as the Strat. The Making

4   The name Stratocaster came from Leo Fenders partner Don Rendell, his intent was to mimic modernism and the innovations of air crafts of the time. The Name future/

5   The strats cut a way's made it much more modern and easier to play by balancing it out and allowing access to the higher notes, which the telecaster did not allow. Also it’s curved edges gave it more playability. The Body Changes

6   The third middle pick added additional tones the telecaster did not have with it’s only neck and bridge pick-ups. With this fender had to add a three way selector switch, which gave you six combos of pick- up options. The Pick Ups strat-pickups-set-fully-wired-2

7   The tremolo bridge a new innovation that gave players the ability to bend strings to reach new notes. And add a more personal swing to your playing. The Tremolo

8   This design of the Stratocaster has not been changed since introduction in 1954. It is truly built for the player and made to give you the sound you want no matter what you are playing from rock to jazz. Design

9   The word spread fast between musicians and the Fender Stratocaster gained a spot in music history as the go to guitar of any genera of music. Some of the best guitarists played a fender Stratocaster, one being the great Jimi Hendrix. The Stratocaster Today hendrix -named-greatist-guitarist-of-all-time- by-rolling-stone-news-jimi-hendrix-4529.html

10   Slide 1-9: info= Ash, Sam. "The Fender Stratocaster: History and Overview." Sam Ash Direct. Web. Thur Apr. 2012..  1 Pic: Talk, Strat -. "Strat Talk." Http:// posters.html. Strat Talk, 2007. Web. Thur Apr. 2012..  2 pic: Music Store, Me Cans. "Fender Standard Telecaster®." McCanns Music Centre. Mccanns. Web. Thur Apr. 2012..  3 pic: Blog. "Strat Blueprint." Guitarren. Guitarren, 2007. Web. Thur Apr. 2012..  4 Pic: Corp, Fender. "Fender Hall Of Fame." Fender Hall Of Fame. Fender, 2012. Web. Thurs Apr. 2012..//THE OTHER ONE: "Coin Aircraft Past, Present." Defenceedianetwork. 8 Oct. 2010. Web. Thurs Apr. 2012.. The work Cited Page

11   Pic 5: "1950s Fender for Sale." Web. Thurs Apr. 2012..  Pic 6:"Fender Stratocaster." Fender Texas Special Strat Pickups – Set Fully Wired. Web. 12 Apr. 2012..  PIC 7:"Tremolo Bars, Vibrolas, Wigglesticks & Whammy Bars." Ed Roman Guitars, USA Made Guitars, Custom Made Guitars, Hand Made Guitars. Web. 12 Apr. 2012..  Pic 8: Fender. "American Vintage '62 Stratocaster® Reissue." American Vintage '62 Stratocaster® Reissue by Fender Electric Guitars. Fender. Web. 12 Apr. 2012..  Pic 9:"Jimi Hendrix Named Greatist Guitarist of All Time by Rolling Stone." Music News. Web. 13 Apr. 2012..  And more work

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