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The Dangers of the Internet: Social Networking and Computer Security Threats.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dangers of the Internet: Social Networking and Computer Security Threats."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dangers of the Internet: Social Networking and Computer Security Threats

2 Agenda Introduction Security threats to your computer Social networking and potential threats Results from survey Class interaction and question forum

3 Presenter Louie Joe Gomez Graduate Student at UNM- Anderson School of Mgt. Masters of Accounting Program (MACCT) Graduating in December 2010 Information Systems Security Class Professor Alex Seazzu Role of Security in Information systems Managerial and technical view of security

4 The internet has undoubtedly changed our lives and brought forth a number of new opportunities With all the positive aspects, however, it can also present a real danger to its users In this presentation we will discuss some of the dangers associated with the use of social networking sites as well as the dangers you expose yourself to with regard to security threats to your computer Introduction

5 Security Threats Computer Virus Threats are programs written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission or knowledge of the user. A virus replicates and executes itself, usually doing damage to your computer in the process. Spyware Threats include any program that monitors your online activities or installs programs without your consent for profit or to capture personal information. Hackers & Predators are programmers who victimize others for their own gain by breaking into computer systems to steal, change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism. Phishing Threats includes masquerading as a trustworthy person or business and attempting to steal sensitive financial or personal information through fraudulent email or instant messages.

6 Dangers Why does the previously mentioned list matter to Me? Dangers of the following websites: –Free Wi-Fi –Online Gaming –Downloading (music, movies, etc…) –Chat Rooms

7 Firesheep Normally occurs on a free Wi-Fi connection Cookies sent over insecure connection can easily be captured –Allow a hacker to log into the same website via... HTTP session hijacking (AKA sidejacking).... – The extension allows [you to]... log in to a compromised account simply by double-clicking. Allows a hacker to impersonate you on MySpace and Facebook

8 Online games are being targeted by malicious software and fraud. Players often deactivate firewalls during game sessions and go without any form of security package, which may lead to the installation of malicious code. A number of harmful things can be done including sending malicious programs and spam. Gaming

9 While downloading music and movies is relatively safe, especially when using a paid subscription, you may inadvertently download a “program” that contains malware if it is titled similar to the song or movie that you were looking for Peer to peer downloading is especially dangerous for downloading malicious software Downloading

10 Social Networking Can be a good way to keep in touch with people May be more cost effective than conventional methods including telephone calls and letters mailed USPS Can be very dangerous to all users, especially those who do not take proper precautions Can be detrimental to ones future in more subtle ways if certain people gain access to your page Even private pages can be broken into by sophisticated hackers Can present a false image of you that can potentially endanger you

11 Facebook Video

12 Teenager found dead after meeting new Facebook friend Manuel Mitternacht, Alicia Wood May 16, 2010 …. she was allegedly lured to her death by a man she befriended on Facebook, who claimed to work for the animal welfare group. As Christopher James Dannevig, 20, faced a murder charge at Parramatta Bail Court yesterday, Nona's loved ones spoke of how her devotion to animals led to her death. ''It is heart-wrenching,'' he said. ''We have all got kids that age, I have kids that age myself … I have been doing this for a long time, but we're very upset. To go outside in the dark and find a young girl lying in the creek bed …''

13 Facebook stalker continues to harass 12-year-old girl 12-year-old girl and friends stalked and harassed by a man Found girls addresses on friends Facebook accounts Threatening messages, pornographic images and the like His account is apparently still open Facebook Simplifies Online Stalking?

14 Geo-tagging You can share your location via cell phone Broadcasting your location So, say you 'check into' Starbucks. It's not going to say, 'You're at Starbucks." It's going to show exactly where you are on a map."

15 Survey Results-Parents Is your child a member of a social networking website such as Facebook or MySpace?

16 Survey Results-Parents Cont’d Are you "friends" with your child on their personal social networking website?

17 Survey Results-Parents Cont’d Do you ever check the activity on your childs social networking website WITHOUT their knowledge?


19 Mark Ross???? Fake Facebook Account 42 friends in four days Free Access to your personal life School Pictures Weekend Fun Likes/Dislikes Locations (Harry Potter Movie at midnight)

20 Discussion Who do you think might look at your social networking page? College administrators, future employers, sexual predators, others with bad intent Do you personally know all of your Facebook friends? When you “friend” another persons contact, you may never meet this person…. Your initial contact may never have met them, or your new “friends” profile might be fake.

21 What is wrong with the following pictures? CORRECT ANSWERS GET CANDY!

22 Elizabeth Ln. 900

23 This is NOT the image you want potential predators to have of you


25 Conclusion If you don’t already have their phone number, they are not really your friend If you share with your parents, they wont have to spy on you Think before you post Update security software often Download safely

26 Questions

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