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Working with Young People in Secure Accommodation From Chaos to Culture.

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1 Working with Young People in Secure Accommodation From Chaos to Culture


3 Types of Secure Accommodation England and Wales Young Offender Institutions Secure Training Centres Local Authority Secure Children’s Homes Different but……… The same!!!

4 Young people in secure accommodation Difficulties at school with both teachers and other children, resulting in either exclusion or truancy. Drugs and / or alcohol abuse with many young people having long standing mental health problems. A high percentage have attempted self-harm and / or had suicidal thoughts and many young people in Secure Accommodation have attempted to act on these. The offending profile of these young people reflects a higher number of previous offences than previously recorded and with the types of offences clustering at the more serious and violent end of the offending spectrum.

5 What Is Secure Accommodation For? Punishment and controlWelfare and care

6 From Chaos to Culture Control through Compliance “Making a transition from chaos to culture is not achieved by the rigid imposition of rules and regulations, hoping that if only we could have more control over people or events then chaos would be eliminated. It is achieved through struggling to make space for thinking so that informed decisions can be made, even if only about what to do next.” (Rose 2014 ) Overwhelmed by Chaos “Poorly organised institutions will risk enhancing the internal disorganisation of their severely disordered members, who in turn will tend to dismantle and disturb the organisation of the institution.” (Hinshelwood 1999)

7 From Chaos to Culture Organisation Consistent and reliable daily routines Education and Offending Behaviour Programmes Proper Health Care including Mental Health Relationships Staff who can ‘hold in mind’ and think about the meaning of behaviour as communication Staff who can engage young people in a non- judgmental but challenging approach

8 From Chaos to Culture ‘The inherent preferences of organisations are clarity, certainty and perfection. The inherent nature of human relationships involves ambiguity, uncertainty and imperfection. How one honours, balances and integrates the needs of both is the real trick of management.’ (Pascale and Athos 1981)

9 Contact: Jim Rose

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